Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


The next morning I woke up to the sound of the song “I Don’t Love You,” by MCR, being played down stairs. I looked around to see if I could find Mickey, but he wasn’t in my room. I guess he went down stairs.

I got and went down stairs to see who was around. I went into the kitchen, Ali was sitting down on the kitchen table.

“Hey, have you seen Mickey?” I asked taking a seat next to her.” “Yeah he went home, but he’ll be back later . . . . .I like your chain.”

I had forgotten Mickey had gave it to me, but how did it get on my neck? Last time I remember it was in my hand. “Thanks, Mickey gave it to me.” She just smiled back at me. “I’m going to go change,” I said getting up and heading back upstairs. As I made my way up stairs Alex was coming down. “Oh, Amy, your cell phone was ringing, so I answered it.”

“Who was it?”

“It was some lady asking for you, but she didn’t say who she was.”

“Oh . . . Well if it’s important, she’ll call back,” I said and went into my room.

I took a cold shower hopping it would help me have a clear head, but it didn’t really work. While taking a shower I wondered who was the lady that had called me. Any ways I got out of the shower and got dressed. As I put my makeup on I couldn’t help but keep looking at the chain that Mickey gave me.

Did he really wait for my two years?

A couple of hours later I found my self at this big building. It was the college I was going to be attending. Kris helped me fill out the papers, apply for a tuition and all that crap. I wonder if Kris is going to come to this school too, like he had told me he would.

The tour was going to start at ten, but I arrived at around 9:45. I walked around the school to kill some time. The main building had three floors, and the rest had one level. The quad was huge. There was a fountain in the middle of it. There were a lot of people waiting to take the tour around the campus. I guess they were also going to start attending it.

The guy that had told me to come today said that we would be meeting at the fountain, but since it was crowded I leaned against a tree, waiting ’till my cell phone read ten. As I waited I noticed a girl had joined me and also leaned against the tree. “Hey,” she said, “I’m Amber.”

“Hey I’m Amy,” I said shaking her hand.

“Are you new here?” Amber asked.


“Me too,” She said getting excited. She seemed like a real nice person. She started to tell me about how she just also graduated from high school, but I felt kind of sorry for her, ‘cause she also told me that her ex boyfriend had gotten her pregnant and left her alone with the baby. “I hope that fucker rots in hell,” I told her and she seemed to agree. High school was a drag for her, but luckily her parents didn’t abandon her like my parents did to me.

All this talking was bringing back horrible memories. I about to change the subject, when this guy with one of those big microphone thingies, came up to us and started telling us that our tour would start momentarily.

After a couple of minutes we started the tour. Eventually I learned where all the classes were and all that stuff. When the guy finished giving this boring speech about how grate it’s going to be having us attend that school, I told Amber I was going to head home. She gave me her phone number and I gave her mine. School’s going to star in a couple of weeks.

Making my way toward the front building and out the main entrance, I bumped into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I apologized and continued walking, but then I heard someone call my name. I turned around to notice that the person I had bumped into was none other than Kris.

“Hey, your late,” “I said giving him a hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek. I had forgotten I wasn’t supposed to do that any more. “Yeah I know, it was a long drive.”

“Drive?” I asked confused.

“Yeah my brother drove me here. Could you believe it, My brother’s going to sell the house and buy a new one, closer to her.”

“That’s awesome, come on, let me show you around,” I sad dragging him into the quad.

I showed him around the school imitating the guy with the microphone thingy. I even included the speech ha gave at the end. “So where are you staying?” I asked him, curiously.

“At an apartment that me and my brother are sharing, while we find a new house,” he said smiling. For some reason I waned to kiss him . . . . And I was about to, if it weren’t for someone in a car that started honking, which brought me back into reality. You’re not with him.

“That’s my brother, want a ride home?”

“Sure,” I said and got into the car.

We drove in silence and only spoke when Kris’s brother asked me where I lived, but when he asked he directed the question at Kris. As we he stopped the car in front my anti’s house, he asked if he could talk to me. “Ok,” I said. I was a little confused again. Since when does Kris’s brother want to talk to me?

He walked me to the front door. “So what’s up, Anthony?”

“Amy, did you just bring my brother over here to just brake up with him?”

“No, I never intended to brake up with-” I think Anthony was more mad about the brake up than Kris was himself.

“How could you do that to him? Do you know what he did yesterday?” Anthony started to raise his voce at me, “Wait how could you know, you weren’t there.”

“Anthony you don’t understand.”

“Understand what?” Now he looked like he was ready to kill someone, but out on nowhere Kris appeared.

“Anthony, leave her alone” Kris said placing a hand on Anthony’s shoulder. Anthony just threw his hands in the air as a signal of him giving up. He looked at me with a disgusted face before heading back to the car.

“Sorry about that,” Kris said, turning to leave. “Kris wait,” I said grabbing his wrist. He turned to look at me and waited for me to continue, but as I grabbed his hand I felt something rough, like a scar. I took his hand a lifted up his long sleeve to see a cut, actually it wasn’t only one it was more than one. With his wrist still in my hand I looked up at him and asked, “Why Kris, why?” in a low voice.

“I’ve got to go,” he said pulling his had away from me and getting into his brothers car.