Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart

Cold And Grey


“Where Am I?”
“How Are You feeling Mr. Baker?” The doctor asked.
“Empty..” I admitted.
“Well, get some food in you and you should be back to new.”
“Great, more shitty food.” I mumbled rolling my eyes. “Where is…”
“Mr. Baker?”
“… sorry I feel really tired all of the sudden.”
“Well you need to rest, go to bed. You’ll see your family soon enough.”
I nodded and laid my head back, I listened to my heartbeat on the machine, I heard it slow, it calms me down when I hear it. I smiled and drifted off to Vengeance Land..
“Zacky, I’m so sorry.” Lexxi cried falling onto my chest.
“Why?” I asked picking up her head.
“You must hate me.”
“I could never hate you love.” I said with a smile.
“But you must… after what I did.” She said, I looked at her then put my hand up to her cold pale face…
“Why are you so cold and pale love?” I asked, she looked at me like I just asked if she was a girl.
“If you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you. I don’t want you to hate me for eternity.”
“Please tell me babe, I can’t ever hate you. I promise not to get mad.” I said holding her close.
“Well, you went into surgery. And… things happened. You were put on breathing machine and… you were a vegetable…” She paused and looked around, nothing was around us. It was all white, just a white space.
“Go on.” I urged.
“They asked me if I would like to… end it.. for you. . and so I asked everyone what they thought, naturally they said no. But I told the doctor yes.”
“I’m Dead?” I asked shocked. “That Can’t Be. Because you’re here.”
Then it clicked. We were both dead, she felt guilty about pulling the plug on me, so… she sent herself here.
“No.” I said. “NO!” I yelled. “You can’t be dead!”
“I wanted to be with you. I couldn’t live without you being there, seeing them and not you just sucked.”
“This is not right. This Can’t Be Right. No. No this is just a dream. I’m still ok, I’m still alive and in the hospital. I will wake up any minute to you by my side.” I said walking away with my head in my hands.
“Zacky.” A little Voice said.
“Oh God. No..” I said turning around. But it was, it was little Mitchel.
“Zacky, you can do this. Wake up. I miss you. Everyone misses you. Please wake up. I love you.” He said coming over to hug me, I started to cry as I hugged the kid back.
“Whats Going On?” I Asked looking at him.
“We just want you home.” Mitchel Said. “We miss you.”
Then it started to get warmer, and he started to walk away. I tried to yell for him to come back, but I couldn’t…
Whats going on? I’m so confused.
“Mr. Baker. Are you with us?” A Voice said.
“Where Am I?” I asked opening my eyes.
“The hospital. You were out for a couple days.” The doctor said propping me up.
“Yes! I’m not fucking dead!” I said with a smile. He looked at me and shook his head, not liking the vulgarity.
“I assume you want to see your family and friends.” He said opening the door, I nodded my head yes. “I’ll send them in.”
“Zacky!” Everyone chorused as they ran through the door.
“Oh my god, I thought I was fucking dead, I had this weird dream… and I fucking love you guys.”
“Ugh, when do you get out of here Unkie Zacky?” Mitchel said climbing up to sit with me.
“Good question little buddy.” I said looking around the room. “When do I get out of here?”
“They said aside from the coma that you were in for a couple days, that your doing good.” Lexxi said kissing me on the cheek.
“How’s Brian?” I asked noticing he wasn’t in the room.
“He’s Getting His Leg Wrapped.” Matt said with a sigh.
“Ah, So he gets to leave.” I laughed.
“Yea, hey but you might be able to soon.” Izzy said.
“All you have to do is get bandaged and come back every now and then I guess.” Lexxi Said.
“I just want out. Either they let me out, or I’ll run.” I said Looking Johnny in the eyes.
“No, you will stay if they want you to stay.” Lexxi said as Krystel took Mitchel and Put him on her lap.
“Go Get A doctor. I’m leaving.” I said sitting up, everyone seemed shocked that I wanted out that bad.
“Your gonna hurt yourself.” Amanda said disapprovingly. I glared at her and she sighed and went to find a doctor.
