Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

ch. 21

Mickey’s P.O.V

I said bye to Amy and Ali and then headed to my next class. On my way, I couldn’t help but to think how much I liked Amy. Ali was right, ever since I met her I’ve been acting different. So yeah I met Amy five day’s ago, but that doesn’t matter.

I was about to go into the class room when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to find Cynthia. I know, I know I’m not supposed to talk to her, but she’s Jose’s girlfriend so I can’t ignore her. I do hate her for making fun of me, I always have, ever since I met her which was a couple of years ago.

She’s like my brother; they hurt me on purpose.

I let my hair fall on my face and looked at the her. “Hey, can I talk to you?” She asked. I didn’t say anything in return and just stared at her. She rolled her eye at me and told me that it had something to do with Nick. “What about Nick?” I asked.

“Look the only reason I’m telling you this is because I think you’re a grate song writer, but Jose is planning on doing something to you and Alex.” Now I was confused. Why would she tell me that her boyfriend was going to hurt me and Alex, besides, Jose’s a cool friend.

“Why would he do that?” I asked as the tardy bell rang. I was now late, but if she was telling me the truth, I was better than being in a boring class.

“Because he works for Nick.”

“My brother?”

“Yes your brother.” I hadn’t seen him since last week. He hasn’t gone home or come to school. “Why should I believe you?” I asked her.

“Because I don’t want you to get hurt,” She replied in a low voice.

“Right,” I said in a sarcastically and moved the hair that was on my face and tucked it behind my ear.

“Ok, ok, so I’ve made fun of you many times, but that was only because I liked you,” Cynthia said looking down at her shoes.

Once again I was confused. How could she like me? I didn’t say anything in return I was still in shock. All these wired images and questions were coming to my mind, but they were interrupted. Cynthia was now kissing me. I just stood there like a dumb ass.

After about thirty seconds she pulled away, I guess because I wasn’t kissing her back. She looked at me and I looked at her. We were both speechless, but then I got this weird feeling. The feeling you get when someone staring at you. I don’t know why, but I turned my head to my right, the hall from where I had come from.

I felt stupid. Amy stood there with her mouth wide open. She also looked like she wanted to cry. I stepped away from Cynthia and made my way towards Amy but she started to run away. I saw as she ran out of the school gates. I ran after her as fast as I could, but I didn’t catch up to her.

I saw as she disappear into the distance. I had stopped running a while ago. I leaned against the wall to catch my breath.

Pretty soon someone was standing next to me. It was Cynthia. “What’s wrong with her?” She said looking towards the way Amy had disappeared. I didn’t answer her. She placed a hand on my cheek and said it was going to be ok. “No it’s not!” I shouted at her taking away her hand from my face.

“Amy’s my girlfriend,” I said starting to walk away from her. “Oh,” was all I heard her say. I fucked up again. Why, why do things like this happen to me?

I went up to the school attic. I wasn’t planning on going to class and especially not the to my last period. I had Alex for that class. If he find out what happened he’s going to kill me. Ok, so he’s eventually going to find out, but I need to think about what I’m going to do.

Amy’s P.O.V.

I saw exactly what had happened. Mickey and Cynthia started to talk and then she kissed him, but why did he let her? More importantly, why does it hurt, seeing my boyfriend kiss another girl? Back then when I lived with my parents, I would always see my ex boyfriend kissing other girls, but it never bothered me. God I’m stupid. I felt like crying, but he wasn’t worth it.

As he turned to look at me I felt like running, and I did. I ran and ran as fast as I could until I found myself at my house. I ran up stairs and collapsed on my bed. I cried and cried until I had no more tears to cry.

Two hours passed by. I got up off of my bed and walked over to my computer. I felt like writing a letter so I opened up the program and sat on the chair thinking. The minutes went by slowly. I couldn’t think up the right word that I wanted to put in the letter so I started to go in circles on my chair. After a couple of turns my chair stopped and left me facing my bed. I started to think. Just yesterday right there, on my bed, I was about to give myself to this guy that I met a couple of day’s ago, that I thought I loved but now I hate him more than anyone in the world.

I turned the chair to face the computer and started to type:

Dear, Aunt Viki

I love you and Alex a lot, but I fell like I don’t deserve to be here.

I hope you understand the decision I’m about to make right now. I don’t want

to drive you crazy like I drove my parents. Thank you for everything you’ve

done for me in the pas few months; Thank you aunty for giving me a home and

thank you Alex for keeping me safe. I hope to see you guys in the future and I

hope you guys don’t hate me.

Love, Amy

I printed the letter, signed it and left it in the kitchen counter. I packed up some stuff and made my way out the front door. I had no clue about where I was going to go to, or what was going to happen, but I just wanted to leave.