Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


He pulled away from me letting his long black hair fall in front of his face. I smiled and tucked his bangs behind his ear. “Wont Kris get mad if he finds out?” he asked embracing me.

“Why would Kris get mad?”

“Well you’re his. . .you broke up with him?” he asked even though it was already obvious. I just nodded as a response. His face had a big smile going from ear to ear. I pulled him by the hand and led him to my bed, where he embraced me into a hug.

“What are you going to do?” I asked him. If he ran away from the loony been, then there’s probably someone looking for him. I really don’t want him to go back to that place. As beautiful as it looked, it feels bad when the person you love is in a place like that. He looked at me and laughed a little. I asked him why he was laughing.

He told me that he was free to leave that place when ever he wanted, but he had asked his mom to let him stay there and she did. The loony been just called because he walked out with out saying anything.

Then I asked him why he didn’t use the front door of my house. He gave me a slight squeeze, “because I was afraid that your aunt wouldn’t let me see you.” I smiled at what he told me, but didn’t say anything in return.

He pulled away from me and put his hand in his sweater’s pocket and pulled out a green box. It was small and rectangular. “Here” he said handing me the box, “ I was going to give it to you the day you left.”

I grabbed it, “What is it?” I asked curiously.

“Open it,” he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I looked at him with a confused face, then turned to look at the box that I had in my hands. I wondered what was in this box. If he was going to give it to me before I left, this thing must be about two years old.

As I slowly lifted the top off, there was a knock on my door. “Come in,” I said, forgetting that Mickey was in here with me, but to my relieve it was only Ali.

I got up and places the box in one of my drawers. “Amy I was just going to ask if. . . . . Mickey, when did you get here?” She asked giving him a hug. I had forgotten that they were best friends. I knew that they were going to want to catch up on thing’s like I did, but first I had to take care of some business.

I walked out of my room leaving them alone to talk. I went down stairs and into the living room. Alex was sitting on the couch watching T.V. “Alex, where’s your mom?” I asked while I took a seat next to him.

“She left on a business trip, she won’t be back for a while………. Why?” He asked looking at me suspiciously.

“Cant I just ask about the whereabouts of my aunt?” I said sarcastically. He just looked at me waiting for me to tell him the truth. Two years and he still knows me to well.

“Fine, you win…….can um, Mickey stay over for the night?” I asked putting on puppy eyes.

“Sure, whatever…….wait, Mickey is here?” he said getting up and making his way up the stairs.

“Maybe , why?” I asked following after him.

He didn’t reply to me and just kept going up the stairs. As he reached the top he went into my room. Ali and Mickey were talking. As soon as they saw Alex come in, they got up of the bed. Alex looked at Mickey for a couple of minutes, before saying, “You were right.” Mickey just smiled back at Alex. Me and Ali had confused faces.

“He was right about what?” I asked Alex.

Before answering me he looked over at Mickey, then back at me. “Yesterday Mickey told me that he was going to get out of that loony been jut so that he could come see you. I didn’t believe him, because of what he had done to you a couple of years ago.”

“Oh,” was all I could say. Wait so he knew that Mickey was going to run away to come and see me, but yet he didn’t tell me anything. “Wait why didn’t you tell me he had told you that?”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“If that stupid loony been hadn’t called, I would probably be in another town with Kris.”

“Yeah Alex, why didn’t you say anything?” Ali said agreeing with me.

“I don’t know I just….I-” Alex was starting to struggle with his words.

“He just didn’t want me to hurt you again,” Mickey said helping him out.

“Really?” I asked Alex.

“I hate to see you cry and run away, especially after what your parents did to you,” he said looking down at the ground. I bet it was hard for Alex to say that. He hates getting all sentimental.

“What?” Asked Mickey. Oh yeah I since I had only known Mickey for a couple of days, I never told him about the drug problem I had and all those things I did when I lived with my parents. “Nothing, how about we go down stairs?” I suggested walking out of my room. I watched as Ali and Alex made there way down stairs. When Mickey was walking out of my room I turned around to make my way down the stairs, but Mickey grabbed my arm. I looked at him confused. “I have to show you something,” he said pulling me back into my room.

I sat on my bed and watched as he searched inside his backpack. A couple of minutes later he pulled out some papers that were neatly put inside an envelope. He held the envelope in one hand and with the other he took my hand.

I asked him, “What’s wrong?” but instead of answering me he asked me if I had heard from his brother lately. “Nick? . . . . . . Now I haven’t heard from him in like the longest . . . why?” I asked. He handed me the envelope.

