Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship


I pulled his sleeve up. There were scars going up and down, across his wrist. I gently touched them to see ho they felt.

They felt rough. When I ran my fingertips over a fresh new cut, which I was guessing he had done a couple of minutes ago, he hissed I pain. Hearing his pain brought tears to my eyes.

When he noticed my tears he quickly pulled away. His swift movement caused my finger to slightly touch his open cut, making him hiss in even more pain like he had done before. “I’m so sorry,” I said quickly apologizing.

He still kept looking away from me and that as making me mad. “Kris, please look at me,” I said it more like a command than a question. He didn’t move and kept very still.

I placed a hand under his chin and made him look at me. He didn’t resist at all. I expected him to be crying, but he wasn’t. That was another thing about Kris. He has always there for me when I felt sad, but he didn’t like to let me know when he was sad and it was rare for him to cry.

I want him to stop, but I don‘t know how to tell him, “Kris-”

“Amy, why do you even care?”

“I care because,… because, I, … I-” I started to stutter. Why do I care? It’s not like if I still like him more than a friend… Do I? No! I can’t love him, I can’t love him, I can’t love him, I’m with Mickey…

Better question is Do I still love Mickey?

I thought for a couple of minutes trying to sort out my feelings, “Kris… I think I still-”

I stuck my hand inside my sweater’s pocket frustrated and took out my vibrating phone.


“Fuck,” The word slid right out of my mouth.

“What’s wrong?” Kris asked concerned.

“It’s Mickey,” I said turning of my phone.

“Your not going to answer?” He asked glancing over at my phone. I shook my head.



“Amy, you know,… I still love you.” he said in an audible whisper.

“I know…I love you too.” I said looking at him.

“I really mean it Amy, I love you.” He repeated, but now looking at me.

I moved closer to him. We were face to face inches apart. “I love too,” I said and placing a gentle kiss on his soft lips.