Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


Amy’s P.O.V.

“Yeah,” I said in a low voice. I couldn’t believe it. I was actually looking at Mickey, after two years. With on hand he pushed away the hair that was covering his face and stood up.

“Is it really you?” he asked in disbelieve.

“Yes Mickey, it’s me.” He didn’t say anything in return, instead he hugged me. I hugged him back, I had missed him a lot.

He pulled me over to a bench that was close by and we sat down. He asked me how did I find him. I told him that Alex and Ali had told me. I could tell that he was really happy to see me again, ‘cause when I told him that, he said “I’m so happy you’re back,” and kissed me.

I didn’t know if I should have kissed him back, but I didn’t. It didn’t feel right, because I was with Kris right now. He pulled away and looked at me stunned.

“Amy I swear two years ago, I didn’t mean to let Cynthia kiss-” he started to apologize, but I didn’t want him to.

“I know you didn’t kiss her,” I said looking down at my hands.

“Then what’s wrong?” he asked getting closer to me.

“Mickey, I…I’m…” I wasn’t sure about what to tell him.

“What?” he asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I opened my mouth, when I heard someone call my name. We both looked up to see who it was. Ali, Alex and Kris were standing a couple of yards away from us. I watches as they walked over to where we were sitting.

Ali and Alex greeted Mickey. I got up and took Kris’s hand. “Mickey, this Kris, Kris this is Mickey,” I said introducing them to each other. They said hi, but that was all they said.

“Could you believe it, Amy came back,” Ali said trying to break the silence that had fallen upon us.

We at sat on the grass and talked. Mickey asked me what I had been up to the past two years. I didn’t want to tell him about me living with Kris’s and all that stuff, but I felt I had to so I did. As I talked and talked, the expression on his face, looked sadder and sadder.

When we were going to leave Mickey asked if he could talk to me, I gladly said “Of course.” We walked a couple of feet away from the guys so that we could talk in private.

“So your with him now?” he asked looking over at Kris. I really didn’t like the tone he was talking in.

“Yeah I’m with him now and his name’s Kris.”

“I thought you loved me?” he asked in a sweet voice. I liked it when he talked in that sweet tone.

“I do……………I mean I did, but that was two years ago.” I don’t know why I said that.

“Amy, I still love you,” he said pulling me closer to him, “and I’m not going to loose you that easily.” He was about to kiss me, but I turned my head making him miss. I quickly pulled away from him.

“Mickey the only thing your going to do is hurt me more and more,” I said walking away from him and back to where everyone else was standing. He followed after me. “Ready to go you guys?” I asked wanting to leave. Being close to Mickey made me feel………. Feel…. Different, like he used to make me feel before.