
Good News

Over two weeks had passed since Chad and The Joker had first went to California. Although they'd had somewhat close calls as they would say they still hadn't found the guy yet. Scarlett couldn't believe it was taking them so long and missed both of them dearly, though she knew they wouldn't coming back until they found him and gave him exactly what he deserved.

Scarlett woke up to her alarm clock beeping. Reaching over she pressed the button that would end the annoying sound. Tossing her covers to the side she stretched and then slowly made her way into the bathroom. She done her business and then squealed with excitement when she realized she had finally got her period. Relief washed over her. She had been a week late and had took two or three test which all came out negative, but this was the reassurance she needed.

Shyla heard a scream and rushed upstairs thinking something was wrong with her niece. She walked into her bedroom not seeing her she walked over and noticed the bathroom door was shut. She knocked quietly on the white door, and to her surprise it was quickly opened with a very excited Scarlett on the other side.

Shyla: Why are you screaming like a mad woman?
Scarlett: Because! I finally got my period.

Shyla smiled hearing the news. Relief also washed over her. She had been so scared that her niece might have been pregnant from a rapist. She assumed that since she had got her period now that it was just the stress of everything holding it back. She gave her niece a hug and then walked out of the room so she could enjoy her shower.

After walking out of the shower Scarlett placed on her undergarments and her white robe. She then walked out of the bathroom and over to the phone and picked it up dialing Chad's cell phone. She knew that it was probably still early in California since it was just 10 where in Gotham, but she didn't care. She knew Jack would want to know that she wasn't pregnant. He had been worried when her period was late, and she couldn't wait to let him know she wasn't.

Chad groaned as his cell phone started going off. It was just a little after seven in the morning and they hadn't got in until nearly four. He reached over and saw it was coming from his house and answered still half asleep. He was greeted by Scarlett's excited voice. He held the phone away from his hear as she talked louder and faster than normal and explained to him that she wasn't pregnant. He smiled and then woke Jack up and tossed him the phone. He sleepily placed it up to his ear, not expecting her to be so excited this early in the morning.

Joker: Princess, it's seven in the morning..
Scarlett: I got my period.

He was now sitting up in the bed and a smile spread wide across his face. The only thing that could have possibly made him feel better about still being in California would be this phone call. He let out a loud sigh of relief. After a few minutes of conversation Scarlett hung up the phone allowing him to get some more sleep. She was well aware that he probably got in very late and needed his sleep if he was going out again.

Chad walked out of the bathroom and looked over at Jack knowing he had probably just received the best news in the world.

Chad: That was the best news ever huh?
Joker: It made my day.
Chad: Let's just find this fucker and go home, then it'll really make our day.

The Joker nodded his head and both men laid back down to catch up on their sleep. Jack knew he was close, so close to finding him. He could just feel it. They was more familiar with the bar, and the locals who came and they was slowly seeing a pattern. The guy normally striked every Saturday night. Tonight was Saturday, and would hopefully be the day they had been waiting for.

Scarlett was dressed and walked down to the living room where her uncle was sitting on the couch watching the news. It was a breaking news announcement. She joined him on the opposite side and watched as a reporter talked about a new criminal in the city. Her uncle seemed pretty interested in it, and since she just caught the ending of the broadcast she decided to wait until it was over to ask him about it.

Scarlett: Who is he uncle Car?
Carmine: He goes by The Riddler. He's just appeared since Jack left. He always leaves this little rhyme or riddle behind which clues people in on where he'll strike next.
Scarlett: Ahh.

She really didn't know what to think about a new criminal in town. She didn't know whether it meant competition for Jack or not. She'd just have to wait and see what would happen when he returned.

After getting more sleep The Joker and Chad prepared themselves for yet another night. They was both growing very home sick. Living out of a motel room and eating fast food was taking a toll on them. Chad missed the city of Gotham and his family, while Jack was dying to see Scarlett.

They walked into the same club that they had been into every night for the past two weeks and began their normal routine. Chad went off into the dance area and tables of the bar looking for any girl who might already seem a little out of it while The Joker watched the bar area. He took his stand near the end of the bar and kept his eyes wondering around.

Everything was going the same as it had been every other night. The Joker couldn't take it much longer. How was they not able to find this guy? What could they do to find him? Then he heard part of a conversation that made him wonder. He moved closer to the two blonds and listened carefully.

" Can you believe we didn't come here before tonight, it's amazing. "

" I know, the guys here are so nice. One is buying me a drink as we speak. "

" You're so lucky, I'm going to dance, text me later and we can meet up again. "

He watched as the blond with the shorter hair moved into the crowd while the one with long hair leaned against the counter and then a guy approached. He looked him up and down and took in all of his appearance, he was everything Scarlett had described him to be. He watched him as he handed the girl the drink and then how he then ask her to move to a table. The Joker watched him move through the crowd, pulling out a cell phone he called Chad and told him to come close. He had a hunch they had found their guy.

Chad walked over leaned against the bar beside Jack who just kept his eyes locked on this guy. Chad looked at the blond sitting beside him and noticed that she could barely keep her eyes open.

Chad: That's our guy. Let's go.
Joker: No.. wait.
Chad: What do you mean wait? Let's go!
Joker: Wait until he gets ready to leave, we can't just go over and grab him, drag him out of here, and kill him.

Chad obeyed his orders even though he was dying to walk over and give him exactly what he deserved. The Joker had his fist clutched together tightly dying to just pound in the guys skull. He couldn't believe that he had done that to her, and now he was getting ready to attempt doing it to another girl. He smiled devilishly as he saw him get up and help the girl. They was making their exit from the bar.

