Maybe God Wanted Me to Be Nothing Special

I hate Superman!

It was finally the end of the day, and I was patently waiting in my car for Gerard. My mom had agreed to let me go to his house for supper, so I was pretty stoked.
The buses, along with pretty much everyone except for the teachers, had already left by the time Gerard climbed into my car.
I was horror-stricken when I saw the state he was in. his right eyes was swelling and bruising, he was holding a wad of paper towel to his nose. He had definitely been crying and there was a darkening bruise on his left cheek.
“Oh god Gee, what happened?” I exclaimed, now in full out worry mode
“Jocks decided to ‘teach me a lesson’, or something like that” he shrugged, “can we hurry up and leave now?”
“Oh of coarse” I nodded and started the car, “so what were they teaching you this so called lesson about?”
He shook his head, “I honestly don’t know. I don’t think I’ve said a single word to any of them all year… I only really talk to teachers and… well… you”
I glanced over at him for a second and saw that, on the non-bruised cheek, he was slightly blushing. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute he was, even if he was in hard shape.
“So, I’m surprised the nurse didn’t make you stay until your nose stopped bleeding” I said trying to change the subject to make him more comfortable.
“I didn’t go to the nurse, I went to the bathroom grabbed this paper towel, and came out to the car” he said quietly, glancing down at his lap
I didn’t know what to say to that. He was acting like this was some normal thing he did after school, and that worried me.
We didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride; we just took comfort in the fact that we were with each other. That was all we really needed.
As I stepped out of the car I somehow managed to get my foot caught on the doorframe and fell flat on my face.
“Ow” I groaned as I lifted myself up off the ground
“Are you alright!” Gerard cried as he came around the car and kneeled down beside me.
“I’m fine, I haven’t tripped all day. It was bound to happen eventually” I shrugged as we both got to our feet.
Gerard looked at my throbbing cheek with concern.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” he sighed as he took my hand and led me to the door
“Is it really that bad?” I asked, it didn’t feel too bad. It just stung a little.
He shrugged and pushed the door open, “its probably got dirt in it, and we don’t want your pretty face getting infected, do we?”
“No I suppose not” I shrugged.
We took our shoes off and Gerard lead me to the bathroom. I sat down in the edge of the bathtub, while he got a q-tip and some rubbing alcohol.
“This is going to sting” he said mater-of-factly
“Fantastic” I rolled my eyes as he started to rub the cold q-tip over my cut cheek.
And it hurt like a bitch, just like he said it would.
I hissed and he pulled his hand back in a quick jerking motion.
“Are you okay?” he asked sounding very concerned
I looked up at his face to be meet with his puppy dog eyes; he actually looked like he was going to cry because he caused me that little second of pain.
My body practically ached for him. I just wanted to hold him close and consol him. It hurt to see him even slightly sad.
We stayed silent for some time, just gazing into each other’s eyes, until I finally managed to say:
“I’m fine”
“Oh… good” he nodded and finished cleaning up my cheek
“So, what are we going to do now?” I asked as he put everything away
“Well” he began as he turned and took my hand, bringing me to my feet, “we can grab a snack and watch a movie”
I nodded, “sounds like a plan”
He grinned as he lead me to the kitchen, through a door that seemed to go down to the basement, but once the light was flicked on it was quite clear that it was a bedroom… and it was quite obviously Gerard’s. Everything about it just screamed him.
I went and sat on his bed, as he looked for a movie on his shelf. I lyed back and deeply inhaled. The bed smelled good… like Gerard.
“How does… Adam West Batman sound?” he asked as he stood up holding the movie
“Amazing!” I cried, I loved batman! It was so ridiculously dumb it was funny, and it somehow managed to be good.
Gerard laughed at my enthusiasm, “I didn’t really take you for a batman fan”
I grinned, “psh, I love batman… and pretty much all superheroes. Except for Superman! I hate him with a burning passion!”
Gerard whistled and laughed as he put on the movie and joined me on the bed, “It sounds like you have so serious issues with Mr Kent”
“You seriously don’t want to get me started, I could rant for hours about how much I hate super-fag” I shook my head, even thinking about him hade me mad
“I’ll keep that in mind” he nodded as the movie started.
About halfway through the movie, we heard a door open and shut, and then there were some footsteps coming down the stairs.
“What are you two doin down here all alone in the dark?” a younger boy asked as he walked into the room
“Watching a movie, what do you want Mikey?” Gerard asked with a hint of annoyance
“Oh… who are you?” Mikey asked me
“I’m Dana” I smiled
“Ohhh… so you’re the girl Gerard talks about all the time! Well I’m Mikey” he said happily, “can I watch the movie with you guys?”
I snickered and looked over at Gerard, who was blushing quite furiously.
“No! Now get out of my room!” Gerard cried as he jumped up and chased Mikey back up stairs.
I couldn’t help but laugh at how cute they were. Gerard was still blushing as he returned to the bed
“You talk about me?” I raised an eyebrow, “should I be worried?”
He chuckled, “no, no, its only good things”
I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, “good”
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