Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

Bittersweet News

I hadn’t know Amber for a long time, but I knew she was a good person, but there was only one thought that kept running through my head, ‘cause a lot of things could have happened in one month right.

Ambers house wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small either. She greeted us at the front door. Mickey gave her a hug and then she welcomed Ali and Alex, but when she saw me she smiled like if I had been her best friend and she just found out I was alive. “Oh my god you look great,” she whispered in my ear as she gave me not a tight hug, ‘cause I still had a couple bruises here and there, “… well you look great compared to when I saw you at the hospital.”

I had nothing to say to that so I tried to give her the sweetest smile I could give her. She lead us to her living room and we took a seat while we waited to see her baby.

I’m not sure if it was a boy or a girl… or maybe she ever even told me.

Me and Ali sat on the small couch while Alex and Mickey sat on the other.

When she came back, she had was holding something in her arms that was wrapped in a light pink blanket. She walked over to me and handed her to me carefully, “Hey name’s Joan.”

I carefully took her and looked down at the living creature that was squirming around in my arms. I smile down at little Joan and she smiled back.

“Aww look,” Ali exclaimed, “she’s smiling.”

I was to taken by the baby that I barely heard when Amber asked Mickey if she could talk to him. Out of the corner of my eyes I watched as they walked away.

Before handing the baby to Ali I noticed something about the baby… she had bright grey eyes.

Looking at Ali hold the baby made ma think about back than when I was pregnant and how it would have felt to hold my own child in my arms.

I kept thinking for a while longer about my life and how people are right. So far I’ve done a pretty good job fucking up, but knowing that there’s good thing out there gave me this hope… hope to keep fighting and not do the errors I’ve done in the past, and the first thing I can start of by doing is fixing things with Mickey. I don’t want to loose him. Ok so I lost him already, but I still want to have him as a friend.

Alex was the last to hold the baby before he handed her to Mickey who had returned from his talk with Amber.

Looking at Alex and Ali both have hold a baby, made me wonder if they were really meant for each other. After all the bullshit I’ve caused them, they’re still together. I just hope they do, ’cause they look so happy together, especially with a child…wow, that would be awesome. That would make me an aunt or something like that, but I’m getting to carried away.

While Mickey held that baby, he looked up to me and smiled, I couldn’t help but to smile back. Even though he hadn’t been there for her for about a year and a couple of months I bet he would have been a good dad.

The baby fell aback to sleep and I talked to Amber about school and what I had missed. She said she was willing to teach me so that I wouldn’t be far behind in my studying.

I was scanning through a book she had given me, that the teacher had assigned to read when she spoke up, “Amy I’m really sorry to hear what happened to Kris.”

“You don’t have to be Amber,” I took out the envelope from my sweater, “That was what he wanted.

She looked at me confused, but then read the letter and saw the picture. When she handed me back the envelope, she asked, “Do you still love him?”

“Of course I do, and I always will…but I’m going to miss him,” I didn’t understand her question.

“I was talking about Mickey…” Her voice trailed off.

“Ohh…..,” I nodded. Surprisingly he smiled at me, “That’s good.”

I opened my mouth to speak when Alex entered the room, “Ready to go?”


Right as we were going to say our goodbyes, we heard the doorbell. Amber let to answer it and came back accompanied by this guy. I didn’t know him, but he look awfully familiar.

School. I remember now, he goes to our school. Amber blushed a little, “Umm, you guys,” the guy took her hand in his, “This is my boyfriend, Miguel.”

She introduced each one of us.

Eventually we said our goodbyes. As we got in the car Amber walked over to my door and whispered “good luck.” I smiled and said thank, not knowing what she was talking about.

we were sitting the same way we had come. I glanced over a couple of times at Mickey to find him smiling to him self. Something was up, but I also noticed something different… he was being himself; the quiet and shy Mickey I had fallen in love with two years ago.

When we got home, I we had been talking about bands and which was better than which. As we walked into the house, me and Mickey were arguing between My Chemical Romance and Green Day.

