Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart



“Man, dude those hot pockets were awesome.” I laughed when we got back to Matt’s house.
“She was nice and Mitchell was so cute! I felt so bad for him when I saw him crying earlier.” Jimmy said, everyone else agreed.
“I’m surprised she didn’t know us, when we left her that note she probably doesn’t understand A7X…” Johnny said.
“Eh, she will. I think we’ve made a new friend. I like her.” Jimmy said.
“I like her too she seems cool.” Matt said.
“I think I’m hungry… who’s gonna go to the store?” I asked getting out a beer.
“Not me!” Everyone yelled.
“Damn it, I need cigarettes anyways.” I sighed, I grabbed a new hat, jacket and walked out the door.
I walked into the store and got a few things and got in line. I was rummaging through my wallet looking for that extra dollar I needed when I heard a familiar voice.
“Brian? What are you doing here?” Krystel said with Mitchell in her arms.
“Food, cigarettes. You?” I asked with a smile. Mitchell was wearing my hat it looked so cute.
“Itchy won’t take a bath without his ducky.” She sighed holding up a brand-new purple rubber duck.
“Ha, I love that it’s purple.” I laughed. “It goes with the hat.”
“Mommy, that’s the guy from earlier…” Mitchell said cuddling closer to his mom.
“Hi Mitchell, I’m Brian.”
“If you want your hat you can’t have its. It’s mine I likey!” He said pointing at me.
“You can have it buddy I got millions.” I laughed. “It’s a gift.”
“Thanks.” She said with a smile.
“No problem. Hey if the group and I stop over would that be ok?” I asked as I paid for my stuff and asking for a pack of cigarettes.
“Sure.” She shrugged. I got my bags and said goodbye, she was really nice…
When I got back the guys were all playing video games. They barely I noticed that I came in until I threw the food at them.
“We’re under attack!” Jimmy yelled throwing a controller at me.
“Hey watch it!” I yelled rubbing my head.
“Sorry… Oh you got foods!” He said leaping over the couch grabbing the bags out of my hands and ran to the kitchen with them.
“Give me my cigarettes!”
“Or what.” He yelled back.
I decided to pull a stupid move and I called him.
“Give me my cigarettes or I’m going to really hurt you.”
“I don’t think you will.” He laughed.
“I think I will.” I hung up, he had no idea that I was behind him. So I tackled him to the floor and he screamed in surprise.
“Not fair! I had no idea that you were that close.” He mumbled.
“I thought you were Jimmy the Great.” Zacky said grabbing a beer.
“He is… in Jimmyland.” Johnny said slapping him across the head.
“That’s not funny.” He mumbled.
“Bro, you know we love you. If you get up now I will give you one of my cigarettes.” I said holding out the pack.
“You never do that… I don’t trust you.”
“Duh.” I laughed walking out of the room.
“Food.” Matt said still playing the game. “You cook it then you serve it to me.”
“How do you figure?” Zacky said.
“You are wenches. You do what I say.” Matt mumbled entranced in the game.
“I say that we get our own.” Johnny said.
“I say that the midget does it.” Jimmy laughed.
“I say that I’m too fuckin hungry to fuckin argue with you horsecocks.” I said.
“Me too.” Zacky said following me into the kitchen.
“Wait for Jimmy!” Jimmy yelled running into the kitchen. “Okay, the reverend has arrived you may proceed.”
After we all finally got done eating we decided to practice some new songs, like normal we made fun when someone messed up… it just made us feel better. I feel bad for some of the things we do to each other but we have nothing else better to do…
“Hey guys, the phone is ringing.” Johnny said.
“I’ll get it.” Jimmy said getting up and calmly walking over, that was a first.
He picked it up without looking at the caller ID and said “Speak.” Hopefully it was no one important like a record company or anything.
“Who is it?” Zacky asked. Jimmy just put his hand up and kept listening.
“Ok.” Then he hung up the phone, turned around and took a seat on the floor by the couch.
“Veronica, Lexxi and Amanda are planning on being here in 3 days. They just said that if we started to clean our houses now that maybe they would get clean.” He said eating some chips.
“And you’re not excited?” Johnny asked looking at him. “Usually you are like… a puppy when it comes to Amanda.”
“It hasn’t hit me yet…” He shrugged.
“Oh my god! Hurry up! Call a maid! Call 5 maids! We need our houses clean NOW! The girls are coming!” Zacky said bouncing out of his chair.
“I don’t want some stranger going through my shit.” I spat, just the thought of some old lady going through my underwear drawer… or worse, touching my guitar… bitch.
“Well I gotta go start cleaning, by tomorrow I will’ve probably fucked up washing the clothes…” Zacky said.
“Me too I guess…” Jimmy said. “And maybe… hey wait a sec do any of you have pancake stuff? I’m in the mood for pancakes…” He said randomly.
“I do, in the cabinet above the microwave.” Matt said. “Why do you want some?”
“I don’t know I just do I want to try putting hot sauce on it instead of syrup, it sounds… good.”
“Ew no it doesn’t. That sounds like… shit. My dog wouldn’t eat that.” I laughed.
“Not even I would eat that.” Matt said. Johnny laughed then cowered when Matt glared at him.
“Alright, bye Zacky and Jimmy see you tomorrow.” We all said.
Around an hour later of sitting there watching some stupid show on tv me and Johnny finally decided to go home. We didn’t live too far so I gave him a ride.
“It’s nice out tonight.” Johnny said looking out the window.
“Yea, it’s not cold and that’s a good thing I guess.” I said.
“So what are we doing tomorrow?” He asked.
“We could go see Krystel, that is if she wants to see us I bet you we scared her and her son.”
“I can’t believe that she has a son, she doesn’t look like she had a son.” He said with a confused look on his face.
“Eh, you never know these days I mean I can barely tell that you are a woman because of all the surgeries.”
“Good night to you too.” He huffed getting out of the car, he walked up to his house and I didn’t leave till he actually got inside, last time a fan tackled him before he even got out his key.
I don’t know if this is going to be a good week or not, we potentially got a new friend and we don’t have to go back on tour for a while…
♠ ♠ ♠
** Thanx to Izzy, Veronica, Amanda and Lexxi!! Hope you gals love the story!!