Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

ch. 31

I watched as Kris and Anthony drove away. Why would he do that? He cant love me that much to, … to hurt himself over me, is he? I sat down on the front steps and started thinking. I got lost in thought that I didn’t even notice Mickey standing in front of me. “Amy, babe,” he said waving a hand in front of my face.

“Oh, hey Mickey,” I said snapping back into reality.

“I came by earlier, but Alex told me you went somewhere,” he said sitting next to me.

“Yeah I went to see my new school,” I said smiling, trying to forget what had happened earlier, “What were you up to while I was gone.”

“Oh, um, I was, um, taking care of some business,” he said nervously. Why was he nervous? Fuck now I’m paranoid. I got up and went into the house, followed by Mickey. No one was home. Ali and Alex must have gone out on a date or something.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, but nothing was on. “What’s wrong?” Mickey asked. “Nothing’s wrong, why do you ask?”

“Just asking,” he said an kissed me softly on the lips. “Want to do something fun?”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know what do you want to do?” he asked getting up and pulling me out the door.

“Let’s go to the beach,” I suggested.

“Ok,” he said and took a left on the next corner. We walked in silence, hand in hand. I missed being with Mickey he was just perfect. . . To perfect.

When we got to the beach we walked on the wet sand letting the cold water from the sea hit our bare feet. I giggled at the feeling of the water.

We found a quiet place under a bridge. Mickey sat down and signaled me to sit between his legs. I felt him wrap his hands around me and kissed me softly on my neck.

I wish I could say that I’ve never ever felt this peaceful since the incident with my parent, but I have . . . . .with Kris.

Why cant I stop thinking about him?

“Amy,” Mickey said softly.

“Yeah,” I waited for him to answer, but he didn’t so I turned to look at him. He was staring out into the sunset. “Amy,” he said again, but I waited for him to tell me what he wanted to tell me. He must have been thinking a lot, like me.

“I’m sorry,” he finally said.

“For what?” there was a long silence. “Mickey you haven’t done anything to hurt me, why are you saying sorry-” he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. I still didn’t know why he apologized, but I didn’t feel like asking.

He pulled away, “How about we go home.” I nodded.

Mickey dropped me of at my house and left to his. He said his mom was waiting for him.

It was getting late and there was still no one home, so I went up to my room. I threw my self on my bed. As I did, I felt something vibrate in my sweaters pocket. I reached in and took out my phone. It read unknown caller. I thought about answering it, but didn’t.


Two weeks have gone by. I didn’t do anything, else, but spend them been with Mickey. Every day he’s been taking me to a different places. The first day he took me to diner at this fancy restaurant. The day after that he took me to the fair and so on.

The only sad part is that Alex mom hasn’t come back home yet. I don’t think her trip would have been this long and if it would, I bet she would have called. Ali wasn’t home, she went out with Mickey to do some shopping.

I decided to confront Alex.

Music was coming from his room, so I was guessing he was in there. I knocked, but there was no answer. Either he’s ignoring me or he didn’t hear me knock, because of the loud music, so I opened the door.

He was sitting on his bed just staring into space. I asked him, “Alex can I talk to you?” but he just started smiling to himself and then started to laugh. Something was wrong with him, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I got up and turned of his stereo and sat back down on the bed. Eventually he stopped laughing. “Amy why do you think she left?” When he asked me this, it sounded more like he was asking this to himself.

“Who?” I asked even thought I already knew who.

“My mom.”

“Alex, you know she didn’t leave us,” I said placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at me and then that’s when it hit me. He was on drugs.

“Alex how could you?” I asked, a tear running down the side of my phase.

“Haha, Amy you don’t get it do you?”

“Get what?” What are you talking about?” I asked getting hysterical. Alex just ignored my questions and kept laughing to himself.

“Come talk to me when your not on some weird shit,” I shouted at him and stormed out of his room. I just watched TV, ’till Ali and Mickey came back.

“Hey,” Ali said as she came in, “What’s wrong?” That’s when I broke out in tears. Mickey came over and hugged me. Ali walked out of the room. “How about you go to sleep,” Mickey said, “Tomorrow you start school.” I pulled away from him. “What ever,” I said and went up to my room.


Mickey had stayed over that night, so he woke me up early so that I could get ready for school, which I did. School starts at 8:00, and it was only 7:00. “Let’s go pick up Kris,” I said excitedly.

“Kris?” asked Mickey.

“Yeah, didn’t I tell you , he’s going to go to school with me.”

“No, you didn’t tell me that.”

“It must have slipped my mind. Come on lets go,” I said making my way towards the front door. Half way there Alex bumped into me. “Amy can I talk to you?”

“About what?”

“About yesterday, look I’m sorry,” I really didn’t feel like listening to him.
“What ever,” I said starting to walk away, but before I could he stopped me.

“Listen to me.”

“I don’t want too,” I said trying to pull away from his grip, but he wouldn’t let go. I looked around the room for Mickey, but I couldn’t find him.

“Don’t you think you can forgive me like I forgave you when you were on drugs?” he asked raising his voice and still holding me.

“No, because I stopped using them and you haven’t.”

“Then I will stop using them,” for some reason I knew that he meant it.

“Fine,” I said finally pulling away from him, “but ‘till then, I’m still mad at you.”

“Ok then,” was all he said in return and went up stairs.

“Mickey!” I shouted. I was to mad to go look for him. He came from the kitchen and asked me if I was ready to go. I didn’t answer him and just made my way out the door and into his car. He got in and started driving. He must have notice I was mad, because he didn’t say anything to me.

I sighed, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok,” He said and smiled at me.

“What are you going to do while I’m at school?” I asked him getting into a happy mood.

“I have no clue. . . . Wait till I see you again I guess,” He said and kissed me on the cheek.

When dropped me of at school, I watched as he drove of down the street. I waited outside the school, for Kris and maybe even Amber.

I didn’t wait long ‘till Kris showed up. His brother’s car made this weirdest sound, and as soon as I heard it, I got up and saw Kris getting out of the car.

He walked over to me and gave me a warm hug. “Good morning,” he said letting go. “I haven’t seen you in day’s.”

“Yeah I know,” I said smiling, but them my smile faded away as I remembered what had happened two weeks ago. I took his had in mine and was about to lift his sleeve like I had done before, I think he realized what I was looking for and pulled his hand away from me. “Kris why did you do that,” I asked pointing at his wrist.

“I don’t know,” he said looking away from me.

“Kris you know your not going to be able to avoid this conversation forever,” I said scolding him.

“I know,” he said softly looking at me straight in the eye, “I know”

“Then why?”

“Because. . . .because-” he was about to speak up when someone shouted my name. We both turned around to see Amber walking over.

“Hey Amber.” she looked at me then at Kris. “Oh, um, this is Kris.” they both greeted each other and made small talk.

We made our way to our classes and decided to meet each other at the fountain after our classes, so we can all go over to my house. As I went up the stair to the third floor where my first class was I couldn’t help but to think about Kris. Why do I care so much?