Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

The wedding

Ali woke up early in the morning to get her hair done and all that stuff, but I think was panicking, ‘cause as I curled the last curl on her hair, she turned around, “Amy, what if getting married isn’t right?”

I chuckled, “Ali do you love Alex?”


“Then I think you should marry him, ‘cause he loves you too.” She took a deep breath and smiled. “Sorry.”

I smiled back and helped her put on her dress.

When finished we walked down stairs. Where we were met by her parent’s. Yeah the wedding was going to be here right at our house, in our back yard.

Ali introduced me to her mom and dad, which seemed like real nice people.

I excused myself and went to look for Alex, but failed as I felt someone arms wrap themselves around my waist, “Hey baby, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

I tuned around giggling and kissed him. “You just saw me in the morning.”

“I know, but I didn’t see you in this beautiful blue dress.” He twirled me around letting my black and blond hair flow in the air.

Somehow I twirled away from him and ended up in Alex arms. “Just the man I was looking for.”

“Why?” he put a worried face on, “did I do something wrong?”

He looked handsome in his tux. And his hair was combed too, I might add.

“No, calm down fu,” I started giggling, but then went serious. “I just wanted to wish you good luck.”

He smiled, “Thanks.”


Mickey was Alex best man so They stood at the front. I stood next to Ali’s and Mickey’s mom, waiting for Ali to be escorted by her dad.

I have to say, Ali looked very happy as she walked down the isle with her dad.

I remember, when I sleep over at her house , she told me that this was the only thing that she has ever dreamt of, to be escorted by her father to the man that she love, and I’m glad that she’s happy., ‘cause if it wouldn’t have been for her talking to me, my first day of school, I wouldn’t here standing next to the mother of the man I truly love.