Daddy's Little Darlings

My Hero

Over the next few weeks, I get closer and closer to Noel. He keeps asking me if he can come round, but I always say no. Noel is my saving grace. My friends are still ignoring me, and Dad is still hitting me. I haven't heard from Danny either. It feels as though everyone is abandoning me.
I tell Noel about Danny, about my friends. I don't tell him about Jake or Dad, of course.
Dad is getting worse. Everyday, I have a fresh layer to disguise. Everyday, I have to battle through hours of torture.

It is Wednesday, and I am on the swings, waiting for Noel. He swoops over and parks himself on the swing next to me.
" Hello, Reilly. Can I come round?"
" No."
" Oh, go on. Please?"
" No way!"
" Why not?"
I shake my head.Noel pauses and gently says,
" Is it your dad?"
" Reilly, you can tell me. You don't have to pretend. Please."
He sounds so much like Jake used to, I start to cry. Noel leads me over to a bench, sits me down and rocks me, backwards and forwards.
" Shush. Come on, now. You can tell me."
" My dad.....he hits me, Noel. He hurts me. He used to hurt Mum, but she killed herself. He battered my brother because he's gay. I lied to my friends and they don't talk to me and Jake-Oh God!"
I break down into a fit of sobs.
" Jake?"
" Jake was my old boyfriend, but Dad killed him. My dad killed Jake, Noel. That's why nobody can thaw me out. Nobody can get close to me."
Noel blows my tears dry and plants a kiss on my head.
" Let me. Please."
His arms sidle round my waist and he holds me close.
" Let me, Reilly. Let me get close."