Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


My first class and I was already bored. Back in high school, I would always have fun in class. . . . . . Do to the fact that Kris was in all of them. FUCK!! Get out of my head.

As soon as the bell rang I walked out the room and went to my next class. When I walked into the room I noticed someone familiar sitting at the back of the class. Amber. I sat next to her. The teacher started to blabber about some math problem. I was starting to fall asleep, ‘till I felt Amber poke me on the arm I turned to look at her. She handed me a folded paper.

I unfolded it to see the it was a note. “Hey, Are you and Kris going out?”

For some reason I laughed to my self. “No, why?” I wrote down and handed the note back to her.

I saw as she read it and slide it across the desk so that I could read what she had written down, “Just asking, ‘cause you guy’s make a cute couple.”

I turned to look at her and smiled, before writing something down. “Oh, we used to go out, but now I’m with this guy, Mickey.”

She read it and said “Oh,” out loud. She looked sad.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered.

“Oh, nothing,” She said smiling.

Pretty soon the bell rang and we went our separate ways once again. “Only one more class to go.” I told my self.

When I got there, this time I sat at the front of the class, ’cause Spanish was one of my favorite subjects. The teacher had a weird ass name.

This class went by the fastest, this time do to the fact that I actually paid attention.

As I got closer to the fountain, I saw Kris was already there. We sat down and waited for Amber. We didn’t wait long for her, ‘cause as we sat, my phone vibrated. I took it out of my back pocket. The screen read Amber.


“Hey Amy, I’m not going to be able to go home with you today,” Amber said in an apologetic/ worried voice.

“Oh, is everything ok?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think…” I heard her take a deep sigh, “It’s just that my babies dad came back and, well he wants to see my baby and I don’t want him too.”

“I see, well if there’s anything I can do just ask, ok?”

“Ok, thanks, bye.”

“Bye,” I said and put away my phone. I got up and started walking home. Kris walked right beside me. “She’s not coming is she?” he asked. I just nodded and kept walking.

It made me sad to think about how difficult her life must be. It also makes me sad to think about who her babies dad is. Why does he want to see her now? Most importantly, why do I care.