Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


Amy’s P.O.V.

W got into Alex’s car and drove off. He had been driving for about half an hour when he asked if he could ask me a question. “Sure, what is it?”

“Why did you leave?” Alex asked with his eyes on the road. I was sitting in the back seat with Kris. Ali sat in the front with him. “I don’t know,” I said and looked over at Kris. He was looking out the window. I wish I could know what he was thinking.

Kris’s P.O.V.

As Alex drove we were quiet most of the way to the loony bin. The only thing that was said was the question Alex asked Amy. I really wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying, all I could think of was about what was going to happen between me and Amy. What if she still likes that Mickey guy? What if she dumps me and I’m left with nothing? ….. No, she’s not going to leave me, ‘cause I really love her and….. And…..

I kept thinking about all the possibilities until we arrived. We all got out and walked to the front of the building. Alex had parked at the back. I opened the door for everybody. Fist Ali went in, then Alex. When it came to Amy, she stopped before entering the building and looked at me. I wish I could know the outcome of this visit. She smiled at me and went right in. As we made our way up on the elevator, she held my hand tightly. I knew that meant she was nervous.

When we got out of the elevator, me and Alex sat in the waiting area. Ali and Amy went up to this lady that was behind a desk. They talked for about a couple of minutes ‘till the lady told Ali to sit down and signaled Amy to follow her. Before she was out of sight I saw her look at me once more.

Amy’s P.O.V.

Followed the lady down a long hall. At the end there was a door. As we got closer I wondered, what was going to be behind it, but at the same time I didn’t want to know. When we reached it the lady pushed the door open.

I was surprised to where it lead. It was like a back yard, inside a big building. There were a bunch of trees and benches. “He should be over there,” the lady said pointing at a big tree.

I waited until the lady was out of sight and walked over towards the tree. All this reminder me of the first time I met him and he got mad at Ali for making fun of him. I walked slowly around the tree.

The only person there, was this old lady. She was sitting on a bench with her eyes closed, so I figured she was asleep. I started to walk further to see if I could find him somewhere else, but the lady started to speak, with here eyes still closed, “Who are you looking for young lady?” “I … I, oh, I’m looking for Mickey.”

I expected her to answer me, but instead she pointed to the right with her index finger. I was guessing that was her way of telling me he was over there. I started to walk towards the direction she had pointed. The more I walked and walked the grass got taller and taller. I could see someone laying on the ground, but I didn’t know who it was, but I knew it was a guy.

As I got closer, I noticed that he was wearing all white, like the old lady was wearing. He had long black hair up to his shoulders, and it was covering all of his face. I didn’t know what to do or say. I was standing a couple of feet away from him and the only thing that came to mind was to ask, “Mickey.”

He was looking up at the sky still laying on the floor. “That’s me,” he said raising an arm up in the air, like students do, when there in school and the teacher is taking roll. I didn’t reply to him, so he let his hand fall back down to the floor. I walked closer to him and stood beside his head. Even though his hair was on his face I noticed that his eyes were closed.

I stared at him for a couple of seconds until his eyes suddenly few open. He had a smile on, but soon after looking at me it faded away, “Amy?”