Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart

Hazel Green Tinted Eyes...


“Mitchell! Mitchell where are you?” I yelled running down the street. People were looking at me crazy but I didn’t care as long as Mitchell was ok.
“Mam? Are you ok? Who are you looking for?” A woman said.
“No time! My son is somewhere and I don’t know where and he could be DEAD!” I screamed running away towards the corner.
“Mam…” A man said.
“My son…” I sobbed. It started raining.
“Mam, is this your son?” A guy with tattoos said. He was carrying an asleep Mitchell in his arms.
“Yes, where did you find him?” I exclaimed in a sigh.
“He was crying looking for his mom. I found him an hour ago.” He said flashing me a smile.
“Thank you so much.” I said putting up my hood, the rain was cold but the man didn’t seem to mind.
“I’ll carry him back to your house for you… Unless you want a ride?” He said taking his hat off and putting it on Mitchell to keep the rain off of his face.
“Umm… That’s very nice of you but I don’t know you and… For the safety of my son…”
“That’s ok, but you can keep the hat, so he doesn’t get wet. May I ask what his name is?” He said before a gang of other guys came out.
“Mitchell.” I whispered.
“Is that the mom?” The short one asked.
“Has to be, looks just like the poor kid.” The tall one said.
“Do you want a ride, it’s raining and I’m sure we have room. I promise we won’t hurt you.” The one who gave Mitchell his hat said.
“Thanks. But one wrong thing and I wont hesitate to…”
“Yay! New friends!” The tall one said. “Can I hold…”
“Mitchell?” I asked pulling him closer to me.
“It’s ok, he’s like a big kid himself, he doesn’t know about trust issues.” The short one laughed.
“Can I at least know your names?” I asked as they helped me into their SUV.
“The driver is Matt, he looks scary but he’s not I promise. I am Brian by the way, The tall one is Jimmy, the short one is Johnny and the one over there with a ‘hidden’ JD in his pocket is Zacky.” He said.
“Oh hi-ya, well as you know this is Mitchell my son, and I am Krystel.” I said shyly.
“Hi Krystel, nice to meet you.” They all said nicely.
“So, which one is yours?” Matt asked.
“The white one, keep going straight you can’t miss it.” I laughed.
“Wow.” Johnny said looking at my house.
“That is… wow.” Zacky and Jimmy agreed.
“Well you can stop staring and come in to get something to eat, I’m sure I have hot pockets.” I laughed totally forgetting that they were strangers.
“Ok. Are you sure?” Brian said.
“I’m sure.” I got out of the car, and shifted Mitchell to my other side and started for the house. “Will you hold him while I get the spare key?” I asked Jimmy. His face lit up and he held out his arms, the guys laughed a little at his reaction.
“He is so small!”
“No, you’re just so big.” Zacky said with a laugh.
“Shh. You’ll wake him!” Matt said slapping Zacky on the back of the head.
“Ok, you can sit him on the couch.” I said opening the door. “Hot pockets are in the freezer.”
“Thanks.” They said going into the kitchen. I saw them all fight for the fridge then finally just pass out hot pockets. Around 15 minutes later everyone had finally eaten there hot pockets,
“Thanks again Krystel. Will we ever see you again?” Zacky asked.
“That’s up to you. I can’t leave her because of Mitchell.” I laughed.
“That’s not gonna do. I can have my girlfriend’s sister watch over him and we can all go out.” Matt said.
“Sounds like a plan.” We all exchanged numbers and they left. This day started off tragic but ended… nicely.
“What? What’s wrong?” I said running into the living room.
“I thought I lost you! I ran around looking for you and I finally found this man and he was nice and I think that’s his hat over there and…” Mitchell cried.
“It’s ok, yes I know I met those men they are very nice. Go back to sleep, it’s alright now.” I hushed him.
“Do I get to keep the hat?” He asked bluntly. I looked up and saw his green eyes and couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yes he said you could keep it.”
“Why are you laughing at me mommy?” He asked confused.
“I’m not laughing at you, it’s just that you have the most beautiful eyes I have seen.” I said picking up him and tickling him.
“AH! Tickle monster has me!” he squeaked.
“Tell me you love me and I’ll spear you!”
“I love you!” He said giving me a hug.
“I love you too buddy now go on up and take a bath.”
“Ok mommy.”
He was so cute, that little man is going to be a gentleman when he grows up. And with his green eyes… I sighed and went into the kitchen to clean up the mess that the men had made. But when I walked in the only thing I saw was a couple boxes of hot pockets and a note.
‘Sorry we ate a lot of the hot pockets, here’s money for more. Love A7X.’
Awe, they didn’t have to do that, I’m sure that Mitchell would’ve just eaten them tomorrow anyways, what does A7X mean? Eh, I’m sure they’ll call tomorrow and I’ll ask then.
“Mommy! Where is my ducky! I can’t get clean wit out him!” I heard Mitchell yell from upstairs.
“Coming!” I yelled back putting the note and money back on the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
* I need names, LADIES CLAIM YOUR MAN! Comments would be lovely also i think i wanna change the name of the story so it'd be peachy if you gave me ideas!! **