To Early.


I grab another soda out of the fridge. Biggest party of the year and my boyfriend ditches. This guy keeps staring at me like I am Hannah Mon-freaking- tana. Or some pornstar. I walk into the front room.
"Watch it Lily!" Brandon, the football captain, screamed at me. Him and Jermey were throwing the football. It came and hit me in the head.
"Yeah!" He yelled. Like he heard me. I walk back into the empty kitchen. I dig into the freezer and grab some ice. Brandon came running throught and knocked my soda all over me.
"BRANDON!" I scream. I get oj the ground with a cloth and start wiping the broken glass. The guy wakled in and bent down.
"Help Ace?" He asked. HIs blonde hair, blue eyes combo. "Logan." He held his hand out.
"Lily." I held out my hand. He held it and walked me into a room. He locked the door and we fell onto the bed.
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Jus the beginning.
Have fun