“Are you in any pain?” The doctor asked as he walked in.
“Only if I touch it, or move the wrong way.” I admitted looking at him reluctantly.
He sat there and we played the game of ‘Poke Zacky and see where it hurts.’
“Ok, let me bandage you up, then I think your good to go home.”
“Thanks.” I said as I stood up, everyone laughed and I feared looking down.
“Nice boxers.” Izzy Laughed.
“Ugh, hand me pants then.” I sighed. Stealing Jimmy’s hat. In A Couple minutes, I had acquired pants, and a hat.
“What about a shirt.” Mitchel said.
“I Don’t need a shirt. Just pants.” I laughed.
After we gathered everything that was ours, we went to see if Brian was done. We found him on crutches trying to make his way back to my room.
“Well, I’m not surprised your cast is fucking purple.” I laughed seeing him trying to work with crutches.
“I’m not surprised that you’re not wearing a shirt.” He mumbled.
“Well, lets get out of here. I’m fucking hungry.” I said putting my arm around Lexxi.
“Unkie Zacky!” Mitchel yelled running up beside me, he smiled up at me and took a hold of my free hand. “I missed you.”
“Miss you too Mitchy.”
“Alright, what does everyone want to eat?” Matt and Izzy asked.
“Happy Meal!” Mitchel yelled throwing up his hand.
“Ok, Krystel and Johnny?” Izzy asked.
“Just A Burger.” Johnny Said.
“I’ll Take the same.” She smiled.
“Jimmy and Amanda?”
“The usual.” Jimmy sighed.
“Same here.” Brian and V said.
“Zacky. Lexxi.” Izzy said as Matt grabbed the car keys.
“Two Burgers and fries.” I said making sure that was ok with Lexxi. She smiled and nodded.
“Alrighty then, we’ll be back with food.” Matt said walking out the door with Izzy.
“Ugh, I’m going to take a shower.” I sighed getting off the couch.
“But you just got home.” Lexxi said getting up to get everyone drinks.
“Ugh, it’ll take me five minutes.” I sighed.
“We’re here Lexxi, you won’t miss your boyfriend as bad.” Amanda laughed.
I kissed her and left to take a shower. Before I got in I looked at myself in the mirror, my wounds looked terrible… I winced as I unbandaged it and got into the shower, I heard Matt’s truck pull in so I shut off the water and grabbed a towel.
“Great timing yo.” Brian said as he started eating his food.
“Dude… does that hurt?” I asked putting on my shirt.
“A little yea, but I can stand it.” He said with a shrug.
“Wait till we get home.” Veronica laughed.
Everyone laughed including Brian. After everyone was handed their food, we started talking and soon forgot about our troubles and pairs.
“Zacky, we’re gonna take off, Mitchel’s falling asleep.” Johnny said nodding towards Mitchel who was on the couch beside Amanda half asleep holding the toy he got with the happy meal.
“Ok man. Peace.” I said hugging them goodbye, I have to admit it was so cute watching Johnny have a family. I hope that they last for a while, it sure seems like it.
“Did you re-bandage your wounds?” Lexxi asked, I sighed and took off my shirt for her to bandage.
“Fuck mutherfuck.” Matt cursed turning away. “That shit looks like it hurts.”
“It does.” I sighed. “I wish I knew who the fuck shot at us.”
“Same Here.” All the Girls agreed.
“I wish we could get back at them” Jimmy said.
“Don’t lower yourself to their level.” Izzy sighed.
“It’s not lowering yourself to their level if you actually do the job.” Amanda retorted.
“There ya go.” Lexxi Sighed patting it lightly. I kissed her thanks and got up.
“I say we wait till all of us are healed, then we hunt them down.”
“I think it was Jacob.” Veronica Admitted in a light voice.
“I wouldn’t doubt it, but we won’t do anything till they act again, we’ll be ready.” I said.
My name isn’t Zacky Vengeance for a reason.
♠ ♠ ♠
* * Hi Guys, So Sorry For The Wait. =/ Lawlz. I Feel Terrible.
♥ Twitch **