The Boy Next Door.

A Very Jonas Breakfast!

You know the feeling you get when you meet someone and you just go all shy. Well the moment I walked in that house I got hit with a sense of awe, it was larger than mine but I’d already known that, the house was mainly white and very modern. I stopped walking when I came to a room with a giant sky light as the roof and windows lining one wall, I heard Joe’s deep chuckle as he saw me.

“You know most girls would be squealing their heads off about even being in this house but you, you’re shocked plenty but not by us but by the architecture.” He said as he grabbed my hand, standing next to me.

“Well, you should know... I’m not like most girls.” I gave him a cheeky smile and he pulled me towards what I suspected was the kitchen.

The kitchen was huge, I mean gigantic. My reaction to it earned me another Jonas chuckle but this time it was from a curly haired, paler boy. “Hi, I’m Kevin.” He said with a slight twang in his voice and extended his hand, “Joe has told me a lot about you...” I raised an eyebrow at Joe, funny I didn’t think he knew anything about me.

Joe gave me a sheepish smile, hrm... I needed to talk to him about sharing too much with his brothers. “Well I’m sure you know I’m Anne, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I said meeting his hand.

Joe then led me out side to the balcony where Mom, Marina and what I suspected was the rest of the Jonas clan... No wait, where was Nick?

Joe took me to a chair and pulled the gentleman routine of holding it and pushing me in; before he took a seat next to me, “Where is Nick?” I whispered to him.

He gave me a puzzled look and looked towards his mother, “Mom, where has Nicky got to?”

The woman who I suspected was Denise looked up from her intense discussion with my mum, “Don’t you remember Joe? Nick had that vide-view this morning; he will be down in a little bit.” After smiling lovingly at Joe she turned to me, apparently noticing me for the first time. “Oh, you’re Anne?” I nodded, “It’s wonderful to meet you, and I know Joe has taken quite a liking to you but I can really see why, I must say you are beautiful.” I blushed at her lovely comment.

“Thank you Mrs Jonas.” I gushed,

“Please call me Denise. Breakfast will be ready in a minute.” She said giving me the same loving smile she had given her son and turned back to my mother who was looking at me with wide eyes.

I turned and looked at Joe who was looking at me with a soft smile on his lips, “Don’t worry she likes you.” He said with kind eyes as he brushed my hair out of my eyes. “Ah!” he whispered with excitement, “and queue Nick Jonas.”

I glanced up and saw the 2nd youngest brother coming into the kitchen; I must admit I really wanted to see this. He opened the French doors and walked onto the floorboards and sat down without looking at anyone that was sitting around at that table. Joe had clearly planned this out because Marina was sitting opposite to nick; Nick could clearly feel my gaze on him because he looked up at me, his eyes widening as he recognized me but his gaze quickly moved to Joe and he gave his brother an ‘Oh nice’ Glance.

I would have given Joe a glare but I didn’t want to miss anything; Nick’s eyes gave another sweep of the table, clearly checking for any other visitors. He showed no reaction to my mother but then he finally spotted Mazz.

He went ghostly pale, he looked exactly like a stunned possum in head lights. I have to say Marina didn’t look much less, I wonder what happened between them after I left. I hadn’t had time to talk to Joe about that yet. I would have to ask him later for sure.

I was surprised when ghost boy here talked, “Wow, it’s great to see you again.” He said as his face gained colour.

“Um, yeah. Look sorry if you want me to go I will, I don’t want to intrude.” Mazz said as she started to get up out of her chair, I was about to interview but Nick beat me to it,

“NO! I really want you to stay,” He said with a shy smile, “I was just worried I wouldn’t see you again.”

What’s this? He’s going all shy? What happened to the outgoing guy I saw last night, going all out with Marina. I couldn’t stop a smirk from spreading on my lips but unfortunately Joe saw it and looked strangely. I didn’t want to even try to explain, not here at least so I was very happy when the buffet they called breakfast arrived on the table.

I sat and just watched Joe and everyone else dig in to the spoils of breakfast, I didn’t know if
I could eat, I was just too full of butterflies to even start. Joe noticed my lack of enthusiasium and leaned over to my ear and whispered, “You’re not hungry? Don’t you like anything here?” Stroking a hand down my neck; giving me Goosebumps.

Did he really just do that in front of his family? I couldn’t find my voice to answer him so I shook my head, “Then what is it?” He whispered with his soft lips touching my ear and his hot breath tickling my skin.

GOD this guy... I raised my hand up so that I could push him away from my ear, “I’m just a bit nervous I guess.” He looked at me with the cutest expression I have ever seen and nodded at me.

“Let me finish up here and we can go up to my room,” His speech was cut off when he saw my quizzical expression when he said ‘go up to my room’, “No, err... I didn’t mean, you can eat up there away from anyone that makes you nervous.”

I was surprised at his invitation, “Yeah that would be great.” I smiled at him almost as lovingly as his mother had and watched him as he finished his meal off.

Joe had piled 3 pancakes with syrup, ice-cream and fresh fruit and excused the both of us from the table. He led me up the white spiral staircase and into a large open room with a rather oversized bed and a balcony.

He walked over to the bed and sat down, laying the plate of my breakfast on the floor. He patted the spot next to him, telling me silently to come and sit down. I don’t know why but I hesitated, I just couldn’t find the momentum to walk over to the bed.

Joe looked at me with hurt in his eyes but he tried to joke, “Come on I don’t bite, you weren’t this hesitant last night.” He jiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I couldn’t help but laugh.

I shook my head a bit and started to walk towards the bed, ‘This is stupid, I’m never this nervous.’ I thought as I paused half-way to the bed. Then I suddenly got an idea.

I started to stalk slowly towards the bed, attempting to look like a tiger. His eyes grew wide at first but then a large smirk engulfed his face as I grew nearer, he stood up and strutted to meet me, “Easy there tiger.” He said with a husky voice as he cupped my face in his hands,

I couldn’t help myself I let a purr out of my lips and watched his increasingly goofy grin spread even more. His hand gently pulled my head towards his, closing the gap between our lips.

When our lips brushed against each other it was like an electric shock was running through my body, I’d never felt such a feeling before and it was amazing. I think he felt it too because he kept on running his lips over mine again and again. Just as he started to put more pressure into the kiss a conspicuous cough came from the door (you know the kind someone does if they want to get your attention). I gasped and took a step back from Joe; spinning around to see who it was, I just hoped it wasn’t Denise.

I let out a sigh when I saw Kevin standing in the door way with a rather amused look on his face.

“Oh god, how long have you been there?” I asked slightly scared of the answer.

He just looked at me and turned to exit the room but before he left, he let out a purr. Oh great, Joe’s brother had seen basically everything. I turned back to see Joe shaking his head and holding my breakfast.

I was still blushing from when I heard the cough so I went outside to sit on the balcony. To my joy, