Somebody Get Me Through This Nighmare

Chapter 1

*Narrator's POV*
He didn't deserve this life. He didn't choose it. They said, when it had happened, that he would get used to it and like it. He never did. He thought about killing himself, but he knew he couldn't. He could never see his family again without them being disgusted about what he had become. They acted like his friends. They weren't.

He sat in his study, dark, velvet curtains drawn against the sun outside. He wanted to see it again, feel the natural warmth of it upon his back like when he was young sitting in the garden devouring a book. But he couldn't. He simply sat in the darkness of his house, which he refused to call home anymore, not ever since his parents died, his drunkard of an aunt abandoned him and since THEY attacked him

He was walking home from the academy he was attending, a writing academy, his grey jacket slung over his back, smiling about the jokes his friends had been making previously in the day. He paused to look at the night sky, when he felt a cold, rough hand cover his mouth. No one heard his muffled screams as he was dragged thru a forest, then all of a sudden in the night sky. His head hit a rock as they landed, knocking him out for a good ten minutes. When he awoke, for a second all he saw was dark, until his eyes adjusted. He looked up and saw a frightening sight. Three people( or so it seemed) standing above him, grinning. He screamed and tried to get up and run, only for one of them to bend down and shush him in his ear. She was beautiful. She had dark red hair flowing sown her back, gleaming white, perfectly straight teeth, and a black silk dress that hung gracefully on her body. The other two were male, one very short and fat, with scruffy brown hair, an unshaven face, scraggly eyebrows, and teeth that hung out his mouth like a mouse. The other one was tall, very neat, soft black hair, green eyes and a slender body that somehow looked strong. He was wearing a black silk suit with a red rose tucked in the front pocket. They looked like they were going to a ball, except for the short little dude.
"Whaaaa.....?" He mumbled, extremely disoriented.
"Shhhh..... it will be okay, just relax." the woman said. the next thing I knew, I blacked out again, only this time I was completely calm....