Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart



After they left I got Mitchel in the bath, he loves his purple rubber duck (mostly because both him and I love the color purple).
After that I tucked him in and read him a story but as usual he was out like a light before I was done. I kissed his nose and left the bedroom-door open a little like I always do. I went downstairs and watched TV till I fell asleep, I don’t know if the show I was watching gave me the flashback or seeing him earlier…
“Why are you still up? I thought you’d be asleep…” Jacob said as he walked in.
“I’m up because of the 3 ½ year old, you know the one that call us ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’, wanted you to tuck him in for once.” I spat.
“I’m sorry, I got caught up at work.” He sighed. He is such a bad liar.
“Are you ever going to be home? Or do I always have to make excuses for you to our son? He misses you Jacob, Your not here anymore to tuck him in or tell him stories. Your not there to check the closet for monsters. He’s missing out on a father.”
“He isn’t missing out on anything, not anymore. Plus it’s not like you’re the best mother in the world either.” He spat.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know what I mean. We’re through Kris. I’ve had enough you can have the kid I will pay child support and you can have the house.” He spat.
“Why because you are running off with that chick?” I asked. He looked puzzled. “I saw you two making out, that day I came to bring you your lunch. That’s why I was so mad at you that day.”
“Well I guess I don’t have to hide it anymore, yes I am leaving you for Lisa.” He said. “And there is nothing you can do about it.”
“You have a SON! You can not just leave him.” I yelled.
“What would I want that bastard for? I don’t want it.” He yelled back.
“You can’t say that Jacob, he’s three years old, you should’ve thought of that before.” I whispered. “I thought you loved me.” Before I knew what happened his fist struck my face.
“I don’t love anybody. I hate you Krystel, but I couldn’t leave because you, and the slut that you are, got pregnant.” He said hitting me again. I fell onto the couch in total shock.
“Mommy?” Mitchel yelled from upstairs.
“Yes baby?” I yelled back. I noticed a light in the hall, I don’t want him to see this. “Baby, stay upstairs I will be up in a minute.” I saw the light go out and I heard the door shut.
“Please Jacob, Don’t leave like this. He needs a father, his real father.”
“I love him, I just hate you.” He hissed. Ten minutes later when he was done beating me I made it to the kitchen to try to call for help. But I forgot what was in the kitchen… Knives…
Jacob noticed the knives and took one, I screamed and ran into the living room praying to god that he fell and I would never have to see him again. But God wasn’t listening today…
“Jacob please no.” I said as he towered over me, that I was already too weak from him throwing me against walls and beating me. He took the knife and cut my arm with it.
“Does that hurt?” He whispered. His eyes were not a dark green like they always had been before, they were now a dark green tinted hazel.
“Please… At any second our son. Could come down and see this. Please at least not now.” I whimpered. But he just backhanded me. I heard crying, from Mitchel. He never went back to his room, he sat on the top of the stairs and watched the whole thing.
“Shut up.” Before I knew it my world went black.
**End Flashback**
Ever since then I have been so afraid of him, he never went to jail because he denied it, but I did get a restraining order but not for the cuts only for the broken arm.
“Mummy? Why are you crying?” I heard a small voice say. “Mummy, I wuv you.”
“What?” I asked waking up, he was right, there were tears soaking my cheeks.
“Mummy are you okay?” I heard again.
“Yea baby I’m fine. What time is it?” I asked getting up.
“um…” He said looking at the clock.
“Tell me the numbers.
“1, 2, dot dot, seero, zeven.” He said. I love how he talks, I know he tries really hard to talk like an adult but he can’t say it right.
“Twelve-o-seven.” I said. “Are you hungry?”
“Nope. I already made Cereal.” He said happily.
“Well Mommy is hungry so I’m going to cook up Sausage.” I laughed. I got up, stretched and let him pick out what I was going to wear. He picked jeans and a shirt that had Baseball on it.
“Thank you.” I said, he went downstairs as I got dressed.
“Mommy! Can we go out today? I wanna go play baseball! I wanna go to the bat cages!” He yelled.
“Honey, You know I hate going there alone.” I sighed.
“Can you call and see if Jimmy or his friends wanna go? Paweez?” He said grabbing onto my leg. He looked up and he had his pout face on, and with those green eyes I couldn’t help it.
“Baby, I’ll call. But no promises.”
“Yay!!” He ran around the house. I hope he never grows up. I ate my food, trying to make it take forever so I wouldn’t have to call…
“Hiya, Zacky?” I asked when someone finally picked up.
“Yea?” He asked.
“Yea, um hi. I wanted to know if you and the guys wanted to come to the batting cages with us.” I said.
“Paweez Zacky!” Mitchel yelled.
“Finally, someone to go with!” He chuckled. “I’ll call them, but I am definitely going.” He said. “I’ll be over… soon.” He said. I said thanks and goodbye then hung up.
“Is he gonna go? Paweez!” He said again.
“Zacky said he’ll go. He’ll be here soon so go get ready. I wonder that if they are going to be hungry when they get here… oh well I have extra sausage that should tide them over.
Before I sat down the doorbell rang, they couldn’t be here already?
“Mum! Zacky is here!” Mitchel yelled running into the kitchen where I was, he only had on pants.
“Go get dressed.” I laughed as Zacky walked into the kitchen.
“They’ll be here soon.” He said watching Mitchel run up the stairs.
“There’s sausage if you want some.” I nodded toward the stove. I heard the doorbell ring again, but he dove for the sausage.
“You guys can’t come in! It’s MY Sausage!” Zacky yelled covering the sausage pan with himself, he also had a piece in his mouth.
“I made enough for everyone, come on in guys.” I yelled to them, they came in and each stole a few pieces of Sausage.
“Ok, so where are we going?” Brian asked eating a piece of sausage.
“Batting Cages.” Zacky jumped.
“Oh my god! On the way there we should go to a toy store and…”
“You in a toy store… enough said.” Matt laughed.
“So… Who’s riding with who?” Johnny asked.
“I’m driving.” Matt said.
“Me too.” Zacky said.
“Then I’ll go with Matt.” Brian said.
“Me too.” Johnny said.
“Ok, I’ll go with Zacky.” I said.
“Me too!” Jimmy said.
“So Brian and Johnny are going with me?” Matt said. They nodded yes.
“And so Krystel, Mitchell and Jimmy are going with me?” Zacky said.
“Mummy I’m ready.” Mitchel said. He ran down stairs, almost falling on the last step. He was wearing a red sox shirt, plus a Pittsburgh pirates hat.
“Looks like Zacky when he was little.” Brian laughed.
“Well lets go, before one of the girls call.” Matt sighed.
“OFF TO JIMMYLAND!” Jimmy yelled running out the door causing everyone to giggle. We all piled into two cars, very carefully...
♠ ♠ ♠
** Zacky POV next.**