Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


Amy’s P.O.V.

It was around nine at night. I was getting ready to go to bed when Ali walked into the room. We both sat on the bed. She told me of all the cool stuff she has gone through in the past two years with Alex. If you ask me I never thought they would still be together. I asked her if she was planning on going to college, when she answered me with a question. “Amy, do you miss Mickey?”

I was surprised at the question. Do I still like Mickey? Or do I love Kris more? Fuck. I hadn’t thought about it. “I… I’m not really sure,” I said trying to think straight. I only knew Mickey for about five days, why would he try and kill himself over me?

After that she didn’t ask me any questions. We both slept next to each other on the bed. A couple of hours went by, but I still couldn’t sleep. All these issues with Mickey, confused me. What if I didn’t like Mickey any more and Ali hated me for it? What if Ali dumps Alex for that? NO!!! she would never do that. The last thing I remember thinking before falling asleep was that maybe I shouldn’t have come back.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up to the feeling of someone poking me on my cheek. “Amy” “What?” I asked in a grumpy tone. “Baby, wake up, it’s ten already,” Kris said poking me again on the cheek. It felt funny when he did that.

I got up gathered some of my old clean cloths I had left here a long time ago and made my way to the restroom. Right before I went in Kris wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, ”Why don’t you change in here?”

I smiled before answering him, “Because were not in your house and if my aunt walks in through that door, she’s-” he turned me around and kissed me. For some reason I love it when he does that. “I get it,” he said pulling away from and letting my go into the bathroom.

When I came out from the bathroom Ali was in my room talking to Kris. I wonder about what. Knowing her, she would have asked him anything that popped up in her head. “Ready to go?” she asked. “Go where?”

She gave me a dumbstruck look. “Were going to go see Mickey,” she said getting up and walking out of the room. I guess that meant for me to follow her. Kris got up and pulled me out of the room.

“Are you going to go too?” I asked him as we made our way down the stairs. He stopped walking and looked at me, “I wont go if you don’t want me to.” I thought about it a little. I guess I do want him to go with me, but I’m scared about what will happen. “Of course I want you to go with me.”