The Boy Next Door.

*** On The Dance Floor

Everyone walked in silence as we walked towards the large building with pulsing lights, probably half in fear and half in anticipation. I started to pick up my pace, heels clicking loudly on the pavement. I heard the others scurry to pick up the new pace but I was more concerned of the task ahead, sneaking a 17 year old rock star into the most prestige night club in Brisbane. I slowed my pace as I rounded the corner to the entrance.

I held back my surprise at the sheer number of people waiting in line and continued to walk towards the familiar tall, choppy blond haired door man and the dark burling security guard. I flicked my hair out from the pony tail and strutted my best walk towards Reece, who took one look at me and broke out in a mile wide grin, “Julianne, my sweetheart where have you been?” He cooed in his thick London accent as he unclipped the rope to let me though to him.

I walked towards him with a smirk on my face, “Around but I missed you too much, I just simply had to see you again.” I placed a hand on his thin navy dress shirt and he pulled me closer to him with his hand on my back. I could just picture Joe scowling right now, and he must have been doing something similar.

“I see you have quite the following tonight. What crawled up the one in the leather jacket’s arse?” Reece breathed into my ear making me giggle. I took a step back just to be on the safe side with Joe and playfully hit Reece on the chest.

I reached my hand out and stroked his slightly stubbly jaw line and looked him in the eyes, “Say, it’s cold out here.” I stepped closer to Reece again, still stroking his jaw line, which was obviously making him go crazy, “And if he doesn’t go inside soon, that thing up his arse will be frozen in place.”

Reece threw his head back with a wisp of laughter and reached over to unclip the rope again, “Make sure you see me afterwards.” He whispered into my ear as the others walked inside, Nick walking directly next to Marina, slightly hiding. I just simpered a smile and nodded at Reece, “Oh I will.” I started to walk off but Reece grabbed my wrist and planted a kiss uncomfortably close to my lips, he let me go with a devilish smirk and turned away from me. I took a quick glance at the crowd of girls waiting and heard one of them snarl, “Slut” as I walked inside.


Anna led the way to the club, staying a confident 10 paces in front. Even Joe was having trouble keeping up with her fast pace. My Dior coat was swinging along the back of her legs, which seemed to shimmer in the street lights. I peeled my eyes away from her legs and smiled at Angelica who was gripping onto my arm and gossiping rabidly to Marina who was walking next to her with Nick on her arm.

Sighing I sped up with the rest of the group who were still following Anna. We rounded the corner and saw a stupidly long line of eager people. I was shocked to see that many people waiting, normally these kinds of lines only exist in LA. She furthered herself from the rest of us and pranced up to the blond doorman, who I assumed to be Reece. She lifted her hand and took out her hair in one clean yet seductive movement and flicked it from side to side as she swung her hips towards him. He instantly let her through the ropes and embraced her, his hands falling lower than I was comfortable with on her back. But why was it annoying me? She wasn’t really anything to do with me... in that way at least.

She continued to flirt with the doorman, throwing her head back laughing at something he said and touching his chest and finally stroking his jaw line; making my breath hitch in my throat. I wished it was me she was touching not that creepy guy that was now laughing and unclipping the rope.

Angelica snapped me out of my daze and pulled me towards the entrance but my legs were on auto-pilot as I was still looking sideways at Anne who was starting to move away from the blond doorman. But he grabbed her wrist and attacked her cheek with a distasteful kiss. I noticed her struggle and wanted to go help her but Angelica still had an iron grip on my arm and was steadily leading me inside. I sighed and let myself just follow them.


I quickly scurried inside and was instantly met with the pulsing sound and lights. I looked around for my group but the dull lights meant I could barely see anything, then I suddenly locked onto the tall, curly haired figure of Kevin and I ran over to him and hugged him. He seemed shocked for a moment but then relaxed and hugged me back, “God your cold,” I suddenly felt emotional and took in a gasp of air to stall the tears from flowing. But when Kevin heard my short breath he pushed me back, holding onto my shoulders and studied me careful, “Hey... are you ok?”

I took another shaky breath and nodded, “Yeah, that guy just creeps me out.” Kevin nodded understandingly.

