Daddy's Little Darlings


I come home late from school, due to my head of year asking about the bruises and me lying. Dad is back, and he looks angry still. I ignore him this time and go upstairs to do my homework.
We get a phonecall later on, and I run to get it. Hopefully, it's Danny. It's not, though, it's the hospital, and they ask to speak to Dad.
It is bad news, I know that. When he gets off the phone, Dad is shaken and pale. I beg him to tell me, and he does, eventually. I wish I didn't badger him now.
" Your mother," he starts. " She's dead. She killed herself."
My world freezes up and I feel my heart crack in two. I was never that close to my mum, but I need her to tell me stuff. I mean, I can't really ask Dad about periods, can I? Or my mates. That would be too embarassing.* oh, yes, I'm such a weedy dork I haven't even started yet.*
" She killed herself, earlier today. We've got to sort her funeral."
" NO!" I scream, and I run up to my room and fling myself on my bed and cry. I don't want this to happen, I don't want to be left on my own with...with him. I need my family.
The next day in school I tell everyone Mum died while she was in hospital from a car crash and they all sypathize. It's Okay, really. Easier than I expected. But then we have PSE, period 6, with Mr Willis, who is very nice and young and happy.
" Today, class," he says. " We're doing about a very common issue within teenagers. Suicide."
I stop breathing.
He tells us about it, and why people do it. He says some get bullied, some are depressed, and some are abusded at home. I start to feel hot. Then cold. Then I find breathing hard and my chest goes tight and my eyes go misty and I fall off my chair and curl up on the floor, rocking myself and weezing. People rush round me and I get dragged up and carted off to the nurse's room. I am layed down on the bed and given a glass of water and people rub my back and slowly, I start breathing again. My eyes go back to normal, and I see Hannah, Tasha, Mia and Mr Willis and the nurse all there, all for me. Wow. I've never felt so important.
" Oh, Reilly, are you Okay?" Hannah gushes, and gives me a hug that gets me weezing again.
" Can I be alone?"I ask, and they all go, even the nurse. I sit up, look the mirror. My pale bruised face is sweaty and my hands are shaking.
I feel like suicide now.