Status: Deleting 1 - 10 - 10

Two In My Heart


Two In My Heart

“So… Will you be my girlfriend?” Johnny asked pulling away from the kiss. I nodded, he smiled and pulled me into another kiss.
“You can answer your phone.” He said. “We’ve gotta get home anways.” I dug my phone out of my purse and I answered it expecting it to be one of the guys or even one of the girls.
“Where are you?” The man asked.
“Far from you.” I spat. Johnny automatically noticed who I was talking to and asked to talk.
“I am at your house. If you’re…” Before he could finish Johnny took the pone. He went to say something but I guess Jacob hung up, he called the guys and told them to met us at my house.
“I’m afraid.” I admitted choking back tears. “I don’t want Mitchel to have a father like that.”
“He won’t.” Johnny said turning onto my street.
As we got there I saw the four guys standing, not looking too happy, infront of Jacob. I sighed and got out of Johnny’s car, this is gonna be hell…
“Its about time you got here, now tell these fags to leave me alone.” Jacob hissed walking up to me grabbing my arm.
“Jacob stop, it hurts.” I whispered trying to get my arm out of his death grip.
“Get your hands off of her.” Johnny said pushing him away.
“Whats it to you?”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Johnny said getting in his face. “And I’m sure that if you don’t leave I’m going to kick your ass.”
“We all will, because we love our sister.” Matt said stepping towards Jacob. The guys all made a circle around him, blocking him in.
“She’s a slut, a bitch and…” I’m really quite sure he wouldn’t have said anything nice if Jimmy hadn’t punched him in the face.
“Run home and cry to your mommy.” Jimmy spat. Jacob got up and punched Jimmy in the gut, causing him to double over.
“Wrong move.” Jimmy managed to say, and he was right because all of the guys started to beat up Jacob then. Before I knew what was going on I was in Jimmy’s arms crying, while watching my new friends and boyfriend beat up my ex.
“Jimmy, take her home.” Zacky ordered noticing I was crying. I felt him nod and we got in the car, the ride home was filled with a silence.
“Are you ok?” I asked Jimmy as we stopped at a red light.
“Yea, for a douche like that he sure can punch.” Jimmy tried to joke.
“Amanda is going to kill me.” I sniffled.
“All the girls are going to kill me.” I sighed. “Because you got hurt, and I don’t know if the guys are going to come out of that clean.”
“Four of us, one of him. Plus have you looked at us? We’re all buff and stuff.” Jimmy laughed.
“Well thanks for standing up for me like that.” I said with a fake smile.
“Whats a bro to do?”
When we got home I got smothered in hugs, then Amanda decided to be a doctor…
“Take off your shirt, let me assess the damage.” She said with her hands on her hips. He sighed and took off his shirt.
“Damn it!” He cursed as she poked the red mark.
“Well I wanted to know if it hurt.” She said.
“You could’ve just asked.” He huffed.
“Was he wearing bronze knuckles or something?” Veronica asked.
“Felt like it.” Jimmy said.
“Put your shirt back on ya streaker!” Brian said walking in the door.
“Are you guys ok?” I asked jumping off the couch.
“Shh… Your gonna wake Itchy.” Lexxi said.
“We’re fine, but what’s the verdict with Jimmy.” Zacky said poking his side.
“Ow fuck motherfucker!” Jimmy said jumping back. “One more person touches my torso and I will kill them.”
“Where’s Johnny and Matt?” I asked.
“They were following us in Johnny’s car. I don’t know where they’re at.” Brian said sitting next to his girlfriend.
“Well, where’s Mitchel? I wanna check on him.” I got up from the couch and izzy showed me where Mitchel was sleeping.
“Tell the guys that I want to go home, Omie was probably at the store or something.”
“Ok.” She said walking out.
“Mommy?” Mitchel asked rubbing his eyes
“Shh. Go back to sleep.” I said covering him with blankets.
“But mummy I wanna go downstairs with you.”
“Alright.” I sighed picking him up, before I was halfway down the stairs he was sound asleep sucking his thumb.
“They’re still not here?” I asked laying Mitchel on the couch. Everyone shook his or her heads no.
