The Boy Next Door.

Meeting Nick.


I kind of felt bad just ditching Anne like that but this boy is just too good to pass up. I walk over to him and sit down next to him. It’s time to make a move...come on Marina, you can do this!

I clear my throat silently and lean over towards him. “Hi, I’m Mazz.”

He turns to look my way, his head of curls bobbling as he turns, “Oh hi, I’m Nick.” He smiles at me and moves a bit closer. “You a local?”

Ooh! He’s making conversation!

I nod my head, “Yep, I take it your new here.”

“Is it that obvious?” He sighs and then suddenly gets a cheeky grin, “But you know I could do with a tour guide...”

“Really, how strange. I do tours, if you’re the right kind of guy.”I grab a strand of my long dark hair and twirl it in my finger.

His face lights up at me and he leans in close to my face, “Am I the right kind of guy?”

I nearly squeal in excitement, “Definitely!” Just as I finish my reply the already small gap between our faces closes completely. As soon as our lips met my mind started swimming, he was an amazing kisser. So soft yet fierce, he took little pecks at my lips and brushed my top lip with his tongue. His warm hand was snaking its way into my hair so I let mine do the same. Once I get on a roll, I get a lot more confident with my kissing.

I soon found out that he was happy to kiss me like that forever, but now it was time for me to take it to the next level. I pulled him closer with my hand in his hair and ran my tongue across his closed lips. He gasped at the contact of my tongue but gleefully welcomed my turn of confidence. Once his lips had parted the kisses became much more passionate, and the hands wanted to roam. His free hand slid off my shoulder and down my side to where my dress was scrunched up. It ventured up inside and rested onto my back pulling my closer.

If he was going to go under there, then so was I. I snaked my hand down along his side and ran it up under his shirt. His side was surprisingly muscular and so was his back. His skin came out in goose bumps at the feel of my touch but this only made him pull me closer.

Then suddenly he stopped and hoarsely whispered in my ear, “Wait, what’s your name?”

He sat upright again but looked at me intently. “Marina Nutiuni,” I replied catching my breath.

He smiled at me for a second then leaned back in and velvety said, “Nice to meet you Marina, I’m Nick.” And our lips met for the second time.


After our little rumple in the sand, I told Joe I would like to go back to the party and check on my friend Marina. He nodded him head in agreement and muttered something about his brother still being there too.

We walked back with sand crunching under our bare feet and my head tucked neatly under his protective arm. It felt strange only knowing this boy for barely 2 days and already I felt so comfortable with him.

We rounded the point and the high bonfire flames met our eyes with glee. We walked a little faster, both wanting to find the others companions. But when we got within 10 metres of the flames Joe suddenly stopped making me stop too. I turned my head up to ask “WHAT?” But before I could say anything of the sort he was pointing to a secluded area where the fire’s light did not reach.

I squinted to try and see what he was pointing at when I recognised Marina and the curly haired boy that she stalked out before, getting quite comfortable. But how did Joe know that she was my friend? He hadn’t met or probably seen Marina before, so that must mean that...

“That’s your brother...” I asked in a whisper.

“Yep but it looks like I didn’t need to worry about him, who is that girl with him? Oh and where do you think your friend would be?” Joe whispered back with a large grin taking up most of his face.

“Oh... I think she’s fine, you know she’s got her hands full at the moment anyway...” I trailed off seeing that Joe was catching my drift.

“Marina!?!” He whispered in surprise, “I’ve said it before, but this place just keeps getting better.” He then wheeled us around to go in the opposite direction but I had to be getting home.

So I quickly whispered, “Got to go sorry,” and chastely kissed him on the lips, saying “See you round.” As I lightly jogged back home feeling light headed.
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Forgive me!
:P The next M&N will be longer! I promise