Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

You make me happy

Alex looked normal to me, but I kept wondering if he had been drinking or did he stop. He must have read my mind, because when we arrived home, Ali and Mickey went inside, but he pulled me aside.

“Amy I miss her.” He went straight to the point. I didn’t know what to tell him. I didn’t want to tell him tat she was going to be back, and that she was ok, ‘cause I don’t know. All I could do was bring him into a hug, “I do to Alex, I do too.” She was the only person I had close to a mother…


She had called me that day that all that happened. Why was she calling me after what, two, three years. Alex pulled away.

“Amy, I’m sorry for all-”

“It’s Ok Alex. I heard to many apologies……I think I’m the one that should be apologizing…”

He looked towards the house and then back at me, “You still like him don’t you.”

“No Alex. I don’t… I love him.” I wanted t cry again, but no! I was tired of all that.

“You were just mad that day Amy… just tell him hw you feel.”

His advice made me chuckle, “Yeah right, he probably hates me and besides…… “ Kris… I haven’t read that letter.

I was starting to space out when he waved his hand in front of my face, “Amy I have to tell you something about your…,” He cleared his through, “Your mom…”

“What about her?” I asked in and angrily. Just talking about her made me mad.

“She… she’s been calling lately and I’ve been telling her to sop calling… I wasn’t sure if that was what you wanted, but-”

“You did the right thing Alex. I don’t ever want to see her.” He nodded, and with that we ended the conversation.

I still felt awkward being around Mickey so I went straight up to my room to take a quick shower.

My room looked the same as I remember leaving it, but the bathroom; it was different. The broken mirror was gone and the blood too. Everything looked new.

I took my shower and changed into my old skinny black jeans and a black t-shit. I ran a comb through my wet hair and applied right red eye shadow around my eyes with a thick layer of black eye liner, hopping my black eyes would stand out.

When I was all done, I went back into my room and grabbed my sweater. I zipped it up and showed my hands into the pockets, to feel a paper shoved in there. I pulled it out to see that it was the envelope Kris had left for me.

As I slowly made my way down the stairs, I took a deep breath and slit open the envelope from one side. At the bottom of the stair I pulled out two pieces of paper. One was the picture that Kris had drawn of me. The one that he had neatly tucked under that plastic on his desk and on the other there was a letter:


Amy tonight You made me at happiest guy in the world and when you told me you loved me. That made me even happier, but …I know something you don’t… You love Mickey more than anyone and you know it. You just afraid to admit it because your afraid of getting hurt again. What I did(or am going to do) I something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but I just thought I might le you know that I didn’t do it because I was sad, depressed or anything like that. I’m happy. All I ever wanted was someone to love ma and you did. My life is complete I reached the point where I’m the happiest that I can be and I know that if I keep living something is going to happen and I don’t want that.

I’m sorry if I made you cry…but all I want is for you to be happy the way feel right now… and you know how to do it.

Tell him that you love him… ‘cause I know your love for him is true. Love him like I loved you.

Bye, Amy, I’m going to miss you

Surprisingly as I finished reading the letter, I didn’t cry, ’cause I knew he was right. I only wished that he hadn’t died… but on the other hand, knowing that he died happy, made me feel a little better.

At that moment Mickey walked by and asked me if I was ready, but seeing that I didn’t reply to his question, he asked “Is everything ok?”

He noticed the papers in my hand. He took both of them and scanned through them. “This is what was in the envelope?”

“Yeah,” I said weakly.

He read it. When he finished he folded the papers and put them back neatly into the envelope.

He handed it back to me, “Do you still want to go?”

“Yeah.” I said taking the envelope from his hand. I needed something to distract me from everything that was happening around me.

“Good now come on lets go.” He took my right hand with his left hand and lead me outside.

As he closed the front door, he leaned over and whispered in my ears, “You look really pretty tonight.”

I smiled at him and blushed a little.

Next he lead me to the car in which Ali and Alex had been waiting in. I looked at Alex who had a blank expression on his face. He was staring at something. Mickey must have noticed, ‘cause we both looked down at our linked hands and both quickly pulled away.

Mickey went around the car and I took the seat behind Alex.

I was starting to get nervous. I looked at the rear mirror to see Alex staring back at me with a look that said “What was that?”

I rolled my eyes at him and looked over at Ali who was also giving Mickey the same look.

“Can we go now?” Mickey asked Alex getting impatient and I was guessing annoyed too, cause I was.