Maybe God Wanted Me to Be Nothing Special

Pigs is pigs

“would you mind if I eat recess with you?” I asked as we walked down the staires to the
“ah no” he said looking quite surprised
“what was that look for?” I asked
“well I just figured that you’d want to eat with Vince and your friends” he shrugged as
he lead me out the front door
I out right laughed at that, Vince, and my friends! Ha, that was funny.
“what?” he asked in confusion as we sat at a picnick table under a fairly large tree infront
of the school.
“they are not my friends” I snickered, “the thought of being friends with thoes boring
jocks is hilareous”
“oh” he said as he looked at his lap, “I figured that since you’ve spent pretty much all
day with him that you were friends”
“I was only hanging out with him because he was the only person who spoke to me, and
because he attached himself to me like a leach” I explained as I took a bite of my apple.
He laughed, “that’s probably because you’re ‘fresh meet’ and he wants to be the first one
to get with you”
I was disguested by the very thought of it. that was ridicules!
“well its good to know he wasn’t just trying to be a nice guy” I sighed and rolled my
“I’m guessing you’re not too pleased with that” Gerard asked with fake surprise
“no not really” I sighed, “but what can you do, pigs is pigs”
Gerard laughed at that, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard Vince being refered to as a pig”
“there’s always a first for everything” I smiled, I was quite happy that we were getting
along so well.
We continued to talk for the rest of recess until the bell rang and we had to go in for the last class.
When we entered the building we were going in different directions so we waved good bye, but before he was too far away I call out to him.
He stopped and look at me, “yeah?”
“do you want a ride home?” I asked hopefully
he smiled that angel like smile, “sure, thanks”
and with that he walked off towards his next class.
I sighed and smiled to myself as I turned to walk to my Biology class, only to be met with the sight of an overly happy Vince waving and walking towards me.
Oh great, that’s just what I need. A shallow boring jock to make my day better. As if!
“where were you at recess? I couldn’t find you anywhere” he asked as he caught up with me.
“I was with Gerard” I replied simply as we started to walk up the stairs
“oh” Vince said, not sounding too impressed, “did you have a good time?”
“um, yeah I guess” I shrugged, what a strange question, “we had a very nice conversation”
“that’s good” he nodded, he sounded a little jealous now, “well have fun in Bio”
“yeah, thanks” I smiled and waved, I was happy I wouldn’t have to spend the last hour of my day with him.
The last hour went by relatively quickly, and for that I was grateful. I rushed down stairs and out side, hoping that I wouldn’t run into Vince. And I didn’t thankfully.
Gerard came out a few minutes later. He smiled as soon as he saw me waiting by my car.
“very nice” he nodded approvingly
I laughed happily, “I know”
He laughed as we both got in.
“so” I said as I started the car and started to back up, “you’re going to have to tell me where to go”
“I figured” he nodded, “left”
I nodded and went left out of the parking lot.
We had a nice conversation all the way to his house, we really had a fair bit in common.
“well see ya tomorrow” I waved as he got out of the car
“yeah, thanks again for driving me” he smiled
“no problem” I laughed as he shut the door.
We waved one more time before I pulled away, and started to make my way home.
When I finally got home I grabbed my bag and went straight upstairs to my room.
“Dana!” my mom called from, I assumed, the kitchen.
I got back up and walked down to the kitchen, “yeah mom?”
“what took you so long to get home? Did you get lost?” she asked sounding somewhat concerned
“on actually I didn’t, I gave a friend a ride home” I explained as I sat at the kitchen table and watched her stir spaghetti sauce.
“oh good!” she said excitedly, “tell me all about them!”
“okay… well his name’s Gerard, he’s really nice, we like a lot of the same things… umm he’s an amazing artist” I shrugged, “I duno”
“well he sounds nice, I’ll have to meet him” she declared, “well suppers ready”
I nodded and got a couple plates for us.
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