Daddy's Little Darlings


It is Sunday, and I am bored. I have listened to all my CD's, done all my homework and cleaned the house. I have phoned my friends, cooked tea for later and washed my newly-dyed brown hair. I wanted to be even more safe, so I went boring brown. My mates think I'm crazy.
Dad is at the pub, as usual, so I am home alone. Hannah has her grandparent's over, Tasha is at the park and Mia is shopping with her sister. It is very lonely.
I slope into the living room, put on the T.V, watch some Spongebob. It is surprisingly funny and cool, and I enjoy it. Just as I settle down for the fourth episode, there's a knock on the door and I grumble. I go into the hall and answer it.
Danny is standing on the doorstep, grinning and flicking his emo fringe out of his eyes.
I give him the biggest hug ever and I cry a bit, too, because I have missed him that much.
There's another boy there too, who is taller and heavier than Danny. He has cropped, chunky brown hair and a nice smile and skinny jeans.
" Reilly, this is Liam," Danny says. " Liam, this is my baby sis, Reilly."
Liam grins slightly, and I grin back. My brother has a boyfriend, and it doesn't feel weird.
" Do you know about Mum?" I ask, and Danny nods and I squeeze his hand. We all sit down and watch T.V and chat.
" Dad'll come home soon," I say nervously and Danny and Liam just laugh.
" No, don't laugh! It'll be Hell!"
They laugh again, but then we hear the key in the door.....

- Very short, but the next on is better!-