“You and me both.” He removed his hold on my shoulders and grabbed my hand and started to walk towards the stairs, “The others went up here... namely Joe, stormed off in that direction and the rest followed.”

“Aw shit.” I huffed under my breath and we walked up the stairs and Kevin started to walk towards the corner chair and I followed him. I stopped in front of the entrance to the circle padded sofa and glanced at a sulking Joe and my stomach took a lurch but then a grinning Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me around to sit down, in between him and Joe. I was about to lean over and say something to Joe but Nick leaned in to my ear before I could, “Thank you a million times Anna!” He look a glance over at his older brother, “And don’t worry about Joe, he will get over it... in about 5 minutes.” Nick gave me another smile and kissed my cheek, “Thanks again.” and then he shifted over slightly to throw his arm around a laughing Marina.

I sighed and turned towards a still scowling Joe, “So... operation corrupt youngest Jonas, part one ... was a complete success.” I smiled trying to lighten the mood. My plan seemed to work as Joe’s lips curled up in a feeble attempt to stall from laughing. I nudged him in the ribs, “Can I have a hug or something...that guy is a total creep and I feel, well dirty.” I blushed as the last word slipped from my lips because Joe’s humorous smile suddenly turned cheeky and he leaned closer to me with a glint in his eyes.

“Dirty ay...” He slipped his arms around me, with one around my shoulder and the other around my waist and he planted a kiss on my neck, followed by another and another. He trailed them down along my collar bone, underneath of the jacket. He slipped the coat off of my shoulders and continued down my shoulder.

Someone cleared their throat next to me and I swivelled around to see Nick and Marina goggling us. I blushed and pushed Joe away.

He glanced over my shoulder to glare at his brother. If looks could kill... I’m pretty certain Nick would have been on the floor by now. I placed a hand on Joe’s balled fist, that was sitting in annoyance on his right knee, “Do you want a drink?” he asked suddenly while getting up.

“Um sure. I’ll have whatever you’re having.” He nodded at me and took off back down the stairs to where the bar was.

I looked over to Kevin who was watching his brother’s path with raised eyebrows, “We really shouldn’t leave him alone...” Kevin half said to himself.

“Why?” Kevin glanced up at me from under his eyelashes in surprise; I guess he didn’t think I had heard him.

He got up off the chair and sat next to me so that I would hear him clearer, “He’s bound to run into some kind of trouble.” I nodded in understanding and gave Kevin a nudge in the ribs, he looked at me for a second in confusion but then got my drift and went after his younger brother.

I shifted over next to Angelica who like me was now alone, “Do you dance?” I asked leaning into her ear. She nodded back at me and I decided that Joe could come find me with my drink. I got up and extended a hand to Angelica who grinned and got up with a spin. I kicked Nick’s foot as we walked pass and pointed to the dance floor below when his head snapped around to look at us. He instantly shook his head and silently signalled that he would go out later.

I heard Marina’s groan over the thumping music and she sprung up out of the seat while rolling her eyes at Nick. She leaned down and gave Nick a quick peck on the cheek, clearly whispering something that make him nod and get up as well. She attached herself to my free arm and we walked off with Nick behind us.

Nick was obviously going to go and find his elder brothers as he trudged off towards the bar. As long as he didn’t try and buy a drink he should be alright.

Marina pulled me onto the floor with a loud giggle and the three of us winded our way through the packed floor as Kids- MGMT started to blast out from the speakers and the red and blue lasers danced with the base line.

One of the best things about this club was that the people who came here, usually came here to dance. So we were able to pull some more extravagant moves than we usually would. The songs went quickly and before I knew it we were all lost in the music. Touch- Amerie thumped against the walls and a group of attractive guys slowly made their way towards us. I was watching them out of the corner of my eye. But I didn’t see the guy behind me, so when he slipped his hands around my waist from behind I let out a little yelp of surprise. The mystery guy rubbed his hands up and down my arms in a familiar soothing motion. What real harm was just dancing anyway?

I let my body fall into its usual rhythm and pretty soon the two of us where grinding together along with the beat. I turned around and dipped down, when I came back up I saw a smirking Kevin standing in front of me, “Nice moves.” He stated as he took a step back from me.