“What ever, Mickey you know I’m right.” I said giggling.

“Keep thinking that Amy,” He told me before starting to walk away.
I was about to go up the stairs when I called him back. “Yeah,” he asked.

“Mickey, why do you still stick around?” I know it was a stupid question, but I had to know.

“Because…,” he took a moment to think, “because, Ali’s my best friend and I would be devastated if she was taken away from me…” He looked like he had something else to say, but nothing came out of his mouth.

“Right…” I continued my way up, only to be turned around. Mickey wrapped his arms around my waist and brought my body closer to his, “And because that’s what you do when you love someone,” he ran his gentle fingers through my hair before placing his hand on my neck and pulling me into a kiss.

I couldn’t believe it. Mickey; the guy to whom I’ve made life miserable for the past two years is kissing me after the horrible things I said.

As I opened my eyes, I smiled at him, feeling warm tears on my face.

“Amy I still love you and I always will,” He paused to whipped the tear away, “And I know you still love me…” He kissed me on the lips once again.

I looked at him straight in the eyes, “How … how did you know?”

He smiled and with one hand reached for my neck.

In his hand he was holding the skeleton key he had given me, “Remember what that letter said when I gave it to you?”

I nodded remembering exactly what that letter said. It said that if I loose it, I will loose him, if I break it, I will break his heart, and that if I love it, I will show him how much I love him.

Still keeping me close he looked at the key he held I his hand. “You might have only forgotten to take it of after all the arguing that had been going on between you and me, but to me it meant something else.” He looked up at me.

“Mickey,” I sighed, “You know I have always loved you,…I was just starting to miss the old Mickey,” He smiled shyly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I missed the shy,” I kissed him once, “and quiet,” then once more, “Mickey that always told me everything.”

“I’m sorry for lying to you,” He kissed me on the forehead, “But guess what.”

I chuckled, “What?”

“When I was talking today to Amber…” His voice trailed of and his eyes drifted away fro my gaze

“Uhu…” I was getting impatient.

“She got the results back.”

“What results?” he quickly explained to me what kind or results she had received. He also said that days after my tree accident him and Amber decided to take a test to make sure that Joan was his baby.

“What were he results?”

He smiled, but then frowned, “The results were negative…”

“Really…but then why so sad?”

He pouted, “I was starting to like being a daddy.”

I kissed his pouting lips and whispered, “We can always make one of our own.” He giggled, “I think I’d like that,” he said kissing me

Somehow one of his hands drifted from my lower back to my ass, “Haha, Mickey…”


“When I said we could make one of our own I didn’t mean now.”

“Are you sure?” He teased.

“Mickey!” I squealed.

I pulled away from him and tried to run up the stairs to only be tickled. I had only made it to the top step when all the laughter made me fall to the ground.

Mickey straddled me pining me to the ground, “Mickey, I’m only eighteen,” I leaned forward and kissed him, “I don’t want to end up pregnant again at a young age.”

I think that got to him, ‘cause his grip on my wrists loosened. He wasn’t hurting me at all, but I guess the thought of what had happened to me made him think he was hurting me.

He looked down at me and stroked my hair, “Amy. I’m sorry… I don’t meant to do the things I do-”

“Mickey,” I wrapped my arm around his waist, “ I love all the little things you do. That’s why I love you. Mike, you have never ever hurt me… and if you ever do, I’ll make sure to let you know, ok?”

He whispered a barely audible “ok.”

“Do you really mean it when you say we can have a baby when we get older?”

“Of course I do. I don’t want to be a bitter old lady with no children.”

He giggle, “I think you should go to sleep now, it’s getting late.” he got up of off me and lifted me up in his arms bridal style and took me to my bed room.

While I got ready for bed, he told me he was going to head home to visit his mom and that tomorrow he would pick me up from school.

I’m not sure what all f this, what had been happening meant, but he kissed me goodnight and whispered “I love you.”

“I love you too, Mickey.” I uttered across the room. He smiled back at me from the doorway before shutting the door.