Daddy's Little Darlings

A happy ending for everyone

The police come to question me, and by that time, Danny has come. They decide to lock Dad up, and I am taken to Noel's house. His mum welcomes me with open arms, saying how awful it is but how I can spend as much time here as I want. Danny comes too, and we unpack and go to bed in the spare room. Noel ignores me.
The next day, I talk to him, and say sorry for scaring him.
" It gets so hard sometimes," I say. " I just want to give up."
" Don't," he whispers, kissing my neck. " Don't."
When I go back to school, I explain to Hannah, Tasha and Mia and apologize. I make another fresh start, and it's not bad.
Dad stays in prison for two years. I get one phone call from him, where I hang up when I hear his voice.
He took my life, my boyfriend, my mother, my brother away from me. That'll never happen again.
Noel is almost as lovely as Jake, and his mum does'nt mind when we stay up all night, watching zombie movies and kissing.I love Noel's family. I also love Liam, Danny's boyfriend. Liam is great. He has his own kareoke machine, collects toy bunnies and taught me how to read tarot. He is very cool, and once Danny's exams are over, they're getting a flat together. Liam's an outcast too, booted out by his parents. He said it's very sad, but he's so glad that he stood for what he wants and met my brother.
I'm glad to see that.
I miss Mum, of course. Somedays, I dream of her, but then Noel's mum* Linda* cheers me up and tells me stuff . Worry about asking Dad about periods over.
It's my happy ending,and I'm so glad.
Dad is taking a course, on how to be a better parent, but the Social said that he will never look after me or Danny again. It was obvious he wasn't good enough.
The bruises have faded, but I haven't put a new layer on. I'm the true Reilly now, and it feels great.
And it feels Okay to know that Dad is coming back. I know that I was never a proper daughter, that me and Danny weren't his children, not really.I don't care.

I've got bigger ambitions than being daddy's little darling.....