Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

My Birthday

Well, incredibly, I made it through the whole semester without getting kicked out. And all thanks to Amber. God I don’t know how many times I’ve tanked her.

Anyways. It’s been about three months and half, since Alex asked Ali to marry him, and in two days they’re finally going to get married.

Two weeks ago I went with Ali down town to shop for her dress. It took a while to find the right dress. It was a plain white, strapless dress. It was simple, but it looked perfect.

Today Alex took Ali on a date, which left me alone in the house, so I invited Mickey over. His mom had gone out of town, for a couple of days, but she said she would be back for Ali’s wedding. Ali being Mickey’s best friend for years, she was like a daughter to her.

Today, yeah today, was my nineteenth birthday. I was so excited. Mickey brought me nineteen roses. “Thank you.” I said kissing him on the forehead.

While I looked for a vase to put them in, Mickey was in the living room, putting a movie, so that we could watch.

I sat the vase in the middle of the table and joined Mickey.

I sat between Mickey legs on the floor as he wrapped him arms around my waist.

It had been about thirty minutes that the movie had begun when
my hands somehow made their way to the sides of Mickey’s thighs, and started to move in a circular motion.

Mickey’s hands around my waist tightened, which caused me to stop my movements. I felt his warm breath on my neck, so I turned my head to meat his gaze.

I closed my eyes and kissed him. I tried to kiss him as passionately a I could, and I think I did, ‘cause he brought one of his ands around m neck and pulled me closer. The other went under my shit.

In less than a minute, his and my shirt were on the floor and I was straddling him against the couch on the floor.

He ran his fingers through my hair, “Amy, are you sure you want to go through this-” I kissed quickly, got up and dragged him up the stairs.

Just the thought of being with Mickey after falling in love with him three years ago, made me happy.