Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

Does he like her?

Amy's P.O.V.

After a while Mickey and I, both fell asleep, but we both woke up to the sound of the lunch bell. Mickey got up and extended his arm out to me to help me get up. We blew out the candle and walked down the stairs. We walked threw the halls, then out to the school yard finally, over to the tree where we had been kicking it yesterday.

When we got there, we both sat down. Mickey told me about how Nick is the leader of the gang he’s in and how a lot of people fear him and stuff like that, until we saw Alex walking towards us.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked. With out letting me give him an answer he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me away so that Mickey wouldn't hears us.

"Well,… I thought I told you to stay away from him?" he asked.

“I know you did, but he's not like his brother he’s different please trust me." I said.

“Did he tell you to tell me that, just so that I won’t fight with Nick?" Alex snapped at me.

“No he didn't tell me to tell you that. If you would just talk to him, you would know that he wants you to teach his own brother a lesson, too."

"He does?" Alex asked confused.

I looked over to where Mickey was standing. I waved at him telling him to come over. He walked over still looking down at his shoe’s like he always did.

"So, you really want me to teach your brother a lesson?" Alex asked Mickey.

"Yeah, he has hurt a lot of people I know and I don't want him to hurt Amy or Ali again." Mickey answered.

Alex nodded "Ok, but I still don't trust you being around Amy."

"Oh," was all Mickey could say.

“Where’s Ali?" Alex asked out of the blue.

"Why?" I asked.

Alex blushed a little and said “I was just asking, 'cause I always see her with Mickey."

"She didn't come today 'cause she felt sick," Mickey said.

"Maybe you should drop by her house after school and check up on her," I said smiling.

Alex started to blush again ,"Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Got a problem with that?"

"Yeah, how come you get to hang out with Ali but I can't hang out with Mickey?" I asked, making him blush even more.

"Because you still aren't trust worthy," he said as he walked away, leaving me and Mickey standing their alone.

This got me thinking. Does Alex like Ali or did he just ask about her 'cause he was worried 'cause of what happened yesterday? Well I'll eventually find out.

I noticed Mickey staring at me so I asked "What?"

"Why did Alex say you weren't trust worthy?" He asked me.

I didn't want to tell him the truth, but if I lied I was going to get into more trouble than what I was already in.

"He doesn't trust me because of the things that happened between me and my parents when I use to live with them." I said.

"Oh, what kind of things happened between you and your parents?" he asked still staring at me.

I hesitated and looked away from him" Um, I used to do stupid things and my parents would fight with each other trying to figure out who was the one that had fucked up."

Mickey moved from where he was standing and stood right in front of me. He put both of his hands on my shoulders and asked me "What kind of stupid things did you do?" I felt tears run down my face. The next thing I knew I was sobbing to myself.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Mickey said as he hugged me.

"I do want to tell you, but I just don't want you to hate me," I heard my self tell him.

"Amy I don't think there is anything that you could have done that would make me hate you.”

I thought to myself, he’s not going to think that for long.