Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

ch. 20

Amy’s P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of the T.V. on. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room to see if Ali was awake, but she was nowhere to be found. I got up and put on my shoes. Today’s Monday and I have to go to school. Shit. I thought to my self. I left Alex alone with Mickey yesterday and he didn’t call. I guess Alex didn’t go crazy.

I made my way down the stairs. When I was half way to the last step, when Ali came into view.

“Hey, where are you going?” She asked.

“Home, I have to check up on Alex and besides we have school today,” I said opening her front door.

“Ok, I’ll see you in class. Bye.”

“Bye,” I said waving at her. Before I closed the door I opened it again, “Ali.”

“Yeah,” She said turning around from the top of the stairs.

“About what I told you yesterday, can you not tell anyone?” I asked a in the sweetest voice. I know I’m eventually going to tell Mickey about my accident with my parents, but I don’t think I would like it if he found out from somebody else instead of me.

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” She said and smiled.

I walked as fast as I could to get back home. As I walked up the driveway I saw that my aunt Viki’s car was missing, so I guess she was still with her “friend.” Now that I think about it I feel bad for hitting Alex and screaming at him it’s just that sometimes I feel that he cares a little to much.

I went into my house to find that Mickey had gone home already. That reminds me, he’s my boyfriend now. It sounds stupid when I say it, ‘because I’ve never really been proud to say that I have a boyfriend. Anyways I went up stair, took a shower as fast as I could. I put on anything that I could find and went down stairs. When I went into the living room I found Alex sitting on the couch. It was 7:05. I only had 15 minutes to get to school. I was about to turn around and leave without him. He looked at me and asked, “Amy, can I talk to you?”

I rolled my eyes at him and made my way towards the door. “If you can catch up to me,” I said and walked out the front door. After walking for about five minutes Alex cached up to me.

“Wait up,” I heard him tell me, but I didn’t say anything and kept walking.

“Amy are you mad at me?” he asked now walking besides me.

“What do you think?” I said in an annoying voice.

“Look I’m sorry, but you didn’t have to tell me that my mom was going to stay with her ‘friend,” He said making quotation marks with his hands, “the way you did. I hadn’t even done anything to you.”

He was right. He hadn’t done anything to hurt me; actually he stopped me from having sex with Mickey….. Not that it’s a bad thing, but if he would have found out about what I was planning to do, he would have beaten the living shit out of Mickey.

By now we had arrived at school. As we entered the school gate, I turned to face him, “Ok. Your right and I was wrong. Are you happy now?”

“No, why were you acting the way you were yesterday?”

I was about to tell him that him that I was just mad for no reason, when I felt someone wrap an arm around my waist. I looked to my right to find Mickey smiling at me. “Ready to go?” he asked.

I nodded and turned my gaze back to Alex. “I’ll tell you later, ok.” I said starting to walk away with Mickey.

At first he gave me a confused face, but then he said fine and walked the opposite direction of where me and Mickey were going.

“Did you have fun at the sleep over?” Mickey asked as we entered out first class.

“Yeah, I had loads of fun,” I said smiling, but then my smile faded away. “Mickey, do you think we should tell Alex about me and you?” I asked now taking my seat.

“You haven’t told him?” He asked surprised.

“No,” I said shaking my head.

“I don’t know. You can tell him if you want to,” He said and just shrugged.

I was about to tell him my opinion, when the same girl that had asked me how I had made him talk, last week was staring at us.

I think Mickey noticed too, 'cause he wrapped an arm around me and placed his head on my shoulder, "Hey,” he told the girl.

"Hey," She said in return with a smile. If I wasn't mistaken, she was trying to flirt with Mickey, even though she has made fun of him. "What do you want?" I asked getting mad at her and Mickey for not ignoring her.

She turned to look at me and then turned around to face the front of the class. Ok now I was confused. What the hell was wrong with her.

The class went by fast. As we heard the bell ring, me and Mickey got up and made our way towards the door, but before we left, I asked Mickey, "What's that girls name?" pointing at the girl that sat in front of us. "Cynthia," He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell him to never talk to her again, but then I heard the second bell ring, signaling that I was late for my next class.

At lunch I sat with Mickey and Ali. I hadn't noticed that she hadn't gone to our first class. I was about to ask her where she had been, when I also notice Alex was sitting next to her. "When did you get here?" I asked a him.

“A little while ago, but you were to busy checking out that guy," he said pointing at some random guy standing across the yard from us. Ali started to giggle.

"Your dumb," I said, leaned over to hug Mickey who was sitting next to me.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Mickey, what did your friend Jose tell you yesterday at the party?" I know, that question just came out of nowhere, but I really wanted to know.

"You went to a party yesterday?" Alex asked, a little surprised.

"We didn't really go to a party, we just stopped by and then left," I said trying to let go of Mickey, but he was hugging me tightly. I guess he didn't care if Alex found out that we were going out. I don't know why, but I'm still a little worried about the way Alex will react when I tell him.

I know that Alex is staring at us right now, but I didn't care. "So what did he tell you?" I asked Mickey again.

"He just asked me for a favor," He said looking a me.

"What kind of favor?" I asked cuddling into his arms.

"He just wanted me to write a song for his girlfriend."

"You write songs?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah," he said simply.

"That's why you were mad?" asked confused. I highly doubt that he was mad because his friend had asked him to write a song for his girl.

"No, I wasn't mad because of that," he said leaning close to my ear, to whisper, "I was mad because I saw you with that other guy." I smiled as he told me that. No one had ever said something like that to me. He hugged me even tighter. I looked over at Ali and Alex who were staring at us. "What?" I asked letting go of Mickey and standing up. I got my food tray and went to throw it away in the trash can. When we came back to where they were sitting, Alex out of nowhere asked, "Are you two going out now?" pointing at me and Mickey.

I walked over to Mickey and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Is it that obvious?"

I didn't want to hear what he was going to say next, but to my surprise, he said, "Finally," throwing up his hand in the air. He walked over to Ali and gave her a kiss. "See yeah later ok, babe?"

"Ok," Ali replied, kissing back. He walked away like if nothing.

"Since when does he call you babe?" I asked Ali with an amazed look.

"Since today," she said starting to blush. We heard the bell ring once again Me and Mickey said bye to Ali and went our own separate ways to our classes. I watched as he walked away. As he was about to go into his class I saw as Cynthia came up to him and started talking to him.

What the hell.