Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart

Dear God.


“You.” Jacob spat getting out of my grasp. “You took away my kid.”
“Well if you didn’t fuck up you wouldn’t be in this mess would you?” Johnny spat getting in his face.
“I’ll kill you.” He retorted with a laugh.
“Try it bitch.” Johnny retorted. With that Jacob took a swing at him, but Johnny just smiled and caught it in his hand. Matt then turned him around and punched him all of us followed suit.
“Get the fuck out of here.” Jimmy spat after he hit him in the face, he didn’t get up so we picked him up started his car and shoved him in it.
“I’ll be back. Tonight.” Jacob spat driving off.
“I bet.” I sighed.
“We’re not leaving. He comes back and I’ll kill him.” Zacky vowed. “That boy is family. So is Krys. He…”
“Will not come near them.” Matt finished for him. “Plain and simple.”
“Well let’s go inside I’m sure she’s shaken up.” Jimmy said in a huff, we all nodded and turned around. I saw Mitchel open the door and he started to run towards us I smiled and picked him up.
“RUN!” Zacky screamed almost dragging me towards the house, before I knew what was happening I heard gun shots, cries, tires squealing…
I got hit in the leg and fell to the ground, I covered Mitchel protectively and tried to tell him that it was ok. I heard Krystel and Johnny yelling along with the rest of the girls. Then the gun’s echoes finally died away and all I heard was crying.
“Mitchel!” Krystel yelled.
“Bri are you ok?” Veronica asked from the door, I opened my eyes and saw everyone going around she finally made her way over and just sat there shocked then she got worried and called 911.
“Mitchel?” I asked looking down, he looked like he had been knocked out probably from impact when I fell…
“Veronica please take Mitchel.” I managed to say, she nodded and I felt someone else slowly roll me over. I winced in pain and almost cried but kept my mouth shut, she silently took Mitchel who was just now barely waking up.
“Where’s mummy?” He cried. “I want Mommy and Daddy!”
“I’m right here baby.” Krystel said taking him. “Are you ok?”
“I’m dizzy… and scared!”
“Brian the ambulance is here.” Johnny said. “Zacky was shot in the side and Matt was shot in the arm…”
“But Mitchel is ok?” I asked starting to black out.
“Yea…” He said with a smile. “Thank you.”
“No… no… no problem…” I said. I finally let the black overtake me, the pain was unbearable and I knew that if I went to sleep I would wake up and the pain would be gone and everything would be better… I hope.
“Brian…. Brian. Brian. Bri. Bri. Bri. Syn. Syn. Syn. Gates. Gates. Gates. Brian. Brian. Brian…”
“What. The FUCK. Do You. WANT!?” I yelled to Zacky, they put him in the same room as me and he has been annoying me since I finally woke up. “Shouldn’t you be in surgery or something?”
“I have been out of surgery for two days.” He mumbled. “They won’t let us leave yet.”
“I was in a coma?!” I shrieked looking around.
“Only for two days.” He said with a laugh. “Why is Brian afraid?”
“So how is everyone?” I asked ignoring him.
“Matt was allowed out yesterday, lucky bastard, but we are stuck here for a while… well at least I am.” He said eating some hospital food. “Mitchel comes in and sees us during the visitor’s hours. You made the poor thing cry when you wouldn’t wake up. Veronica cried a whole bunch also she was so worried… that girl loves you.”
“When the fuck do I get to see them. Or even a damn doctor?” I asked, the things that were in my arms were itchy and pissing me off.
“Press the little purple button.” He said pointing.
“Purple?” I asked. Aren’t hospital buttons usually depressing?
“We had it specially colored for you… ok we let Mitchel have a sharpie... but still we were thinking about your best interest.”
“Thanks.” I said pushing it. “Wanna hook a brother up with some food?”
“No.” He said with a smile. I flipped him off and he stuck his tongue out at me.
“You look to be doing better.” The doctor said walking in.
“Si.” I sighed. “When the hell do I get to go home?”
“Well… Your leg is nowhere near healed but we could have you out in a week.”
“Week.” I laughed. “I’m gonna kill him.”
“You have visitors.” The doctor said after checking the wires and stuff. He told me to stop touching them that I might pull them out. If only I could…
“UNKIE ZACKY! I HAVE AN IDEA ON HOW TO WAKE UP UNKIE BWIAN!” Mitchel screamed running in, everyone was silent as they walked in. No one noticed that I was awake until Zacky started to laugh and point at me.
“BRIAN!” Everyone yelled literally jumping on me.
“Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.” I said wincing, everyone immediately jumped back. “I don’t have a disease.” I muttered.
“Unkie Bwian, Are you all better now?” Mitchel asked sitting on my lap. “Zacky said that by the rate your going you gonna get fat!”
“Oh did he?” I said with a smile, I looked over at Zacky who had on a huge ass smile.
“We’re glad your up!” Everyone else said.
“You know why Zacky wasn’t hurt too bad?” I asked playfully still glaring at him. “His fat took up most of the blow.”
“Low blow dude, low blow.” He said as his smile vanished.
“Hey you started it.” I said pulling Mitchel up to sit on my lap.
“How are you feeling?” Veronica asked me with the biggest look of worry spread flat across her face.
“No baby I’m fine.” I replied with a smile.
“Are you in any pain?” Zacky asked still eating his food. “Because they are giving me a lot of pain medications and its… working vurry well.”
“Well… I’m not sure?” I said. “But I don’t feel anything…”
“That’s good though right Unkie Bwian?” Mitchel said turning around to face me.
“Yea bud, that’s great.” I hope…
“Have you seen a doctor?” V asked.
“Yea, he said I can’t leave for a week.”
“That’s shit.” Jimmy said sitting beside me, knowing him he’ll probably fall asleep.
“I bet the food sucks.”
“It does.” Zacky said.
“You were the one eating it.”
“And I saved your life by not letting you have any.” He said with a smile.
“I’ll go buy something from McDonalds for you two ok?” Matt and Izzy said with a smile.
“I have no money bro.” I said, Zacky nodded too.
“That doesn’t matter.” Izzy said. “We’ll be back in a half an hour.”
“LOVE YOU!” We both yelled as they walked out with our orders.
“Is Jimmy asleep?” Amanda asked asked going to the left side of my bed.
“I don’t know…” I admitted looking over, sure enough he was.
“Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jim, Jim, Jim, James, James, James, Rev, Rev, Rev…” Zacky started, somehow he had acquired a stick thing and was poking Jimmy with it…
“Stop it… stupid… purple… elkafants.” Jimmy mumbled almost falling out of the hospital bed.
“JAMES SULLIVAN!” Amanda yelled in his ear, Mitchel started to giggle. We all laughed when Jimmy fell out of the bed screaming.
“That is not funny… how would you guys feel… **yawn** If I did that to you?”
“It’d still be funny.” Matt said with a laugh.
“Guys… Guys call me a doctor.” Zacky said with a shaky voice, everyone looked over to see that both of his hands were covered in blood and so were his sheets.
“Oh. My. God..” Lexxi gasped, but before anyone could react Mitchel ran over and pressed the emergency nurse button and a doctor
“Mommy… is Zacky going to be ok?” They asked as they pulled the curtain closed so they would work on him in
“Maybe you guys should leave?” I mumbled nodding towards Mitchel.
“Maybe we should…” Johnny said picking Mitchel up.
“But I wanna stay!” Mitchel fought letting the tears burn down his face.
“Baby, we have to go home. Visitor’s time is over.” She lied. He looked at her then buried his face into Johnny’s hoodie.
“Mr. Haner, we’re going to be moving you to a different room.” A doctor said walking in, I didn’t want to leave but had no way to resist…
“Bye Brian… inform us of anything right?” Veronica asked. I nodded and waved as they put me into a wheel chair and took me to a different room.
“Wait for me.” Lexxi said, she followed me to my room. She can’t get back into Zacky’s.
“Are you going to spend the night?” The nurse asked as she put me in my bed.
“Can I?”
“Boyfriend Zacky…” She finished for her.
“Is not so good… so of course you can stay until we find out if he lives.”
“Lives? Lives! What the hell happened!?” She shrieked.
“I have to go. But the free bed is all yours. We’ll update you ASAP.”
“Thanks.” I said as she walked out, Lexxi was now crying. “Are you ok?”
“What the fuck type of question is that.” She spat.
“Sorry.” I said defensively. “I care.”
“I’m sorry… I’m exhausted I’m going to bed.” She said in a sniffle.
“Night… I’m sorry about Zacky.”
“Zacky is fine.” She said stubbornly.
“He will be.” I said reassuringly.
**Dear God, Please Help Zacky… Give Him Our Strength… Let Him Get Through This…** I prayed before I went to sleep.
I know I don’t pray often, and I hope I did it right… because by the sounds of things Zacky isn’t alright… I don’t want to lose a friend… none of us do, I know Lexxi doesn’t want to lose her boyfriend either…

“Brian wake up… there is news.” Lexxi said crying.
♠ ♠ ♠
... What Do You Think..??... o.O