The Boy Next Door.

House Of Cards

Your house of cards can be destroyed with a gust of wind, protect it.


I woke up rubbing my head painfully. Blind to the world as I dared not to open my eyes, knowing that as soon as I did, I would be painfully burnt with the bright rays of the sun. I felt quite vampire like, but I was cosy and warm and didn’t feel like moving just yet.

A strong set of hot arms curled protectively over my bare skin and my eyes shot open from the shock. I ignored the painful throb of my head as I quickly turned out of the embrace and rolled over trying to get a look at the person who was in my bed.

But I over judged the turn and fell straight onto the hard, floor with a thud. I groaned quietly as I sat up miserably as my head gave a lurch from the movement. I heard a soft chuckle from the bed and I sat up more so I could see over the top of the bed where a smirking Joe was spread out under the royal blue sheets, shirtless as far as I could tell.

He turned his head and looked at me, “You sure have a different approach to hangovers.”

I shot him a disapproving face and placed my hands on the side of the bed, so I could balance myself to stand up. Once I was up, I took a slow glance around the room, instantly realising that this wasn’t my room. I placed a shaky hand to my forehead as some sketchy images of last night came back to me in a flash.

When my eyes trailed back to Joe’s dark body, I noticed something on the side of his mouth that made me snicker, “Looks like you slept well Jonas... Nice drool.” I grinned cheekily but then I remembered the reason that I woke up in the first place. I took a timid look down my body, not caring that I was missing out on the beautiful thing that was Joe Jonas, the Stage God... wiping off his morning drool with that cute amount of blush hitting his cheeks.

No I had bigger fish to fry... I gasped out involuntary as I was greeted by only my underwear. I shot another look to Joe who was looking at me carefully, my head processed the fact that he and I were both very scarcely dressed and I gulped down the nervousness that was building in the back of my throat.

“Um, Joe. Please tell me that you are wearing some kind of clothing.” I pleaded hopefully as he glared back at me, confusion strongly shown by his tightly furrowed brow. But then like a light bulb being turned on he got the picture and took a timid look under the sheets, with a worried expression on his face.

The second that it took him to come back up took an age but his relieved expression clamed my raging mind instantly and I let out a thankful sigh and walked over to the bay window that looked over the sea with an even more impressive view than my house. I heard the bed creak and Joe’s padded footsteps grow gradually closer but I didn’t turn around from the captivating scene of the morning sun breaking softly over the water.

I didn’t gasp when his still warm arms gently wrapped around my waist, I just leant into the embrace and sighed happily when he rested his chin on my shoulder and placed a simple, soft, loving kiss on the bare skin.


I shifted uncomfortably under the weight that was pushing down on my ribs. I groggily opened my eyes, gasping at the sight of Nick lying sideways on top of me.

“What the hell!?” I whispered taking in his dead to the world form in. He looked so peaceful but his weight was squashing the life out of me, so it was time to take action.

I slowly and carefully pulled my hand out from under his chest where he had it pinned and chose my positioning carefully. Nick was only ticklish in two places that I knew of, under the chin and under his arm.

I chose the arm, for two very good reasons, one when Nicholas is tickled he tends to try and bite the person... an amusing but painful bit of information and two Nick was more ticklish under the arm.

I counted three very slow counts and attacked, making Nick jerk awake, “Marrrriiinnaaa... stop iit!” He whined with his eyes still clamped tight, squirming slightly to fall back into his peaceful slumber.

“First get off of me!” I growled as his movement just made him seem heavier.

When his sluggish brain processed what I had just said his eyes flung open to assess the situation. When he realised just what his position was he rolled off me instantly muttering a confused, how on this earth.

“I don’t actually want to know, seeming as I don’t remember even coming back to... wait,” I sat up to look a quick look around the room, “Your house.”

Nick gave me a sympathetic smile and sat cross-legged, in front of me, “That’s ‘cause you fell asleep on the train, I distinctly remember carrying you.” He smirked as he teasingly flexed his muscles.

