Having Fun Can Ruin A Friendship

Heard you were sick.

Alex's P.O.V.

I walked up to Ali's house, hoping she wont get mad about me dropping by. I've liked Ali a lot for a long time now, but I never got the nerves to talk to her 'cause of Nick, I'm not saying that I was afraid of him, but what if she didn't like me and told Nick. That would of gotten me into more trouble. I hope she realized that Nick’s an asshole after what happened yesterday.

I knocked on the front door, but nobody answered. I was about to nock again when the door opened. Ali was standing their, apparently wondering what I was doing there.

"Alex?" She asked confused.

"Umm, uh hi." I stuttered. Why did I stutter?

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, I didn't see you at school today and umm, Mickey said that you were feeling sick, so I thought I might drop by and see how you were doing," I said shyly.

"Oh, he did? Ummm want to come in?"


She led me up the stairs and into her room, I think. She sat on one end of the bed, so I sat on the other. All she did was stare at the floor. "What yah thinking about?" I asked without even thinking.

She looked up at me. "I was wondering why you're here."

I got up and sat closer to her. " Because I was worried,"

"Why?" she asked again. I thought to my self. “Why do you ask to many questions?"

" 'cause ....... I don't know..." I couldn't find the right words to describe what I felt.

"After I left Mickey's house yesterday I started thinking.......... I mean I thought-" I was cut of.

"You thought Nick might of come back to hurt me?" She asked, looking at the ground again. It sounded more like a statement when she said it.

"Well yeah, he was drunk and possibly on something." I put my had under her chin lifting her head up making her look at me.

"Do you like him?" I asked. Why did I ask that. Now I'm going to freak her out.

Tears started to run down the side of her cheeks. "Yeah," she answered and at that moment my heart felt like it was drowning. Tears were now coming out of my eyes, but I looked away trying to cover them up.

"But not until what he did to me," I heard her say. I looked back at her with a confused face.

"What did he do to you?" I asked wanting an answers fast. Yeah like she's going to tell me, she hardly even know me.

"Nick is a real bad person and loves to inflict pain on other people." she started off.

"Uhu," I said wanting her to continue.

"The person he enjoys hurting the most is his brother, so he thought Mickey liked me more than a just a best friend, so he asked me out," Now she started to speak between sobs.

"I was stupid enough to say yes. Mickey told me to say no, so I got mad at him and stopped talking to him. One day we went to a party and well, he got me so drunk that I got knocked out. The next day I woke up to find myself naked in his room. I didn't know what to do so I just sat their until he woke up. He told me that I wasn't good enough for him that he never loved me and other things. He got changed and left me their crying in his room all alone. I felt used and discussed with my self, so I got a razor from the bathroom. I was about to cut my self when Mickey stopped me. He hugged me and told me that that wasn't the answer. I couldn't believe it. He was talking to me after I had chosen Nick over him.” Now she was really crying, so I wrapped my arms around her. She placed her head on my chest and cried.

After about an hour of just sitting their and letting her cry out her pain she stopped.

"What happened after?" I asked wanting her to answer.

"Nick apologized and wanted to get back with me, but I was so hurt I ignored him for about half a year. Mickey helped me get over it, so I started talking to Nick again, but after yesterday. I saw that Nick hadn't changed and that he could of hurt Amy. I didn't mean to put her in danger I-"

I cut her of "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know he was going to try and hurt her and besides you deserve someone better than him?"

" Like who?" She said sarcastically. "What guy would like to go out with a girl like me?"

"Well, what kind of girl do you consider yourself?" I asked.

She looked backed up a little from my chest just enough to be able to turn and look at me. "A girl that gets drunk and looses her virginity without even knowing it."

I leaned forward and placed my head right beside hers like if telling someone a secret. "I would like to go out with a girl like that," I whispered in her ear then placed a kiss on her cheek, I took my gaze back to her eyes, eager to here her response.