Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


That day when we got home, I couldn’t stop thinking about what Mickey has said to me. What did he mean by ‘I’m not going to loose you that easily,’ Was he going to hurt me? Most importantly why did I tell him that I still loved him? . . . . . . No! I don’t love him, I have to get over him.


Three day’s have gone by. Right now I’m in the living room getting ready to go back home with Kris. There hasn’t been a moment where my aunt hasn’t tried convincing me to stay.

“Aunty, I have to go back home with Kris. I swear I’m going to come back and visit as soon as I have time.”

She looked at me with a face that read “how am I supposed to believe you,” but instead she said, “Ok sweetie, I’ll be waiting here for you,” and gave me one last hug. Kris was waiting out side for me, so we were making our way to the front, when the phone rang. Aunty stopped and answered it. She talked for a couple of seconds and then hang up. “Who was it?” I asked. “Guess what?” I looked at her confused and asked “What?”

By now Ali had come down stair and was standing next to me. My aunty looked at me then a Ali. “Mickey escaped,” she said in a low voice.

“How can that be? He’s been in there for about two year.” Ali said a little shocked.

“Maybe he was waiting for the right moment,” Someone said from the main entrance. All three of us looked over to see Kris standing there. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“Maybe he was just waiting for you to came back,” He said in a sad voice.

“I think he’s right,” Ali commented.

I didn’t know what to do. “Does he expect me to forgive him just like that?” I asked out loud, instead of in my head.

“If you love him as much as he loves you then yeah,” Kris said in a monotone voice. Why was he telling me all these thing. Doesn’t he want me to be with him.

“I think you two should talk,” My aunty said pushing Ali into the kitchen. Me and Kris sat on the couch. He didn’t say anything and I didn’t know what to say either, so we were quiet for a couple of minutes.

“Amy,” he said taking my hand in his.

“Yeah,” I said getting closer to him.

“Do you still love him?” he asked in a whisper. I wasn’t expecting him to ask me that. I had been avoiding that question for past few days. I didn’t answer anything in return so he let go of my hand. “Did you ever like me at all?”

“Of course I did! How could you even ask that question,” I said standing up, “You know I owe you my life. You were there for me when I needed someone the most.”

“But yet you still love him,” He said raising his voice and also getting up.

“I never said I did!”

“Do you?” He asked now shouting at me, his eyes getting watery. I had never had an argument with him before.

“I. . . I don’t know,” I wasn’t sure if that was true.

“Yeah, well I think I do,” He said making his way out of the house. I followed after him. “Kris wait,” I said and to my surprise he stopped and turned around. “For what? . . .Amy I know you still love him and I’m just in the way. I’m never going to mean anything to you-” I started to cry and wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in his chest.

I couldn’t listen to him any more. He was right I still love Mickey, but I also cared for him a lot. How could he think that he doesn’t mean anything to me. “Kris you’re right I still love him, but you mean a lot to me too,” I said lifting my head up to look at him.

He didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry,” I said in a whisper.

“For what?” He asked.

“For not telling you the truth, I love you too, but like a brother . . . I think. . . . Please don’t hate me.”

He let out a long sight, “Amy I couldn’t hate you even if I tried.” He softly kissed me on the forehead before pulling away from me. “I think you should stay here with you aunt.”

“But I don’t want you to leave,” I really didn’t want him to leave. “I need you.”

“Ha ha, Amy you don’t need me. You have a guy that loves you more than anyone else can.” I knew he was hurt.

“I just don’t want you to leave.”

“ I’ll still be your friend, if you let me.”

“Of course I want you to be my friend,” I said giving him another hug.

Kris ended up going back home by himself leaving me at my Auntie’s house. He told me that he had liked the college that was in town, so he might get an apartment around here and attend the school. I was going to go to that college too. I was so excited. I had just broken up with him, but he still wanted to be my friend. That doesn’t happen very often.

Ok, so I left my boyfriend for Mickey. But where the fuck is he!! My aunty said that he had ran away yesterday. I really needed to talk to him. I missed him so much. Why didn’t I tell him that I still loved him?

All this thinking was getting to me. My head was starting to hurt after all the events that had happened today. It was getting late so I went up to my room and laid on my bead looking at the ceiling.

The room was quiet. Too quiet. I could hear the clock ticking slowly. All of a sudden there was a knock on the window. I got up and walked towards it to see who was out side. I was speechless, Mickey had climbed the tree that lead to my window.