“Oh take a break Hercules, that still doesn’t explain why you were slumbering on top of me.” Nick shot me a mock-hurt look and waved it off.

“I’m hungry.” He stated simply looking meaningfully at me.

“Oddly enough I am too...” I patted my tummy that was still (thankfully) covered in the dress I had been wearing last night.

He got up and extended his hand to mine, “Shall we?”

“Take me away my prince.” He scrunched up his nose at my cheesy remark, “No seriously I want to see if Joe and Anna’s wake up was just as odd.” I got up off the bed and snaked my arm through Nick’s, straightening out my crumpled dress with the other.

We walked out of Nick’s perfectly clean room (apart from the bed...) and into the photo lined hall. Nick rolled his eyes at me when I stopped to look at one of the many pictures of Nick when he was younger that adorned the wall. This particular one showed a short haired, dimpled pre-double digit Nick in the bathtub, completely naked. Of course the water was coving the most of him, but I still found the image amusing.

“You can stare at me almost visibly naked another time.” Nick huffed grabbing my wrist and dragging me along. But his statement simply made my gutter brain whir into action.

I grinned mischievously at Nick’s back and dug my heels into the floor making us stop. Nick turned around, his cheeks slightly pink from his growing frustration but before he could utter a word I pounced on him and backed him into the wall, “I think you’re ready to lose the almost, Nickky. I will look forward to staring at you in the present then.” I smirked widely as I strode off, leaving Nick to blush his little heart out.

I replayed my brilliant comeback over in my head several times as I trotted down the long hallway. Another baby picture of Nick caught my eye and I let my vision lingered on the wildly curly haired child as I kept walking. Then just as I pulled my eyes back in front of me, I was already colliding with a forest green, plaid shirt.

I thought I was a goner when I felt my usual tumble of balance and the felling of my feet tumbling of each other but this person’s strong, cold hands caught me and pulled me back on balance. I sighed quietly and looked up in to the face of a worse for wear Kevin.

“I get distracted by photo’s all the time.” He smirked as he let me go, “See you downstairs, I just called out Anne and Joe.” With that the eldest brother strode off towards the kitchen.

Dam that Jonas charm, “There you are!” Nick yelled out from behind me, his cheeks still slightly tinged with pink. I sighed inwardly but smiled happily when he placed a soft kiss on my cheek and wrapped his arm around me. Then just up ahead Anne poked her head out of Joe’s room, she looked up and then back down, spotting me she ducked back inside and shut the door.

I looked over to Nick, who was looking at me equally as confused as I felt. Both of our heads snapped back when the door clicked open again, this time revealing a very in need of a shave and crazily bed-haired Joe.

“Morning guys...” He said leaning on the door nonchalantly.

I raised my eye brows at his actions, then the door opened again. This time catching Joe off guard and sending him backwards, landing on his back. He let out a soft, painful groan and Nick walked over to help his brother up while snickering.

“Shut up Nick... it wasn’t that funny.” Joe scolded brushing himself off. He looked back into his room and sighed, “Look I swear they aren’t too small! Come on please... I’m going to die of hunger soon.”

After a few seconds of silence Anne stepped out of Joe’s room wearing what could quite possibly be the tightest jeans in existence. Letting out a long low whistle I asked, “Joe what size are those jeans?”

Joe looked up at me wide eyed and then looked back down mumbling something undecipherable under his breath. I shot him a disapproving look when he glanced up at me from under his long eyelashes, “The truth Joe.”

He attacked me with his puppy dog eyes but I stood my ground, while on the inside I was being turned to mush (he was stupidly good at the puppy dog eyes). But finally he huffed and gave in, “Oh fine... Their girls jeans. Size 6...” He hung his head and Nick burst out laughing.

“Wow you really don’t want to have kids.”

“Shut up Mazz.” He whined pouting fiercely as he stomped away from us, “I’m going to go and find some food.”

“You sure... you know if you eat, you won’t fit into these jeans ever again.” Anne snickered as she followed Joe down the last of the hallway.