“Why don’t you go relax and take a shower?” Brian said picking up Mitchel so he could sit.
“Ok.” I sighed. Again one of the girls showed me where I was trying to go.
“They are going to be fine, there’s a purple towel for you to use right there.” She said getting me a towel. I gave her thanks as she left the room.
I was never one for cold showers, I usually never used the cold water unless I was bathing Mitchel. People always made fun of me because once I set off the smoke alarm, that’s how hot my shower were. After I got clean and relaxed I stepped out, I rubbed the fog off the wall-clock that was hanging and saw that it was only 10:30 P.M.
“Krystel, I’m sorry about earlier.” Johnny said trapping me in a hug as I walked out of the bathroom.
“I’m glad your back in one piece.” I whispered.
“Yea, but that guy sure does know how to punch… hard.” He sighed pulling away to briefly kiss me.
“Your not hurt are you?” I asked.
“No, the only one that got hurt was Jimmy and that’s only a bruise.” He laughed. “They told me that you want to go home, but I don’t think it’s safe for you and Mitchel.”
“But Omie is going to be there, she and her boyfriend had a fight… I have to go.” I sighed.
“Fine, but I’m staying the night at your place then.” He said. Everyone was in the living room watching TV, Brian was still holding Mitchel, Mitchel was fast sleep curled up in Brian’s chest. And the cutest thing was the Brian was also asleep.
“That is cute.” I giggled nodding towards Brian and Mitchel.
“It is…” Veronica said walking into the room. “Looks like the kids had a long day.”
“We all have, So I’m going to take Krystel and Mitchel home. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Johnny said putting his coat over Mitchel picking him up.
“Whoa.” Brian said as he lifted Mitchel off his chest.
“Shh. Go back to sleep Brian, your cuter.” Veronica laughed cuddling with him on the couch, he softly kissed her forehead and fell back asleep cuddling.
“Goodnight.” I said to everyone, I got hugs and finally made it out the door. Johnny was carrying Mitchel who was wrapped in Johnny’s coat, he softly put him in the back seat of the car.
“So. Omie, who is that?” He whispered turning on the car.
“She’s a big Avenged Sevenfold fan, but also is like a sister to me. She about pissed her self when Brian came to pick us up.” I laughed.
“She’s not going to die when I walk in is she?”
“To me you’re not Johnny Christ, you are my boyfriend.” I whispered taking hold of his free hand.
“To you, to her I am Johnny Christ the bass player for A7X. But she’ll get over it.” He laughed.
“Mummy where are we?” Mitchel asked sitting up.
“Going home sweetie, put on Johnny’s coat before you get too cold.” He rubbed his eyes, nodded and laid back down covering himself with Johnny’s coat again.
“Does that mean I’m his… s-step dad?” Johnny asked glancing back.
“Not if you don’t want to be.” I sighed.
“I think he’s cute, I don’t want him to grow up and have a father like Jacob.” He said tensing up when he said Jacob.
“Mitchel just looks to you as Johnny, he will call you various things from Johnny to meat head.” I laughed.
“If our relationship grows and gets…” I made signals with my hands not being able to find words. “Then you will be his father.”
“That’s a future I can look forward to.” He parked the car beside mine and carefully picked up Mitchel and laid him down in his bed upstairs.
“The guys told me that before Mitchel fell asleep that he had Zacky tell him a story and apparently it was… interesting.” Johnny laughed as he sat beside me on the couch.
“He never goes to bed with out a bed time story.” I laughed. “Usually if I can’t think of one I just pick up a Dr. Suess book.”
“I’m sorry about earlier, that you had to go through that. But for what it’s worth I had a wonderful day with you.” He whispered in my ear.
“And I had a wonderful day with you.” I don’t know why, but Omie popped in my head right as we kissed again. It just hit me that she isn’t here, in-fact I haven’t seen her since I left…
♠ ♠ ♠
** Do you like the new Title of the Story?? Two in My Heart?? I changed it so much haha i think i'm satisfied with this one... **