Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

Coming Back

I rested my head on Kris’s chest and just laid there taking in everything that had just happened. Kris gently stroked my arm.

I looked out one of the windows and saw that it was getting late. “Kris.”

“Yeah,” he said in a whisper.

“I have to go home,” I said looking up at him. He just looked back at me but didn’t say anything. I sighed and got up to gather my clothes. He followed after me.

As I put on my clothes, he watched my every move. I glanced over to where he as sitting, “Are you going to stay like that all night?” I asked with a smile.

He smiled back, “No.” He got up and put on some boxers and walked over to me. He wrapping his arm around my waist and rested his head on my right shoulder.

We stood there in silence. “Kris I-”

“I know, you have to go home,” He took a long sigh, “Are you going to come back?”

I turned around and gave him a dumbstruck look.

“I’m sorry,” he said looking away, “I’m just scared that you wont-” I kissed him on the cheek and gave him a tight hug.

“Kris, I will come back,” I said slowly,” Because I love you.”

“I love you too.” Was the last thing he told be before the front door to his apartment closed behind me.

As I walked back slowly back to my house I decided to turn on my cell phone.

I was shocked to find only one missed call. I guess Mickey really didn’t try to look for me. I stared down at the floor. For some reason it hurt me. Why? Why did it hurt that Mickey didn’t care about me.

“Stupid Mickey,” I cursed out loud.

That was when my stupid phone started to vibrate. As I felt it vibrate, I hoped that it was Mickey, but it wasn’t. It was unknown caller.

“Hello.” I answered angrily into the phone, but there was no reply. “Hello,” I said again, but more gently.

“Oh, um, Hello,” a lady said in a soft voice from the other end. I didn’t recognize her. It wasn’t my aunty.

“Who is this?” I asked. By now I had stopped walking and was standing still.

“Um, it, it’s um, me hun, it’s Betty,” I froze. What the hell does she want?