Nick smiled at me happily, his mouth still turned up with a smirk and his cheeks slightly red from his laughter. He flung his arm back over my shoulders affectionately and steered us off towards the stairs.

We walked into the kitchen to find the rest of the family seated around the long breakfast bar. Kevin Sr. was seated closest to where Denise was plating up the food and there was a spare seat next to him. Kevin was sitting next to Frankie, who both seemed to be deep in conversation (although Kevin was doing more listening that talking). Anne was next to Joe who had his knife and fork upright in his hands on the bench, “Dam! I feel like I haven’t eaten in a day.” He exclaimed banging his cutlery filled hands on the bench softly, “I want me grub mother!” he animatedly said in a very bad accent.

I took at seat next to Joe and Nick sat on the end of the bench. I looked down the long marble bench and saw Kevin smirking up at us, “Nice of you to finally join us. You sure take sleeping in to a whole new level.”

I furrowed my brow in confusion, “Sorry?”

“You pretty much slept the whole day away. I’m certainly glad I didn’t drink as much as you guys did... who knows if any of the you four would even be home right now.”

I looked at him in speechless shock, silently praying that he was play some sick joke on me. I mean, I can’t afford to have slept through today... I have my Colum due tomorrow , and I haven’t even started it.

I looked around the room, and noticed that the sun visible outside was clearly to the west and slowly becoming lower in the sky. That was just peachy. I looked back up the bench to see Denise eyeing me off with concern, I gave her an apologetic smile and mouthed the words, ‘I have work.’ as I slowly got up off of the stool. I felt the attention of everyone fall on me, I think Elvis even looked up from his crate by the French doors. I gave Nick a soft kiss of the cheek and silently waved everyone goodbye as I walked, quickly out of the kitchen towards the front door.

My stomach gave an angry gurgle but I ignored it with a sigh and stepped outside to make the small trek back to my house. The joys of all joy, Yay... work.


I blinked slowly, trying to get a clear grasp on what just happened. One moment I was getting settled for some food with my beautiful girlfriend and then the next I’m getting a lousy kiss on the cheek and she breezes away without a word. I glance down to my brothers and Anne, giving them a questioning look.
Kevin shrugs and goes back to spearing his green vegetables cautiously, watch out... he might start loathing vegetables next. Frankie gives me a reassuring smile which is odd because he has no clue what is going on and Anne just rolls her eyes at me and sighs while fiddling with the hem of the too tight jeans (although... they do suit her). Joe gives a knowing look, slaps me on the back and takes a gulp of potato that is piled on his waiting fork. I have a helpful family.

I take a last resort and look at my mother, who is walking back from giving Elvis is dinner, a job that is usually mine. Maybe I shouldn’t drink quite so much next time...

“Mummy?” I ask her looking up at her. She gives me a smile and nods her head, knowing what is going through my head.

“She had something with work to do.”

Well that explained a lot, I guess she was on one of her deadlines but she could have told me. I hung my head but lifted it up again when my mother’s hand place a plate of alfoil covered food under my nose and then took my plate away and did the same with it, “Go and eat with her. Keep her company.”

I got up off the high wooden stool and rounded the corner into the kitchen giving mom a tight thankyou hug, “I won’t be home too late.”

I turned around and went to pick up the two plates but my mother’s hand caught my shoulder, “You might want to go have a shower sweetie. I will get this ready for you while you are freshening up.”
I gave her another warm smile and bounced away upstairs.


I let the weight of my head give way as it crashed to the desk top in a heap of defeat. There was no way I would be able to write this AND edit it before the morning and still be alive. I let out a frustrated groan and banged my head down on the desk again for good measure before picking myself up and turning my attention back to my word document that was open. I huffed and hit the keys in a fit of anger towards my writers block. ‘asdoghaewiugbvnwalbgjewhjguw’ now sat happily long the template and the black bar flashed in waiting, almost like it was mocking me.

I groaned as I hit the back key. The key crash disappeared just as a melodical knock sounded at my door. I looked up to see my wet haired mother, in her designer dressing down peeking around the door. I smiled questioningly at her and she took a step inside, “Nick is here to see you... he was just wondering if he would be disturbing you if he came up.”

