Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

Wake up

Amy's P.O.V.

I can here my parents downstairs screaming at each other again. God why cant they stop screaming. Why do my parents scream instead of talking to me and telling me that what I’ve done is wrong. I walked down stairs to the kitchen from where the shouting was coming from.

My mom was standing near the sink and my dad was sitting on kitchen table across the room.

"Mom," I said in a low voice.

She stopped shouting and looked at me. "What do you want?.....Don't think you've caused enough trouble already?" She said shouting again.

I ignored her questions, "I have to tell you something."

"What?" my dad asked from across the room.

I looked at both of them and took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

My mom's jaw dropped when she heard me. She walked towards me and slapped me across the face sending me to the ground. I put my hand on my face and just looked up at her. My eyes were becoming watery. Never in my life had she hit me. Only shout at me but not hit me.

I saw my dad get up and walk towards me," First you do drugs," he said and kicked me in the stomach.

"Then you start selling them," My mom said as she kicked me too.

"You dress like a fucken weirdo and now this?" My dad said as he kept hitting me. My mom kept screaming some other things at me, but I couldn’t understand her as I saw everything go black.

I woke up to a bright light coming from the ceiling. I blinked a couple of times, so that my eyes could get used to the brightness of the light. I looked around the room. I saw needles sticking out of my arms. and heard beeping sounds from a machine. I guessed I was at the hospital.

"Hey, How are you feeling?" A lady asked. I had never seen her before. I didn't say anything, 'cause i couldn't, my throat was to sore.

"Well my name is Mrs. Moure. I'm here to make sure that your ok and to here your side of the story." When she finished talking both my parents entered the room and just stared at me.

"I talked to your parent's while you were in surgery," After she said that I remembered about what my parents had done to me. "Where's my baby?" I manage to say.

"It's dead," My mom said. My eyes were watery again. That would explain the pain I had in my stomach.

"Your parents said that they went out looking for you 'cause you hadn't come back home," Mrs. Moure said placing a hand on my shoulder. I was looking down at my hands. "They said they found you at the park all beat up so they brought you here." I was still looking down at my hands.

"Do you know who did this to you?" she asked.

I looked up at my parents. they both had faces that read "If you tell, you are so dead." I turned to look at Mrs. Moure and nodded.

"That's good, can you tell me their names?" she asked. I nodded again.

"Would you like it if me and you talked in privet?" She asked, as she handed me a glass of water. I drank all of it and then looked at her. "Yeah."

"Ok then." She told my parents to get out. Before she asked me more questions she called someone on her cell phone. In less than a minute two police men were at the door.

"Now can you tell me what happened?" she asked with a smile.

I explained her everything that happened.

"Well it looks like your not going to be seeing them for a while," she said.

"Do you believe me about everything I told you?" I asked her.

"Of course I do, besides one of your neighbors called saying they heard screaming coming from your house. Do you have any family members that would like to take care of you, I mean that could be one option," she said.

"What’s the other option?" I asked her.

"Foster home."

"Oh," I said. I took a piece of paper and wrote down a phone number an address and handed it to her.

"That’s my aunt Viki's address and phone number,” She nodded and walked out of the room. My aunt Viki was my mom's sister.

Why did they have to kill my baby, I could of had it and given it away, or raised it by my self, but they killed it. I started sobbing. After a couple of minutes. Mrs. Moure walked in. "Your aunt is on her way."

"Right," I said. Pretty soon I fell asleep thinking about all the things that had happened.

I woke up to the sound of silence in the room. I looked around like I had done earlier. My aunt Viki was sitting on one of the chairs. On the other was Alex. I couldn't believe it. They actually came. How stupid of me to think that they weren't going to come. Viki had always been there for me, more than my mom and Alex was like my big brother. We always got in allot of trouble.

"Sweetie, your awake," My aunt said giving me a big hug. Alex got up and did the same. "You had us worried," he whispered in my ear. I smiled at him.

"Umm, Viki can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure" she said. Alex got up and walked out of the room so that we could talk.

"What is it?" She asked

"Am I going to go live with you?" I asked innocently.

"Of course, why wouldn't you?"

"Aunty I have to tell you the reason why my mom and dad did this to me."

"Ok, I'm all ears." She said smiling.

"Please promise me that after I tell you and you hate me your not going to take me to live with you just because you feel sorry for me."

"I promise," she said still smiling.

I told her everything, the part about the drugs and the baby.

"Sweetie, people make mistakes and your still a kid. No one deserves what your parents did to you," She said almost crying. This time I smiled and gave her another big hug.

I shouted and got scared when I heard the door fly open. My dad had forced the door open. he glared at me and ran towards me, but before he got to me Alex tackled him to the ground.


"Amy wake up," I heard someone tell me.

"What?" I asked rubbing on my eyes.

"It's ok," Alex said giving me a hug and not letting go.

"You had that dream again didn't you?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and buried my head in his chest. "It's ok he’s not going to hurt you any more," he said reassuring me. I looked up and saw Mickey and Ali sitting on the floor right beside us. "See you've got me, Ali and Mickey."

"Yeah." Both Mickey and Ali said not even knowing what they were talking about. "What about Nick?” I asked.

He looked down at me. " If I can tackle your dad down to the ground, what makes you think I’m not going to be able to stop Nick," he said smiling at me.

"Right," I said and giggled a little. He let go of me and said, "Come on lets go home." Mickey helped me get up. We said our goodbyes and walked home.