Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


Amy’s P.O.V.

After walking for about ten minutes we arrived at my house. As we walked in, the house was really quiet, so I guessed my aunt was still out on her “date.” Mickey wrapped his arms around my waist and started to place random kisses on my neck.

“How about we go up to my room?” I asked Mickey, but he didn’t answer, instead he turned me around so that I could face him. He leaned forwards, so that he could kiss me, backed away and reached into his packet and pulled out my cell phone. He looked at the screen and then handed it to me. I looked at the screen I didn’t recognize the number, but I still answered it.

“Hello,” I said into the phone.

“Hey sweetie,” My aunt’s voice said.

“Hey Aunty, what‘s up?” I said in relief.

Aunty asked me if I minded her staying at her friend house for the night. I told her I didn’t mind, but I knew Alex wasn’t going to be so happy with the idea of his mom sleeping over at some guys house.

As I closed my phone. Mickey took it from my hand again and set it down on the counter. “What happened?” he asked.

“Oh, my aunt isn’t coming home tonight,” I said simply.

“Sounds good to me,” Mickey said smirking. I smiled, “What do you have in mind?”

“Oh I was just thinking you could show me around your room,” he said in a seductive way. I didn’t say anything in return. I just grabbed him by the hand and led the way up to my room. When we got there I threw my self on my bed and watched Mickey walk around my room observing the way it was. My room’s walls were pink, which I have been wanting to paint a bloody red color, but I haven’t had time.

Oh yeah I still have to put up all my posters up. “You need to redecorate,” Mickey said with a disgusted face. “I know,” I said like if it wasn’t important. I kept looking up at the sealing, just thinking. Mickey laid himself on the bed and lifted himself with his elbows so that he could look at me.

“We should start the redecorating, with your bed,” I heard him say. I turned to the side so that I could face him. He placed one of his hands on my hips and lend forward to kiss me. I knew what this was going to lead to, but for some reason I wanted him to go on. Mickey pulled me closer and started to kiss me down my neck. I felt the hand that he had placed on my hip, start moving towards my back and then inside my shirt. I started to let out small moans.

When his hand started to move upwards, I pulled away from him and he gave me a funny face. I got on top off him and pinned him on the bed.

Now I started to kiss him down his neck, the next thing I knew I had taken his shirt of and I started to kiss him down his chest.

Before I could reach his belt I heard my name being called from down stairs. “Fuck!” I said, frustrated. I knew it was Alex and he had just gotten home. I got of off Mickey and threw my self on the floor. I was pissed. Mickey got up of the bed, grabbed his shirt and put it on.

He stood next to my head and looked down at me and pouted. He went around me and sat on top of me. He wasn’t heavy. “Don’t worry, their will be more opportunities,” he said and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled to the thought of their being another chance. How dumb am I, he’s my boyfriend now.

There was a nock on the door. “Yeah,” Mickey said, knowing that I was pissed and wasn't going to answer.

“Is Amy in there?” Alex asked.
Mickey got up of off me and opened the door, “Yeah she’s here.”

Alex just looked at me laying on the floor. “What happened?” he asked.

“She got mad because your mom isn’t coming home tonight,” Mickey answered for me.

“Were is she staying?” Alex asked looking at me.

“At her friends house,” I said rolling my eyes. I hadn’t noticed, but Ali was standing next to Alex at the door. “What‘s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing," I said getting up of off the floor and walking right by them. Mickey followed after me.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch. Mickey sat next to me and placed a hand around my shoulders. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, but everything was boring, so decided to put a movie. I was starting to fall asleep, ‘till I heard some footsteps coming from the stairs. Next, Alex and Ali were sitting on the other couch.

We were all quiet for a while until Mickey broke the silence, “So, did you guy enjoy the movie at the theater?”

“Yeah it was scary, but awesome,” Ali answered all excited. I giggled at how Ali answered.

“What did you guys do when you left the theater?” Ali asked looking at me and then at Mickey. I think this question got Alex’s attention, ‘cause when Ali asked it he came back to reality from his day dreaming. “Yeah what did you guys do?” he asked curiously.

We didn’t do anything that we weren’t supposed to because they showed up, but I like messing with Alex, so I looked at Mickey and said “Not much,” I said sarcastically. I think I got Alex mad, because he got up and walked out of the living room. I looked at him as he walked past us. He gave me a disgusted look.

“You guy’s really didn’t do anything did you?” Ali asked. I had forgotten she was still in the room. “Of course we didn’t do anything,” Mickey said rolling his eyes.

I looked at Mickey and said “I’ll be right back.” He nodded and said “Ok.” I got up and went looking for Alex.

I found him in his room. His room was really sacred to him, I don’t know why, but it is. I walked in and found him staring out the window. I walked over to were he was standing. He was crying. I didn’t mean to hurt him that much. “Alex I’m sorry,” I said ashamed.

“How could she get over him so fast?” Alex asked me.

I was a little confused “What?” I asked him.

“It’s only been two years that my dad died and she’s already dating someone else.”

“Oh.” I said understanding what he was talking about.

“And you,” he said his voice getting louder. “You go off and sleep with a guy that you’ve only known for a couple of days.”

“I didn’t sleep with him and so what if I did. It’s my life and I get to do what ever I want with it,” I said shouting at him.

“Bitch,” Alex screamed at the top of his lungs.

Oh hells no, he did not just call me that. My hand flew right into his face. He placed one of his hands on his face, were I had just slapped him and looked at me with a shocked expression. Now I was fucken mad. I stormed out of his room and down the stairs.

Mickey was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I just buried my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. “Don’t cry,” he said pulling away from me and wiping the tears away from my face. His actions made me cry even more.

Then I felt someone give me a hug and it wasn’t Mickey. I turned around to see who it was. It was Ali. “I think you should sleep over at my house today,” She said smiling. “What do you think?” She asked.

“Sounds cool,” I said, thinking this might help me forget all of my problems.

“Let’s go pack your stuff,” she said and with that I had forgotten why I was crying.

“I’ll wait for you guys down here,” we heard Mickey shout from down stairs.

I emptied my backpack. Me and Ali just started throwing stuff in it. When my backpack was full, I closed it as we waked out my bed room door Ali said, “Amy.”

“Yeah,” I said.

“You do know that Alex is going through a tough time right now don’t you?” She asked.

I stopped to think for a second then answered her. “Yeah I know, but he has to understand that everything that happens isn’t his fault.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Alex blames himself for everything that goes wrong and I want him to understand that if I fuck up it’s not his fault, it’s mine,” I responded. “Oh, well I guess things will heal in time,” Ali said smiling.

“Yeah, I hope they do,” I said as we both walked down stairs.

I want to go sleep over at Ali’s house, but at the same time I don’t want to leave Alex alone. He gets a drinking problem when he starts to feel depressed. I asked Mickey if he could please stay at the house with Alex. He agreed to stay and call me if Alex started drinking a little to much.

As we walked towards the front door I grabbed my phone and noticed I had a LOT of missed calls, but I didn’t say anything.