Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart



“Daddy, get up.” I heard a voice say. “Daddy It’s urgent!”
“I’m up.” I said sleepily, I noticed that I was alone in the bed and also that Mitchel was staring at me with his green eyes.
“Daddy, it’s mommy… she’s sick.”
“Where?” I asked jumping out of bed, he took my hand and pulled me to the bathroom where I saw Krystel throwing up blood.
“Should I call 911?” He asked letting go of my hand I nodded yes and ran over to her.
“What happened?” I asked holding her hair back, I put it in a messy ponytail and started rubbing circles in her back. Before I could get an answer she went limp, I pulled her into my arms and noticed that she had cuts everywhere… she had bruises and… it was terrible.
“Daddy is mommy ok? She promised she’d be ok when I went to go get you.” Mitchel said handing me the phone.
“Hello?” I asked putting the phone up to my ear.
“What is your emergency?”
“She is puking blood and she is… cuts everywhere… She’s not responding anymore.” I was trying not to cry so that Mitchel would stay at least a little calm.
“We’ll be there immediately.” I dropped the phone and rocked Krystel and I back and forth. When the medics got there they pried me away from her and loaded her into the back of the ambulance.
“Is she going to be ok?” Mitchel sobbed, I didn’t answer I just picked him up and got into the car. Mitchel decided to sit on my lap through out the whole car ride, when we got there I decided I should call the guys.
“Johnny?” I heard, I looked around but I saw no one except Mitchel.
“Johnny.” It said louder, then everything started to go brighter.
“He’s not going to wake up.” I heard Jimmy say.
“Don’t. Lick. His. Face.” Brian said in-between laughs.
“Krystel?” I asked opening my eyes, when I finally could I noticed that Krystel was running around after Mitchel.
Thank God it was only a dream! With knowing that I couldn’t help but smile.
“Are you ok?” Zacky asked looking at me, I nodded and ran over to Krystel and trapped her in a hug and kiss.
“Good Morning to you too.” She said with a smile.
“It is now.” I said with a chuckle, she smiled then Mitchel ran past us and she sighed and started to run after him again.
“DADDY HELP ME!” Mitchel screamed hiding behind my legs, everyone froze in their spot and looked at me, I couldn’t help but smile. “Why is everyone being quiet? Did I say something wrong?” He asked looking up at me.
“No bud you didn’t, but I hate to tell you but I’m on Mommy’s side.” I said with a smile, he flashed me a smile then ran for it.
“Unkie Bwian help!” He screamed, Brian laughed then started chasing me, Jimmy chased Krystel.
“Anyone hungry?” Izzy asked walking out of the house.
“I AM!” Jimmy said running into the house. Everyone else just laughed and walked, Mitchel was getting a piggyback ride from Zacky.
“Your definitely going soft.” Veronica said walking past Zacky, he just flashed her a smile then when she turned around he stuck his tongue out at her, Mitchel followed suit.
Amanda and Lexxi rolled their eyes and opened the door for them, Lexxi took Mitchel from Zacky and sat down at the table.
“Everyone wants a Mitchel.” Krystel said sitting on my lap.
“Yea… Did you hear him call me Daddy?” I said almost squealing. Yes, squealing… do you have a damn problem with that! Didn’t think so.
“It was cute.” She said kissing me on the cheek, I smiled and kissed her but was interrupted by the smell of food.
“Food.” I mumbled pulling away, she laughed and handed me food so I could eat.
“Mommy… Daddy Jacob is outside again.” Mitchel said walking into the room with a fear stricken face. Before she could blink we were all outside on the porch, Krystel slowly made her way through us.
“Mitchel stay here.” I said picking him up.
“I don’t like him.” Mitchel said hiding in my hoodie.
“Here, let’s go inside.” Veronica said taking Mitchel while saying with her eyes that she felt like something bad was about to happen.
“We’re coming.” Izzy said following, Lexxi looked at Zacky then followed also.
“I am not leaving.” Amanda said standing by Jimmy. “I’m gonna get my revenge.”
“Please go inside.” Jimmy said.
“I’ll go inside after I rip off his balls and shove them down his throat.” Jimmy was stunned, and that allowed her to follow Krystel up to talk to Jacob.
“Jacob leave.” Krystel said making sure she was far enough away, I could still see the shiner that the guys gave him last time.
“I want the kid.”
“That’s too bad.” Amanda spat.
“Who the fuck are you?” He asked.
“I’d back the fuck off before you get hurt.” Jimmy said walking up, Zacky and Brian were behind him while Matt and I were still on the porch.
“What ever.” He spat. Amanda couldn’t take it anymore and decided to punch him in the face, after that she smiled and walked away and into the house.
“I’m gonna…” He started to talk past Jimmy to get to her but he flattened him on the ground before anyone blinked.
“Krystel go inside.” I said, she didn’t even hesitate I think she’s finally given up.
“Krystel get your ass back here, we need to talk.” Jacob said getting up.
“Leave her alone, she doesn’t want to talk to your fat ass.” Zacky said as I got inbetween him and Krystel.
“It’s my kid. I will fight for him.” Jacob said shoving past, he got in her face and she started to cry.
“You are not his father anymore Jacob.” She said, she shoved him and walked inside.
“Johnny go inside to comfort her.” Brian said taking Jacob by the back of the neck. “We’re going to give him a talk.”
♠ ♠ ♠
**Everytime i write i want to have Mitchel say Daddy... it's just a habit so in the story TADA he wants to call him that.. Sorrry if that confused anybody...**