These Scars


Leah woke up feeling exhausted, like always.
It had been like this for a couple months already.
She couldn't sleep at night, and she was either too sick to sleep during the day or she had one of those rare moments where she was busy.
She groaned as she tried to sit up in bed, suddenly overwhelmed with the nausea.
Oh crap! She thought as she tried to run as fast as she could, which was more like waddling, to the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom.
Leah bent over the toilet bracing herself as she threw up everything she had to eat the night before.
Maybe even the afternoon.
This of course was slightly normal for Leah seeing as her "condition" came with major morning sickness.
When five minutes had passed without any throwing up she tried to get up praying that it was over till later.
Convinced that it was over she walked back into her room and put the robe around her shivering body and decided she would go and see if her dad left anything for her to do today. On her way she passed the small room next to hers that her dad and her had painted.
Like always it was quiet and too dark.
She entered the room and turned the little ballerina covered lamp on the nightstand on.
It lit up the room pretty well for such a little thing.
She walked up to the little crib that sat in the corner of the bedroom near the window.
Leah touched the little bedding.
It's so soft. She thought as she gently put the blanket to her face.
After ten or fifteen minutes passed she put the blanket back as she blinked the tears away that had made their way into her eyes.
She touched her swollen belly as she rocked back and forth on the little rocking chair her daddy had made for her on her 17th birthday.
The emotions she felt at that moment were a mixture of hate, love and confusion as she remembered what had happened throughout the past year.
It had all started that Sunday, two days before her Sweet 16.
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I hope you guys enjoy the prologue. please comment even if you don't like it.