I took it and looked at it for a couple of seconds before taking out the papers inside. They looked like letters, fifteen or twenty of them. I looked at Mickey. “Read them,” he said signaling at the letters.

I slowly read the first letter. It looked like a threat letter written to Mickey telling him that who ever wrote it was going to find me and do some weird shit to me. The writer also said that Mickey was going to pay for stopping him. As soon as I saw the signature at the bottom I knew who it was. Nick.

When I finished reading it I looked up at Mickey. “He has been sending them since that day he threatened to do something to Alex in front of your house . . . . . are you sure that you haven’t-”

“Has he done anything to you?” I asked. I remember hearing him talking to Alex and I also remember all the thing he said the Nick used to do to him.

He looked at me funny before answering me, “No, but that’s not the point. He’s out there and if he finds you he’s going to hurt you,” he pulled me closed to him and kissed me on the cheek, “and I don’t want that.”

“Mickey,” I said softly, “What are we going to do?”

He was quiet, I guessed he was thinking. Minutes went by and he still didn’t answer me. I was about to pull away when he spoke up. “Maybe I should have just let you leave with Kris, far away so that Nick wont find you.”

“How could you say that?” I asked.

“He loves you doesn’t he?” I nodded, “Then he wouldn’t mind taking care of you.”

“Mickey I don’t want to leave you again and besides Kris’s going to-” There was a nock on the door once again.

Ali walked in with the phone in her hand, “Mickey it’s your mother.”

“How does she know I’m here?” Mickey asked getting up to grabbed the phone.

“I don’t know, but I think you should answer,” she said and walked back out.

Mickey looked at the phone before answering it.

“Hey mom . . . . . . yesterday . . . . . . tell me what? . . . . . . When did that happen? . . . . . . Hells no!! I’m not going to go visit him; he can rot in hell for all I care. . . . . . Sorry. . . . . . Yeah I’m going to stay here today. . . . . . Ok, bye.”

When he hang up the phone he had a huge as smile on his face. “What did she tell you?” I asked eagerly.
He just walked over to me and kissed me. “Mickey, what… did …she say?” I sad trying to pull away, but he wouldn’t let me.

“Miiiiiiccckkeeyy,” I said whining. He finally pulled away. “Amy guess what?”

“What?” I asked giggling. What could have been so interesting that made him happy?

“My mom said that…… well let’s just say we won’t be seeing Nick in a long time.”

“How do you know?” I asked.

“He got caught um, how can I say this. . . ‘Pimping girls.”

“You mean prostituting them?” I said trying to make thing more clearer.

“Yeah, that so he’s going to be in jail for a while. You know what that mean right?”

“Maybe,” I said not sure what he was talking about.

“That means he won’t be able to hurt you,” He said like if he was some kid of genius.

“Yeah, well I say we celebrate,” I said in a seductive voice. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to kiss him. I laid on my bed with him on top of me. Slowly, I started to kiss him down his neck as I felt his hand slide under my shirt.

When I was about to slip my hand under his shirt, he pulled away. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. “You didn’t open the box I gave you,” he said looking over at the drawer where I had placed it.

“You want me to open it right now?” I asked not wanting to ruin the moment. He nodded as a response. I signaled him to get of off me. He did as instructed and watched me walk over and take out the green box. I walked back to the bed and sat next to him. Once again I slowly opened the box.

Inside the box was a letter neatly folded. I took it out. I noticed that under the note there was a silver necklace with a skeleton key hanging from it. I unfolded the note and read it:


I’ve only know you for a couple of day’s, but I really,
really like you. I’m glad that you’re my girlfriend, if
you would have said no to me earlier I‘d be devastated.
I want to give you this key. The key to my heart. I
hope you keep it with you as an expression of my love
towards you. If you loose it, you will loose me, if you
break it, you will break my heart. If you love it, You
show me how much you love me. I just hope you know
that I like you more than anyone I’ve ever liked before
and I’m going to protect you no matter what.


When I finished reading the letter a tear ran down the side of my face. Mickey wiped it away, “Why are you crying?” he asked. I started to think about what would have happened if I hadn’t run away two years ago. I guess he really did like me when he told me the very first time. . . How could a guy like Mickey like a girl like me. I’ve fucked up so many times . . .

I started to sobbed silently. Mickey embraced me into a hug. I placed my head on his shoulder. “Mickey I love you,” I said without thinking. He stroked my hair, “I love you too, Amy.”

With the chain in one hand and the letter in the other, I slowly drifter into a deep sleep.