I blushed fiercely and rubbed my arm with my hand in embarrassment, “Oh sorry. So, um where is Joe?” I looked around for any sign of my Joe but ... there was no sign of him. I turned back to Kevin who was eyeing me peculiarly with his slightly flustered cheeks turned up in a small smile.

“I think the last time I saw him he was being mauled by a frantic girl.” Kevin whispered into my ear over the last few beats of the song. When he leaned away from me I gave him a concerned look and glanced over to the bar, where I still couldn’t see Joe. Kevin gave me a reassuring nod and lifted his hand to point over to the far end of the bar.

I quickly went over to the place that Kevin pointed out and skimmed all of the people sitting on the round bar stools for a short black haired guy. I got halfway down the bar when I found his brother, “Nick...I thought I told you to stay away from the bar.” I hissed in his ear making him jump.

He swivelled around to face me with a guilty smile, “Well you guys left me alone... so what’s a boy to do?” He gave me a sideways wink and turned back to his drink in front of him. I threw a look to the man sitting next to Nick, who just happened to be looking at me with a cheesy smile.

I flicked my hair and turned around to face him, “I hear there are a lot of single girls out there.” I simpered to the random bar stool guy and his eyes lit up at the thought. He turned back to his drink and downed it in one go, then practically flew off his chair and out into the jumping crowd.

I quickly snapped up his now vacant seat, and snapped my fingers nonchalantly in the air, which to my surprise made a bartender slide straight towards me, “What can I get you?” The bright red, gelled back haired barman breathed out, leaning on the bar.

“Whatever your specialty is.” I winked back at him; hey there is no harm in flirting, It gets you free stuff... god... I sound like a cheapskate. I grinned a thanks as he handed me my drink and I started to reach into my hidden dress pocket for some money but he gently placed his hand on my wrist. I looked at him in shock but he just winked at me and mouthed ‘it’s on me’ as he turned to help another customer. I grinned to myself and noticed Nick glaring at me from beside me.

I turned to him, taking a sip of whatever the bartender had made up, “Yes?” I smiled at him innocently.

He looked at me blankly and then broke out in one of his rare toothy smiles and shook his head, “You like it when they chase you don’t you.”

A small laugh escaped my lips, “I used to but now I only use it to get free stuff. And get little ones like you into places like this.” I gestured around me and he gave me a playful punch on the arm and took a sip of his own drink. I held up my glass and raised it in the air, “To being able to flirt your way in and for Jonas.”

He smirked at me and clinked his glass to mine and raised it as he said, “To Australia.” and then finally downed the last of his drink in one gulp with a sour wince, “And remind me not to do that again.”

I giggled at him and downed that last on my drink, feeling the strong combination take a hit on my senses, “Remind me not to let the barman just make what he wants.” I placed the glass back down on the counter then remembered why I was over here, “Hey have you seen Joe?”

Nick gave me another smile but his face fell when his eyes fell over my shoulder. I was about to turn around when he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up from the stool, “Come on! Let’s just go dancing...” he trailed off as I had already turned around.

My breath caught in my throat and I felt paralysed as I witnessed a girl in a white short dress and long red hair move in to kiss Joe... my Joe. I watched as his faced twisted with fear but he didn’t make a move to get out of her way. Pretty soon her lips were attached to him, making my stomach lurch. I couldn’t look at this anymore so I willed my body to move and somehow managed to turn away and shot off into the crowd that was now moving to the sounds of 3oh3’s Don’t Trust Me. I heard Nick shout after me but only just, thanks to the loud noise in which his voice got lost in.

I found myself in the middle of the crowd pretty soon, trying to dance away my frustration. My head was buzzing with the strong alcohol which made me feel like dancing harder and that’s just what I did until the songs slowly faded down to the Fray’s How to save a life.

The couples around me paired up and started a mixture of slow dancing and grinding. I sighed as I looked around, trying to dance along to the sluggish beat.

Just my luck, Marina, Angela or Kevin weren’t anywhere in sight. I decided that I would just go out of the crowd until a better song came on and started to walk out of the crowd with a purposeful jump in my step. The couples shot me evil glares as I pushed past them, I was almost out when suddenly I was gripped on the shoulder and pulled backwards. I ducked around, unlocking his grip on me and gave a feint gasp when Reece grinned back at me.

