Maybe God Wanted Me to Be Nothing Special

The End

Vince didn’t say another word to me all class, which suited me just fine for the first half hour. But after that I started to feel a little bad, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why. He was a complete ass; he deserved to feel let down! Didn’t he?
Vince was the first one out of the class for lunch, which wasn’t too surprising.
I made my way outside to Gerard and I’m normal spot in the front of the school under the tree. He was usually there before me, but today he wasn’t.
I figured he probably had to get something from his locker, or was talking to a teacher. So I sat under the tree and began to eat my lunch while I waited for Gerard. But he never came. I was a little worried, Gerard never skipped out on lunch with me.
I walked back to Bio and took my seat. I quickly noticed that Vince’s things were gone. I figured that was going to happen, I would probably have moved if he hadn’t.
A couple jocks bounded into the room yelling excitedly about how some freak got his ass kicked during lunch. All of that didn’t really catch my attention until they stated that Vince was the one who ‘pounded’ the alleged ‘freak’.
Right then I knew why Gerard hadn’t showed up at lunch and why Vince’s things were gone. Vince had beat up Gerard. I had to check before I started to freak out.
“Hay, um, Josh?” I asked as some more excited kids piled into the room.
“Yeah Dana?” Josh said as he came and sat beside me, Josh was one of those people who got along with everyone, so I wasn’t surprised that he sat beside me.
“Was the kid’s name Gerard? The one Vince beat up I mean” I looked hopefully at Josh, there was always the slight chance that it wasn’t him.
Josh gave me a sorry look, “yeah, I think it was”
“Oh” I let out the breath I was holding, “thanks”
He nodded and went to his seat, not was cheerful as before. When his friend tried to start to happily talk about the fight Josh was quick to tell him off and shut him up.
That made me feel a little better, it was nice to know there were people out there like Josh. The world could use more of them.
The rest of the day seemed to drag on. All I could think about was Gerard. I needed to know if he was okay. So as soon as the bell rang that signalled that we could go home, I ran out to my car and drove home as fast as I could.
I bounded into the house and quickly grabbed the phone. I diled Gerard’s number and waited impatiently for someone to pick up.
“Hello?” Mikey’s voice chimed
“Mikey! Is Gerard there?” I asked quickly
“Oh, hi to you too Dana” he said sarcastically, “no, mum had to take him to the hospital, but they should be home soon-“
“I’ll be over in a few then” I cut him off before hanging up
“Mom!” I called as I rushed to the door
“Yes hunny!” she called from the top of the stairs
“I’m going over to Gerard’s, I don’t know when I’ll be back”
“Okay, drive car-“ she was cut off my the door closing
I quickly jumped into my car and rushed over to Gerard’s.
His mother’s car was in the driveway when I got there, so that meant he must be home now.
I ran up to the door and knocked quickly. And when Mikey opened the door I quickly pushed past him and took off my shoes.
“He’s in the living room” Mikey informed me as he walked there
I tried my best to seem calm as I walked into the room, but failed miserably when I saw him. He was propped up on the couch with pillows, his arm in a cast. His face was badly swollen and he had a black eye. I could also see he had gotten some stitches on the right side of his head.
“Oh god” I said as I made my way to his side and took a seat on the floor
It looked like he tried to smile, but it was more of a grimiest. Which only brought tears to my eyes
“Don’t cry… its not that bad” he said softly as he reached over to me with his good arm and stroked my hear
“Not that bad?” I choked, “not only is it bad its my fault!”
He looked confused, “how is this your fault?”
“Well, you know how Vince was starting to really get on my nerves?” he nodded, “well to get him to stop I told him I was already seeing someone”
He nodded again, “go on”
“Well he then asked who I was seeing… and I said I was seeing you” I got quieter once I reached the end.
He looked thoughtful, “that makes sense… but why would you say it was me?”
I knew he would be mad and hate me for that, though he wasn’t showing it he had to be mad… I did get him beat up, unintentionally, that is.
I really hoped that that wasn’t the case, though it probably was, and I decided to tell him how I really felt about him.
“Well… I guess I said it because, well, I kinda whished it was true” I looked down at my lap as I said it, and whipped away some stray tears.
“Really?” he asked sounding quite, surprisingly, happy.
I looked up at him and mumbled: “yeah”
He, painfully, grinned at that, “you want to be my girlfriend?”
I awkwardly nodded; I was waiting for him to start hysterically laughing now.
“So when do you want to go on our first date?”
That question took be back… he wanted to go on a date with me?
“Seriously?” I asked looking shocked, “I got you beaten up, and you wan to go on a date with me?”
He looked sympathetic, “it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know that Vince would lash out at me. And of course I want to go on a date with you! I’ve wanted to since the day I met you”
“Really?” I asked happily
“Of course” he nodded, “but I think we should wait for my face to go back to normal before we do anything”
I laughed, “that sounds like a good idea”

The End! ^.^
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Thats it! WOO
thanks to andrealynn12 for commenting, and to thoes who subscribed!