I grinned at the thought of my saviour and told my mother to send him up. I left my gaze on the door and waited for his curly haired highness to come in. I heard the all knowing squeak of the floor boards and quickly turned back to my Mac Book, attempting to look slightly busy... only to be mocked once again by the black bar.

I heard him softly knock twice and his padded footsteps enter the room, “Hey.”

I turned around in my swivel chair and grinned at his appearance. His hair was still messy but he had fresh clothes on and I could smell his dark smell, like bitter coco, yet it was sweet in my nostrils. His jaw line was slightly dark from the slight stubble that had sprung up over the past day and a half. He was dressed in one of his many flannel blue shirts and white shorts that ended just above his knees, he was also carrying a picnic basket, which I eyed off curiously.
“What’s in the basket Nick?”

He smirked at me and walked over to the bed, which he sat on cross legged, “Food for my love. But she doesn’t get it until her piece is written.”

I groaned out loud and shot Nick an angry look, “But I can’t write this without revealing a little something about you!”

His eyes went wide and he walked over to my side and peered at the heading, “Well you don’t have to give them our address, why don’t you just use the rumours that you have heard. Last time I checked this city was crawling with them.”
I sighed and nodded in agreement, “Yup, the paper get a ton of calls every day from rabid fans wanting a piece of... well mainly you and Joe...”
A short laugh came from Nick as he walked back to the bed, “Don’t tell Kevin that. Now WRITE!”
I rolled my eyes, secretly enjoying how Nick was being all controlling, very sexy. My smirk dropped away when my gaze fell back on the screen. The title was mocking me with my own name on the bi-line. The little black bar was tormenting me with its unrelenting flashing. I sighed and went on with the gruelling work... letting the words work freely from the tips of my fingers.

I relaxed back in the chair and silently waved Nick over. He came quickly and stood over my shoulder silently reading.

by Marina Nutini.

Has the once simple town of Redcliffe found its calling with rumours of various big names taking up residence. Pink!, Kate Blanchett, Robert Pattinson, Chris Martin (front man of Coldplay), Bob Evans, John Butler, Josh Pyke, Jason Mraz and Zac Efron have often been seen walking the streets of our humble town

Now rumoured to be joining the ranks are the international stars, Jonas Brothers. This latest rumour has certainly sparked a lot of interest from the other, younger residents. So my advice to the trio keep those disguises handy and keep your whereabouts low key.

So with all this celebrity development what is in store for our quaint little city? Will we become the next Surfers Paradise? Are we destined to fail?
People of Redcliffe this week I am asking you where you want our city to go.

I smiled happily at what I had written, skimming over it again and again to try and find any little mistake. Nick’s low whistle pulled me out of writers mode and I looked up at his impressed face, smiling, “So what do you think?”

Nick smirked mischievously, “Does Kate Blanchett really live here? Cause I’m like her biggest fan...” I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful whack on his arm. He laughed, “No it is good. I like your advice.”

I smiled and read over my article one more time before hitting the print button. Then I swivelled around to face Nick but I froze when I saw that he had set out the floor with all the food. The blue and white checkered picnic blanket was spread out with two plates neatly set out, filled with a very delicious looking meal. He had also lit a circle of my scented candles around the outside and there was a beautiful white and pink hibiscus in the middle of the blanket.

I slowly got up and walked over to the fantastic setting, feeling very special that he would do something this brilliant for me, when he could be home sleeping, something that I would love to be doing right now, “Seriously Nick... this is great.”

He looked at me with an odd expression, “A room picnic is brilliant?”

“No... you are. I mean it’s 9 o’clock, you could be enjoying some time with your family but you’re here with me, waiting around for me to write an article that could possibly result in your house being surrounded by hundreds of screaming girls.”

“Only hundreds... we got thousands in LA.” I rolled my eyes again at his remark, “Look you mean a lot to me and as far as family go, you are a major part of my life and they all know that. To them you already are family.”