The Joker and Chad slowly followed him and the pretty blond out of the bar. They assumed he just helped them walk back to their dorm rooms or apartments since he was holding her up as they walked down the streets. Sick of waiting, The Joker looked around and then quickened his pace noticing that it was the best time since there was an alley coming up. He reached up and placed his hand around the man's mouth silencing him. He then turned on his Joker charm and spoke in his rough psychotic voice.

Joker: Not tonight.

The rapist heard a blade open and his eyes widened. He let go of the blond causing her to nearly fall to the ground. Chad rushed up and caught her and then picked her up and placed her in front of a little Chinese store leaned up against the door and then he ran to catch up with Jack who nearly had the boy pulled down the alley.

Chad watched as The Joker already had him shoved up against the wall. No one could see what he was doing though since a dumpster blocked him. Chad decided to play 'look out' to make sure nothing happened to neither of them, even though he would have much rather been taking a few hits at the man himself.

He shoved him up against the cold stone wall causing him to squeal out in a small amount of pain. The boy shivered under his touch scared to death of what was going to happen. The Joker couldn't believe that someone who had managed to be so forceful towards women was so weak in front of him.

" I wasn't going to do anything to her! "

Joker: I'm not concerned with her.. You've already done your damage to me and I'm going to do mine to you.

Reaching down in his jeans he pulled out a roll of duct tape and used his mouth to tear a piece off and placed it over the boys mouth. He knew that he was going to let out screams of pain and hoped that the tape muffled them a bit. He then smiled as he shoved him against the dumpster. The boy screamed but it was barely noticeable.

Joker: Now now, do you remember maybe a few weeks ago.. A pretty little black haired girl, inside the bar.. It seems you took her back to her dorm room, and did very.. bad things to her.

The boys mind jogged itself as he thought back a few girls. He then remembered the girl who she had announced herself to be as Scarlett. He swallowed hard as he looked at the man who had him pinned up against the dumpster. With the light coming from the moon he could tell he had very rigid scars placed upon his cheeks. The man was already sending chills down his spine and he was barely doing anything to him.

Reaching down in a different pocket he pulled out a small nail. It wasn't very long, but it would do the job. He smiled as he showed the boy the nail between his fingers.

Joker: You shouldn't have looked at her in the first place.

He slowly raised the nail up to his face, eye to be exact and positioned it. The boys eyes widened as he realized what exactly he was going to do. He let out a scream of protest but then it soon turned into a scream of pain when he felt the nail penetrate the pupil of his eye. The Joker watched as he flinched under him. He really didn't like the fact he wasn't putting up much of a fight.

Joker: Hit me.

He demanded though the boy didn't move. His one eye now blood shot and his mouth taped he just stood against that dumpster not moving. Growing sick of his weakness The Joker pulled out his knife and then traced it down the boys shirt slicing it as he went. The boy cringed as he felt the knife barely brush against his skin. Slowly The Joker started cutting pieces of his flesh, deep enough to bleed and scar, but not nearly deep enough to kill him. He kept running the knife back and forth over different parts of his torso leaving him a bloody mess.

Joker: I'll make you a deal.. You can live but you have to do one thing for me. You want to do that one little thing?

The boy only nodded his head, wanting nothing more than for all of this to end. He was backed into a corner and the man with the scars had already let him know that he was not happy with his actions towards the raven haired beauty he had took advantage of just those few weeks ago. He was willing to do anything to live.

Joker: I want you to cut off your little.. prized possession.

The boys one eye widened hearing that. But if that was his only way to make it out of this alley alive then he would have to do it. He slowly started unzipping his pants and and then removed his genital from his boxers. He was slowly ready to do what no man would ever dream of, unless he was put in the same position as himself. Walking over The Joker picked up a broken piece of glass that was near him in the alley he looked towards the boy still disgusted that he hadn't put up a fight and handed him the glass. The boy look confused.

Joker: You didn't think I would give you my knife did you? Ah ta ta ta, not too smart, are you?

He cringed as he watched the boy move the glass over his family jewels. Once he had succeed in The Joker's wishes, he walked over and ripped the duct tape off his mouth causing him to let out the screams of pain that had been hiding under the tape. He hovered over the boy

Joker: You wanna live don't you?

He simply nodded his head. The Joker just smirked and lowered his mouth to the boys ear.

Joker: You don't always get what you want.

The boy didn't know what to do. He thought that he would finally be out of this alley but now that was not what was happening. The young rapist done the only thing he thought would maybe give him a chance to escape, he quickly raised his arm and placed the glass into The Joker's shoulder as hard as he could. Though he didn't move.

The Joker laughed as he felt the glass cut through his skin. The boy really had no clue who he was dealing with did he? Wanting to get this over with so he could go home. He raised the blade to his cheeks and then sliced his famous signature smile into his flesh, and then ran the blade quickly over his throat allowing his bloody and dying body to collapse to the floor. He placed the bloody knife back in his pocket and walked out of the alley. Chad who was leaned up against the wall looked up seeing Jack walk away.

Chad: Business taking care of?
Joker: Let's go home.

Chad nodded his head and then the two of them started walking down the streets. Chad kept asking what was going on, and The Joker told him what had happened. When it got to the part where he told him about cutting off his own genital Chad cringed and kept shaking his head trying to get the vision out of his head.

Chad: So should I call dad and let them know we'll be on our way home tomorrow?
Joker: Let's not let them know we're coming.
Chad: A bit of a surprise?

The Joker only nodded his head as they walked inside the hotel. He couldn't wait to see her, it had been far too long. He had never missed someone so much in his entire life. He was looking forward to going home, and even more so since he knew what was going to happen when he got there.
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