
Shocking News

Scarlett was in the kitchen getting her something to drink when she noticed the front door open. Soon her cousin walked in the kitchen with a smirk on his face.

Scarlett: Where did you run off to?
Chad: I had business to attend to. What are you doing up so late?
Scarlett: It's just 11 p.m.
Chad: Oh, well whatever.

He turned around and started to walk away, but Scarlett knew something was up with him. He could never keep a secret from her due to the twitching in his left eye, so she could tell he was now trying his damnest not to tell her something.

Scarlett: Chad Jeffery Falcone!

He turned around cringing at his cousin using his middle name. He knew that she had probably figured out that he was hiding something. He just didn't really want to tell her what happened, especially with Zeke.. So he decided to tell her the other part.

Chad: I got a new job.
Scarlett: A new job?
Chad: I started working for The Joker tonight.

She was taking a sip of her drink just as he said that, and ended up spitting it all back out. She couldn't believe what he had just said. Did she even hear him correctly? Her cousin was now working for Jack? Shaking her head she opened her mouth to talk.

Scarlett: You're working for The Joker?
Chad: Yeah. Try to keep it a secret, but that shouldn't be too hard for you.

He said walking away. She knew he still had a sour taste in his mouth about Zeke, but knowing him he'd wake up in the morning and be over it. He never stayed mad at her for too long. She was still shocked by the news she had just received though. She didn't know what Jack was thinking by having Chad work for him. How was she suppose to see him now? She placed the cup down on the counter and then walked over and grabbed her blazer that was laying on the back of the couch. She slipped out the front door without making too much noise.

On the entire walk to Jack's she kept questioning why he would do something like hire Chad. Why would Chad even volunteer to work for him? He had everything he ever needed in life, why would he want to complicate things by working with The Joker? She just didn't understand what was going on. Arriving at the front door she pounded on it.

The new and improved Happy walked over to the door and opened it. He looked down and saw a woman with raven black hair and crystal blue eyes. He thought she was very attractive. Just as he was about to open his mouth and ask what she was doing here, a man from behind him spoke.

Giggles: She's fine. I suggest you move out of her way though.

Happy scrunched his eyes up in confusion and moved out of the way allowing Scarlett to enter the house. Scarlett began walking up the stairs still pondering on so many things. She just hoped that Jack wouldn't beat around the bush giving her answers. Once she arrived at his door she knocked hard on it.

Jack sighed getting up off the bed. He had just sat down so he could attempt to call Scarlett and now someone was pounding on his door. He walked over and opened the door and then was amazed that she was the one standing in front of him. She didn't look happy though, in fact she looked pretty pissed.

She walked right past him and into the room. He shut the door behind him and then turned around. She was standing in front of him with her arms crossed and her looking at him. He opened his eyes wide and then closed them, reopened them to make sure that he was seeing things right. What could she honestly be ticked off about?

Joker: What's up your ass, Princess?
Scarlett: Cut the shit, Jack. Chad works for you now?

He mouthed the word "oh" in a very dramatic way and then walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. He looked into the mirror and saw his smeared and un-kept Joker make-up. He didn't know what it was about her, but for some reason he would rather talk to her out of his Joker character rather than in it. He turned on the sink and washed his face cleansing it fully of all the make-up. Once he opened the door he walked out and saw her sitting on the edge of his bed.

Scarlett: Well?
Joker: He works for me.
Scarlett: Why though?
Joker: We have something, or should I say someone in common.
Scarlett: And how am I suppose to keep this a secret from him?

When she said this she moved her hands back and forth between the two of them, indicating that "this" was actually them. Still, she didn't know what they were; but still apparently they was something even as crazy as it was for both of them.

Joker: I don't know.
Scarlett: You really don't think shit out, do ya?
Joker: I'm a man without a plan, Princess. A dog chasing cars, if you may.
Scarlett: Well, what am I suppose to do?
Joker: What do you mean what are you suppose to do?
Scarlett: What happens if I just decide to drop by and he just so happens to be here? What then?
Joker: I don't know.

He really hadn't thought that far into his plan. He just knew that Chad would make a great addition to his team, probably his best man now. He walked over and took a seat on his bed beside her. He started undoing his tie and then unbuttoned his shirt and tossed them over to the side of his room.

Scarlett: Why are you undressing?
Joker: Did you ever think that I might not wanna wear that suit all the time?
Scarlett: I hadn't thought about it.

He just shook his head and got up walking over to his dresser and pulling out a pair of shorts. He walked into his bathroom and changed into them. He studied over his appearance in the mirror and wondered why a girl like Scarlett was sitting on his bed. A smile carved into the flesh of his cheeks, and other numerous scars all along his torso. Was there anything physically attractive about him?

He walked out of the bathroom and stood there for a few minutes watching her. She hadn't noticed him and he was aware that she was probably way to caught up in her thoughts. Walking over he reached his hand down and placed it on her chin and then tilted her head up. He looked down in her eyes for the longest time before either of them said anything.

Joker: Don't worry about it, okay? I'll explain it all if you two happen to be here at the same time.
Scarlett: Then he'll know you're Jack.

He closed his eyes, never wanting his true identity to be revealed. For one split second he thought that maybe this whole thing with Scarlett wasn't worth it. Maybe it was the biggest mistake of his life. Then he opened his eyes and looked at her. How could something like her be a mistake? He placed his hands on her wrist and pulled her up gentle and then swept her body into a hug. She slowly wrapped her arms around him. It felt weird to her; that he was showing this kind of affection. It was all new to her.

Joker: Then I guess I'll just have to hope he's as trust worthy as you won't I?

She smiled and continued to hug him as he just placed a soft kiss upon her forehead. There was still many unanswered questions that was going through both of their heads. He was wondering how he was suppose to have something with her without giving up everything he had. He knew that he felt something for Scarlett, but he wasn't sure what. He thought every ounce of feelings and emotions left him when he killed Jeannie, but apparently somewhere within him something was there, but only for her.

She was still confused as to what they were. She didn't know if it was wrong to actually want to be with him. She didn't wanna think about what people would think, or if she would be in danger. None of that mattered when she was around Jack. She didn't even care what her family thought when she was around him. Although she did wonder what her aunt and uncle would think if they ever knew she was off kissing The Famous Joker. Scarlett just wanted to get to know him better and see where that took them...
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Last update for a couple days. Enjoy.