My heart fluttered with adoration, I felt the words I have been wanting to say to Nick slowly rise in my throat. I looked up at him from my dinner cautiously, “Nick...”

He looked up with a smile, “Yeah Mazz?”

He was looking into my eyes fiercely, full of expectation. This was no time to back out now, I had the perfect opportunity to make my move. I took a deep breath, not breaking the intense connection that we had, “I...I love you.”

His face broke out into a wide grin, he shifted closer. His hand caught the side of my face and pulled it towards him softly. I could see the dark shadow of his stubble across his face and smell his intoxicating sent. I felt completely engulfed in his presence, I felt more in love with him then I ever had.

He stayed silent for a few more moments, then he pulled our faces closer so that our lips were just about to meet, “I love you completely and utterly.”

My heart gave another flip and missed a few beats as his soft, perfectly kissable lips cascaded onto mine, his stubble brushing roughly over my skin. The kiss was sweet and deep and full of feeling, something that was usually lacking from our kisses. When we broke apart he pushed his plate out of the way and scrambled over the blanket, settling in front of me.

He wrapped me up in his arms and I settled into his chest. We sat there cloaked in the sweet feeling till the moon was at its peak in the sky.


I woke up the next morning feeling groggy but extremely happy. I highly recommend confessing your love to someone, it really boosts the energy. I got ready for work quickly, dressing in my usual work clothes, a black skirt with a pretty, yet business like white blouse.

I got to work right on time, and unusual feat for me... and I felt brilliant. I had a kickarse article, which was boyfriend approved. Nothing could bring me down from this fantastic high. Nothing.
I set up the reception desk carefully, slowly unpacking my laptop, sorting the notes for today’s errands and retrieved my article from the depths of my bag. Once I was content with the desk I got up and walked confidently to Mrs. Cullen’s door. I smiled down to the piece of paper in my hands and lifted my free hand to knock on the large wooden door but just as my fist was about to touch the door, “Marina darling! So glad you have come, do step inside we have a pressing matter that must be seen to.”

I hated it when she got all freakishly physic on me, but I brushed it off and carefully turned the brass handle, opening the heavy door with a creak. I smiled at Mrs. Cullon meekly, wondering what she had to talk to me about, but when I saw that her face was emotionless, I knew something was fishy.

She silently gestured to the vacant green-blue leather seat and I instantly obeyed her command, “So I wrote that article. I had to fish around for the right sources but I’m happy with the outcome.”

She just glared at me silently and extended her hand for the document. I sheepishly slipped it over to her and as soon as it was in her grasp she snatched it back towards her and instantly started to read it over. She let out a loud hrmf and threw it down onto her bench, “So there is still isn’t cold hard fact about the Jonas Brothers in Redcliffe?”

I gulped down hard, “ Not that I know of?” Yeah ok the reply was weak, but the woman scared the living bejebus out of me and when she was this I was in a worse state than Ron Weasley in Aragog’s nest.

Back in reality, my editor was staring down at me with her hard, golden eyes, “So... you haven’t seen them around. Bumped into one while heading over to the local Coles?”

I hesitated, feeling the rush of anxiety rush through my veins and the feeling of my heart pounding in my chest, “No, I think I would remember.” I let out a small smile at how even my voice had came out but that changed in an instant when Mrs. Cullon let out an odd sigh.

“Well I applaud your obedience to them. But cut the crap Ms. Nutini.” I looked up at her, my face thick with a mixture of fear and confusion, “What’s wrong Marina? Suffering from a bout of amnesia, how about I jog your memory with these?” She spread out a fan of pictures on the desk and I gasped when I saw several pictures of me and Nick at the golf course, walking Elvis, jogging and the one on the far left was of us... kissing.

You know how I said that nothing could bring me down from this high? Yep... hope you’re hungry Marina... because it’s time to eat your words!

“That seems to have refreshed you Marina. Now give me one good reason not to fire you!”
♠ ♠ ♠
hello Dears :)
Sorry that it has been.. over a MONTH!... gosh!... thank heaven of Kevin,....oh and school holidays :)
See you at the next one!