Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart



“Are you the spouse of Mr. Baker?” A doctor asked waking me up.
“Y-yes…” I said suddenly afraid.
“We have some bad news…
“Wh-what?” I asked. I couldn’t take in what she was saying, I knew that I had to listen to know what happened to Zacky but the words weren’t forming right.
“Are you ok Mrs. Baker?”
“No.” I said falling to the floor, I woke up a while later to a bright light and the nurse standing there.
“You fainted.” She said as I asked what happened.
“Oh… Well what is going on with Zacky?” I asked sitting up.
“He is in surgery now… but he is very strong so there is a very good chance that he will be just fine.”
“What was wrong with him?”
“When he was shot it missed everything, so we thought… but apparently it weakened a major vessel and something today irritated it and it…”
“I think I’m going to puke.”
And I was right, I rushed to the bathroom and puked, I can’t take this… I hope that he will be ok, I prayed last night as I’m sure the others did too…
“Brian.” I said a couple minutes later. “Brian wake up, there is news about Zacky.” I couldn’t help but cry as he woke up…
“What’s wrong Lexxi?” He asked, I just kept crying then the nurse told him what happened.
“When does he get out of surgery?” I asked.
“I don’t know… he’s been in for a while… it could be in a half an hour or half a day… hard to say hun.”
“Ok… well thanks.” Brian said with a smile.
“We’ll keep you updated.” The nurse said with a smile as she walked out of the room.
“Are you ok?” Brian asked, I looked over at him with tears running down my face.
“No.” I said walking over. I sat on the edge of his bed and held his hand. He told me it was alright, he always seemed like an older brother to me more than the rest of the group mostly because he has such a big heart. Don’t get me wrong Matt is a huge teddy bear too but I’ve always felt closer to Brian…
“Hey, guys did you hear?” Jimmy said walking in, we nodded our heads and I received hugs from everyone.
“I’m Sorry…” Johnny said with a huge hug, Krystel gave me a sympathetic look and Mitchel tugged on my shirt.
“I’m fine, I promise.” I said with a fake smile.
“Do you want anything?” Izzy offered going towards the door.
“No I’m Fine, Do you guys want anything?” I asked sitting on the edge of the bed again.
Veronica and Amanda decided to go with, to get out of the hospital. Jimmy decided to go out to talk to Matt, in private. I guess they don’t want us to hear their worried voices about them possibly losing their brother.
“He’ll be fine.” Izzy said taking hold of my shoulder.
“I know.” I said looking into her eyes, she smiled and pulled me into a much-needed hug.
I’m going to need a lot of strength to go through this.
“Baker’s Family?” The nurse said walking in.
“Yes?” I said standing up, I suddenly felt like the world was spinning, yet I knew that it’d be ok because it felt ok. I don’t know how to explain it but I knew that Zacky was ok, otherwise I would’ve felt empty and depressed.
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SOOO UBER SORRY!! THIS WAS MUCH NEEDED! I WILL HAVE THE NEXT UPDATE UP ASAP I DIDN'T (had to take it off caps xD) Mean to leave you hanging, i just wanted to update really bad...