Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart


“Um… Thanks. I’m sorry you guys had to go through that…” She said ashamed.
“Don’t worry, that cock-suckers gonna get what’s coming to him.” I said, the guys nodded.
“Let’s go spy on Itchy and Scratchy.” Jimmy said. Everyone looked at him with confused looks on their faces.
“Mitchel = Itchy… Johnny = Scratchy.” Jimmy pointed out. Finally everybody understood and laughed.
“Dude, for once you were funny!” Zacky said.
Jimmy replied by sticking his tongue out and flipping him off.
“You guys go on, I’m going to go get dressed.” She said at the top of the stairs.
“Which room?” Brian whispered. I shrugged and randomly opened a door, luckily it was the correct one.
“Well, you don’t see that everyday.” I laughed as I walked in. Johnny was sitting on a computer chair, hands tied behind his back.
“I didn’t believe that he could tie knots…” Johnny said wiggling his hands.
“Mitchel! Why did you tie up poor Johnny?” Krystel asked, trying not to laugh, walking into the room.
“He didn’t believe me…” He said innocently.
“I’ll forgive you… if… you teach me.” Johnny said.
“What do I get out of it?” He asked.
“Ho Ho! Someone’s got a lil hustler!” Zacky Laughed.
“Before you know it, he’ll be a Zacky!” Brian said.
“I want him to be like me!” Jimmy said.
“I bet.” I laughed.
“So Krystel, our girlfriends are coming in… two days, we want you to come to the welcome home party.” Brian said.
“Please! You’ll love Amanda! I know you will!” Jimmy said.
“Plus, Zacky’s girlfriend loves kids so you won’t feel… weird.” Johnny said still tried up.
“Do you want untied?” I asked, Johnny nodded vigorously.
“Mitchel, untie Johnny.” Krystel said. Mitchel nodded and got a knife.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa…” Johnny said.
“”Shh. you’re acting like a baby.” Mitchel said. Everyone busted out laughing. Zacky and Jimmy were on the floor clutching their sides, Brian and me held onto the wall for support.
“So what about a party?” She asked.
“You wanna come?” Johnny asked, Mitchel cut off the tope and gave his mom the knife.
“I guess so… But what about Mitchel?” She asked
“Bring him, the girls will love him.” Jimmy said.
“Where did he learn to use a knife like that?” Brian asked taking the knife from Krystel.
“Jacob…” She whispered.
This Jacob guy is gonna die… I am going to kill him, the way he acted is no way to treat a girl especially infront of their damn son.
“Well we’ll call you with the information, one of us will come and get you.” Zack said.
“I am capable of driving myself.” She snorted. We all tried to hold back laughter.
“But we want to drive you, so you have to come.” He laughed.
“Ok, what should I wear?” She asked.
“I’ll help you, show me to your room…” Brian, Jimmy and Zacky said.
“What are you going to dress me?” She asked shocked.
“Maybe.” Jimmy said with a smile creeping on his face.
“No.” She said. But Brian looked at me and nodded his head, so I picked her up put her over my shoulder and carried her to her room. I sat her on her bed and left, Brian, Jimmy and Zacky all went in.
“Uh oh…” Johnny said. “I don’t know if that was smart.” He laughed.
We went and sat on the couch, after five minutes Itchy came down so all three of us were playing in the living room.
“Ready Ladies and Gentlemen? I now show you… Krystel!” Brian said coming down the stairs. As soon as we saw her our mouths dropped. She was wearing a purple shirt (probably Brian’s choice), with jeans that looked…great on her (Zacky’s choice), and she was wearing Jimmy’s sunglasses.
“Wow, you should w-wear that t-to the p-party.” Johnny said.
“She will.” Zack said with a smile.
“Where’s Jimmy?” I asked noticing he was gone.
They shrugged then moments later Jimmy came running down the stairs with a bikini on over his clothes.
“You have to wear this to the party! You will look good on you!” Jimmy said running up to her. “Even though it would look better on me…” He added with a laugh.
“Go try it on. If it fits you’re wearing it.” Brian said looking at it.
Jimmy shrugged out of it and handed it to her. She just stood there and shook her head no. So then Jimmy carried her upstairs like I had and pushed her into the room.
“It fits. I’ll wear it.” She yelled.
“I don’t trust you, let at least me see it.” Jimmy said. He opened the door a crack, then smiled. “Yep and I told you that you would look good in it!” He then walked down the stairs, slowly afterwards was her in her clothes that she changed into when we got here.
“You’ll see it then.” She said simply looking at Johnny who looked disappointed.
“Mommy!” Mitchel shrieked.
“What?!” She jumped.
“There’s a spider!” He said hiding behind Jimmy’s legs.
“Kill it!” Jimmy yelled picking up Mitchel to hide behind me.
“I’m on it.” I sighed. “Where’s it at?”
“Living room… on the couch.” He sniffled. Jimmy moved from me to Brian and Zacky.
I walked in, grabbed a random magazine and looked for the spider. Now I know why that kid is so afraid, this is a big motherfucker! I killed it then thew it away, when I get home I am taking a burning hot shower…
“Yawr my hero! Mommy can we keep him so he can kill all of the spiders?” Mitchel said from Jimmy’s arms.
“No honey, next time we’ll just throw random stuff at it until it dies… ok?” She laughed.
“I just make Amanda do it.” Jimmy laughed.
“He’s not lying.” I laughed.
“Well we gotta go, Lexxi is calling probably about having to clean the house… which I have to do.” He sighed.
“Call you later.” Johnny said. We all gave her hugs, and Jimmy gave her back Mitchel. We went outside and left… I can’t wait till the party, the girls are going to love her!
♠ ♠ ♠
** Sorry it sucks! Krystel's POV next! **