Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart



“I hate to tell you, but I think you guys are getting soft.” I said when Zacky hung up the phone.
“Are not.” Jimmy whined.
“You guys are drooling over the kid.” Lexxi said.
“And you’re right I want one!” Zacky said.
“Want one what? A Mitchel?” Jimmy asked as I sat on his lap.
“Told you so.” Lexxi said with a smile.
“Is that my phone ringing?” Zacky asked walking out of the room.
“Does he always do that when he doesn’t wanna talk about something?” I asked with a laugh.
“Yea…” Lexxi said. “But the bad thing is that when his phone is actually ringing he won’t notice.”
“Well, the group is going to be here soon and the trampoline doesn’t look very… play-on-able…” Lexxi said.
“Well, Mr.Phone over there looks like he just found intrest in it.” I laughed noticing Zacky getting on the trampoline.
“You’re going to get hurt, it’s not ready!” Lexxi yelled out the door, and then like on cue the trampoline suddenly started to fall over, slowly it seemed like but fast enough to where Zacky was dazed.
“Are you ok?” Jimmy asked laughing.
“My ribs hurt.” Zacky whined.
“Well that’s what you get, now try to put it back together.” I said walking out, the guys just went inside and told us to do it since we were so smart.
“Done!” We yelled ten minutes later, Jimmy came outside and started to jump on it, he approved. Zacky was hesitant to get on it but after a while Jimmy threw him on and he got used to it.
“Are you two going to get on?” Zacky asked doing a flip.
“Nah, I don’t trust you two.” Lexxi said sitting on a lawn chair.
“They’re Here!” I said hearing Brian’s truck stop outside the house.
Everyone jumped off the trampoline, Zacky stood by the door waiting.
“Ahh!” Mitchel was screaming, you could hear him running through the living room, now the kitchen then finally through the door.
“Got Ya!” Zacky yelled picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder.
“Unkie Zacky your being mean!” Mitchel whined.
“But you love me!” Zacky said running around the yard with Mitchel over his shoulder, Mitchel was smiling and then he gave Zacky a wedgie.
“Victory!” Mitchel yelled as Zacky fell to his knees, Mitchel then ran over and gave Jimmy a high five.
“Good job lil dude!” Jimmy said trying to hide a laugh.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you vurry much.” Mitchel said like Elvis.
“I love this kid.” Jimmy said picking him up. “You wanna play on the trampoline?”
After a half an hour of Mitchel running after Jimmy on the trampoline Jimmy finally fell off and Mitchel jumped on him with a gigglefit.
“Ok, Ok you win!” Jimmy said rolling over.
“Let’s play wake the bear!” Mitchel said with a smile, everyone looked confused but Jimmy told us the rules of the game, Johnny and Krystel decided to stay off the trampoline.
“Oh come on there is totally enough room!” Izzy said with a laugh, she was jumping very high next to Matt.
“You’ll squish me!” Johnny said play hiding behind Krystel.
An hour later, we got tired and decided to camp out tonight. The girls decided that we were going to sleep on the trampoline and that the guys were going to sleep under it.
“I’m going inside, it’s cold.” Brian said holding Veronica’s hand.
“I call the other couch!” Jimmy said dragging me inside.
“Scared-y cats!” Matt said getting on the trampoline to lay next to Izzy.
“Well, I’m not sleeping underneath the trampoline I’m sleeping beside my girl.” Zacky said also getting on the trampoline to lay next to Lexxi.
Johnny didn’t say anything he just layed beside Krystel and Mitchel and fell sleep.
The girls and I haven’t known Krystel or Mitchel for as long as the guys have but we like her, she’s nice and Mitchel is just so cute. I know that since the guys have met Mitchel that they now want one, but are too afraid that they won’t be good fathers because they are in a band… I don’t care, I would love to have a kid with Jimmy, and I know that the girls feel the same way.
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I am SO SORRY that I haven't updated in a while, my computer is being gay so i can't promise an immediate update... but you can have my head if it takes longer than 5 days lol