The Boy Next Door.

And a good Morning to you too...

I was walking in dense forest looking for something unknown when I was shaken into consciousness by my mother’s hands.

“Oh for budda’s sake ANNE! WAKE UP!” She yelled into my ear as I moaned,

Gosh she was loud, “What do you want?” I asked groggily as I sat up rubbing my tangle of hair.

“Sorry dear, I know you two got in late, but there is a scrumptious boy at the door for you.” I sprang into action at the word boy, there is a selection that it COULD be, but I bet I knew just who it actually was.

“Ok, well up tell him to get his arse up here.” My mother gave me a warning look at the word arse but let it slip and raced out the door to summon the “boy”. I hadn’t changed out of my clothes when I got it last night and-

Wait my mother said two... I looked around the room and my eyes locked onto the sleeping form of Marina. Huh, she must have crashed here after. Oh well.

I got up and covered Marina with my blanket and before I had time to do anything with myself, a feint knock on my door frame sounded. I turned and saw exactly who I was expecting, Joe Jonas.

I smiled at him widely and he returned the smile as he walked over to me. I pointed to Marina and started to walk out onto the balcony. He caught my drift and eagerly followed me.

“Hi,” He said sheepishly as he shut the sliding door behind him.

“Hi,” I said once again rubbing my hair with tiredness. “Ok, firstly what is the time?”

He looked confused but then looked at his watch on his wrist, “Um, 6am?”

Dear god! I moaned and looked at him with a fierce glare that made him flinch. “No offence, but what on earth do you want?”

“Yes, good morning to you too...” he chuckled as he leaned against the railing and looking down. Making his already straightened locks fall over his tanned skin. God why did this boy have to be so gorgeous.

“Look sorry, just I don’t like being woken up.” I said averting my eyes from his torso as he looked over to meet my eyes.

“Well, I should be apologising, I hate it too. But I was just wondering if you would be interested in coming over to mine for breakfast. My mum wants to talk to yours and bring
Marina; I want to see Nick’s reaction.” He said the last part with the most evil and cheeky grin I have ever seen.

I let a little laugh escape my lips, “You love making fun of your brother’s love life don’t you.”

He smiled at my dig at him, “Oh Anne, it’s what I live for.”


Joe went back down stairs to talk to my mother, god help his dammed soul. Once my mother gets talking about anything, you’re stuck until you either fake a death or actually die. I on the other hand had the easy task on waking up Mazz.

Unlike me, she sleeps as light as a feather. A trait that is both annoying and handy. I clicked my fingers over her ears and her eyelids flittered open looking at me with new eyes. She always did that, I have to say she looked like a new born seeing you for the first time. But sadly it never lasted long, “SHIT ANNE, what is the time!!!” she gracefully said as she sprang to her feet. “The boys have invited us over for breakfast. So get your butt moving.” I said looking coolly back at her. Judging from her messy appearance, I highly doubted mine would be any less wild.

My predictions were clarified when I stepped into my bathroom. My shoulder length black hair looked like it had been hit by its own personal tornado. But apart from that my clothes were tangled and my bikini was almost flashing my boobs, oh dear lord, no wonder he was smiling so much.

I ran a brush through my hair, thankful for my naturally straight hair and rushed over to my wardrobe to pull out a white tee (that had a garden hoe saying, “Can you dig it?” to a shovel and the shovel replying “Shut up hoe!”) and a pair of bright blue skinny jeans, with my drawn on purple converse.

When I was happy with how I looked, I rushed down stairs leaving Marina to do what she had to in my bathroom. When I got to the kitchen I found Joe and my mother having a heated discussion about hair straighteners. I coughed suggestively to announce my presence but neither of them noticed.

Wow this boy really felt strongly about his hair. Couldn’t help but let a snicker out of my lips as I sat down on the breakfast stool. Joe noticed my presence and gave me a cheeky wink, I usually hated winks but this guy made them look sexy as hell.

“You know I had a woman once who wanted her pubic hair done...” My mother began. Shit I would have to stop her before she launched into a graphic story. Luckily I was saved by one very hung over Marina who stumbled down the stairs, “K, can we go have breakfast now Anne?”

I smiled at her and nodded as I got up, I looked at Joe who was eagerly listening to the pubic story, dear god I had to save him from being scared for life. So I grabbed his wrist and pulled him in towards me, unfortunately I miscalculated my own strength and he flew right into me; making the both of us fall to the ground with him on top of me, something which we were making a habit of.

He laughed hard so that his eyes were scrunched up, “Watch the packaging Anne!” He said with a cheeky twinkle in his eyes as he helped me up. After I had brushed myself off I set off with Joe, Marina and my Mother to the Jonas household.


Marina and Mum walked out in front while Joe and I walked arm in arm towards his house.

When we reached the back door they went straight inside the large French doors; I was about to follow Marina inside when Joe pulled me back, “Hey listen I’m sorry about waking you up. Um, you should probably know that Nick isn’t my only brother I have two other siblings.” He said almost apologetically. “All guys.”

Wow four brothers, wait my mother had told me about this, “Yes strangly I know. Correct me if I’m wrong but there is Kevin who is 21, you, Nick who is 16 and Frankie who is 8?” He looked at me oddly, “Ok, how on this earth do you know all that!”

I gave him a smile and turned to go inside, “One of the perils of having a highly wanted hairdresser for a mother.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took forever to update, School started again :(
one will be comming soon, but i will work harder if you ask!!!!!!