He sauntered up close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and I let out a hiss of disapproval, “Oh shut up.” He warned darkly looking me dead in the eyes, “If you don’t want your stupid underage friend to get in a shit load of trouble, you will do whatever I say.”

My heart beat faster in my chest and I nodded pitifully, “Ok.” I managed to squeak out.

His face broke into a lop-sided-evil-megalomaniac grin, “First on the list... Dancing.” He grabbed my arms and put then around his neck and he placed his hands back on my waist and ‘Jai Ho’ came on. I tried to play a fake smile onto my lips as he moved my hips with his hands.

I went along with it and thankfully he stopped moving my hips but he then leaned back into my ear, “Second...Grinding.” I shuddered as he pulled back and spun me around so that he was standing behind me. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine Joe standing behind me but then I remembered what I had saw before and I stopped moving.

Reece gave an impatient hiss and he grabbed me which made me stumble backwards into his chest, he wrapped his thin arms around my chest and breathed out onto my ear, “Fine, you want to be difficult then it’s time for the third and final... Kiss.”

My eyes widened as he seethed the word out as more of a threat than a seductive promise. He let me out of his tight grasp only to grab me by the wrist and lock me in, dragging me off out of the crowd. I instantly felt scared down to my core, why would he need to drag me off the floor to just kiss me.

I frantically looked around for a familiar face and saw that we were heading towards the backrooms. This really wasn’t about to end well.

He stopped dragging me along and yanked me into him and threw me against the wall, making sure he had a tight grip on my wrists, while holding them against the wall he positioned himself in between my legs and placed his whole body weight onto mine. I tried to move but I couldn’t so much as squirm under his weight. I let out a gasp for help but his hand quickly covered my mouth, “Shhh.” He cooed as he replaced his hand with his lips. I tried to turn away but his mouth followed me. I released one of my wrists so that he could grip my jaw and turn it back to him.

I used my free hand to continuously hit his chest trying to get him to get off of me. I managed to punch him in the solar-plex which made him step back from me while bending over in pain. He glared up at me and straightened up while stepping back to me, “You really shouldn’t have done that.”

His hand flew threw the air and made contact with my cheek with a sickening crack, “Slut.” He spat at me but I left my head turned from the force of the blow, silently praying that he would be done with me soon.

Next thing I know someone is running towards Reece and planting a fist into his jaw. The mystery person turned around and looked me up and down with familiar doe eyes.

“Are you ok?” Joe asked slowly walking towards me. He was just about to reach out and touch me when Reece spoke up from the floor, “So he’s with you?”

Joe quickly spun around, “Ah yeah I am. And if you so much as lay another hand on her I will make sure you never speak anything but falsetto ever again.”

His slightly childish threat made me giggle, “And what are you going to do if I tell the authorities about your underage pal.” Reece seethed while standing back up.

Joe sized him up and they stood almost head to head, “I’m pretty sure you won’t see... you’re not going to so much utter a word about me or my brothers.”

Reece scoffed thinking that Joe’s claim was spineless, “Yeah and who are you... and your brothers?” he snipped out with thick sarcasium.

Joe didn’t even blink an eyelid he just outstretched his hand with a grin, “Jonas, Joe Jonas.”

I savoured the picture of Reece’s jaw dropping at the name, “My god.” he just took off with a timid glance behind him. I tried to muffle a laugh but Joe caught it and walked back over to me.

He opened his arms and I walked into his embrace, “Nick told me about what you saw and I swear... It wasn’t what it looked like.” I looked up into his very sorry chocolate eyes and whispered a ‘shh’ and leaned up to press my lips to his but he quickly pulled away, “And I’m sorry that you had...” I gave him a glare and pushed a finger to his pink lips.

“Seriously Jonas... when a girl is trying to kiss you, at least attempt to shut up.” He grinned at me and latched his lips onto mine. My whole body shivered with the relief of being back in his safe arms.
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Gosh... sorry about the wait.. but.. you can't say this isn't long! woo! 3783 words!...
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