Daddy's Little Darlings


I decide not to go into school the next day. I bunk off, and go down to the park, just in case. I sit for three hours before Noel finally turns up, in his own clothes, carrying a bulging school bag.
" Uniform," he say, patting it. " Got changed in the loos, escaped. How're you? Something new?"
" No," I mutter. I am still thinking of the only person to thaw me out.
" Dreaming of your boyfriend?"
My eyes snap up.
" What?"
" Or ex," shrugs Noel. " Whatever. It's a boy, though. Is it me?"
" Is it, heck!"
" Okay, I'm not your dreamboat.Anyone special?"
" I don't want to talk about it."
Noel raises his eyebrows but surprisingly says no more.
" I'd better go," I lie. " See you tomorrow."
" But I only just got here!"
" I need to be alone."
I walk away, walk and walk until I reach LakeWood High, my old school. I stand by the back railings and look out onto the empty playground.I can see the corner where I used to stand, cheering for Jake when he was playing b-ball, I can see the place where we used to kiss goodbye before he went off to his form in the Art block. Six months, that's how long we lasted. Six months of heaven before a rather hell-ish end.
My father is a murderer.

- I know it's so short, but it creates suspense so I'll get more comments!-