The Boy Next Door.

Meeting The Boy Next Door

Meeting the Boy Next Door.

I was still a few weeks away from starting Uni.
So I took my sweet time lounging on the beach, reading and walking before I was stuck in a tight rut of travelling and school. I woke at 4 30am, I don’t know why but ever since I was 5 or 6 I can never seem to sleep in past 5.
At times it gets annoying but on days like today, it’s well worth it.
I walk out to my room’s balcony that overlooks the Bay and Morton Island.
The already warm, summer morning sun hits my face with heat and it dances over the water.

I look down to the extensive beach below and see a guy, who appears to be my age sitting on the beach and watching the waves come to the shore.
Funny, I’ve never seen him round here before. I turn and look at my wall clock, 4:57. It was kind of early still but you know that’s people.

I go and get dressed in blue short-shorts and a black tank with built in holes. I grabbed my iPhone and headed to the kitchen to grab an Up’N’Go.

After I downed it I headed out the back door and onto the beach. I jogged barefooted along the line of breaking waves to the sounds of Angus & Julia stone. I watched my feet pounding holes in the sand, one after the other and repeating. I was watching them so intently that I didn’t notice the guy who I had seen on the beach before coming out of the water.


Our bodies collided. I ungracefully fell backwards with the force of the blow and he landed right on top of me.

We laid there stunned for a few seconds looking into each other’s eyes. His were a brilliant colour of hazel and his hair was jaw length and dark brown like mine.

Then out of nowhere his face was engulfed in a cheeky smile. “This place just got SO much better.” He said with a velvety voice as he lent down, closing up the already small gap between our faces. Then his soft lips met mine and wow! What a kisser. His lips expertly moulded against mine breaking them from shock so that they moved with his.

My hand instinctively reached up and grabbed onto his thick hair as I kissed him back. His tongue then came out and gently traced my closed lips, urging them to let him in. Well I for one didn’t need to be asked twice. I split my lips, expertly getting a quick gasp of air in and met his tongue with the tip on mine. He seemed surprise by my reply but it only made him more eager. I could tell that this boy had done a lot more than just kiss a girl before, I liked that.

While the kisses became more passionate hands started to roam. Mine were admittedly the first to move from their attentive place, they had grown tired of hair and merged down his bare back. His back was very muscular and smooth. When he felt my hands move his did the same, his had become entwined in my hair. He moved one down my side and slid it under my back pushing me closer to him. Then I heard a wolf whistle, and we both stopped and looked towards the culprit.

It was another guy, slightly younger with very curly hair in the same shade as my...kisser. He was shaking his head and motioning for the guy on top of me to come. “Come on, mum says its breakfast time!”

The boy on top of me quickly got off me and offered me a hand up. Once I was up he kissed me chastely on the lips and said “See you ‘round.” As he walked away.

I stood there stunned for a long time, and then I shook my head and continued on my run. ‘Who was he? And who was that other guy, a brother?’ I had a strange feeling I knew who it was; I mean he did look familiar. So when I finally got home I raced straight to my laptop.
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Kind of short sorry!!!