Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

Bye, bye hospital

After crying and crying I slept the rest of that day. Today I woke u to voices in the room. It was Ali and Alex. I sat up straight and tried to smile at them.

“Amy!” Alex shouted as he ran towards me and gave me a big bare hug.

“Hay Alex,” I said giggling. Ali walked over and also said hi.

I wondered if she was mad at me disappointed in me, and a bunch of other thought went through my head. Ali has been my only best friend that I have ever had and I don’t want her to be mad at me for hurting her other best friend. I felt like crying, but I kept the tears in.

“Looks like your going back home today.” Alex said getting u. he walked over to the door and grabbed a bag from the floor. “Ali picked out some clothes for you.”

“Thanks.” I said to both of them. I really appreciated what they were doing.

“Umm, Amy… do you think we can talk really quick?” Ali asked. Looking at me. “Sure.” I said not wanting to know what she wanted to tell me.

She looked over at Alex and signaled him to leave. “We’ll be waiting in the car for you guys.” He said and turned to leave.

“Wait, We?”

“Yeah, Umm, Mickey’s waiting outside. He was going to come, but he didn’t know if you wanted to see him,…so he staid outside…”


He nodded and left the room.

Ali sat next to me. She looked at me with a face that had no expression… and then smiled, “So, how are you feeling?”

“Umm, good I guess, I mean physically better…”

“Yeah I know what you mean.” There was a pause, “Amy, I lied to you.”


“I knew about Amber and I should have told you… but Mickey… he…”

“He asked you not to tell me?”

“No… He was my best friend and so were you. I thought that things would work out,” She was staring to have a panic attack that I couldn’t understand what she was saying, “hetoldmeIcouldtellyoueverythingandthathewoulddealwithit!”

Somehow I managed to get up tried to calm her down, “Ali…Ali!,” I placed my hands over her shoulders, “Calm down… ok.”

Slowly and calmly her breathing went back to normal, “I’m sorry… usually nothing like this happens.”

“It’s ok.”

“No it’s not Amy I … I wanted things to be ok, but they didn’t. Do you know how much he loves you?” I knew she was referring to Mickey, “Every day all those thought about whether telling you or not telling you the truth tormented him.”

“Ali I love him too and I know that what I did was wrong, but I just couldn’t take it. I blew up on him!……and that wasn’t the right thing to do.”

We talked for a couple of more minutes. She kept telling me she was sorry, but I told her not to be. When she hid Mickey secret, she wasn’t only thinking about Mickey, she was also thinking about me and wanting me to be happy…… no one has ever done that for me…well not including my aunty, and Alex.

When I was finished changing, we checked me out of the hospital we walked outside to see Alex and Mickey standing there.

“Ready to go?” Alex asked.

I cleared my throat, “Yeah.”

We go into his car. Alex was driving, so Ali sat in the front with him. That left me in the back with Mickey. It felt really awkward to be sitting next to him after everything that has happened.

Through the ride I stared out the window, wishing what I knew what Mickey thought of me. He might have been nice to me yesterday because he knew I was going to feel like shit, but that was it.

I recognized the street we were on. Our house was only a couple of more streets down, but when we stopped at a red light, Ali turned around in her seat, “Mickey are you coming home with us?”

Mickey looked a little nervous, “Umm, no… remember I have to go somewhere.”

“Oh that’s right, You have to go see the …little…” her voice faded as she turned to look at me.

“Yeah… I have to go see the little baby…” He looked at me with those eyes that he had when I told him about my baby and what had happened. I wanted to look away from him, and I know that he wanted to look away from me too, but it was like if our gaze was locked and we couldn’t look away.

A tear ran down the side of his face, but he still didn’t look away, “Do… do you guy want to come?”

“Can we?” Ali asked getting excited.

“Yeah.” He looked away from me and brought his gaze to his hands which were on his lap.

I was about to turn and face the window again, when he spoke up, “Amy… do you want to go?”

“Me?” I asked dumbstruck.

“Yeah, I mean Amber won’t mind and besides she has been wanting to see you. Yesterday she go so happy when I told her you were out of a coma.”

It took me a couple of seconds to take in what he had just told me. “Oh, um, ok.”

“I say we go home freshen up and then go to Ambers house.”

“Ok.” we all agreed.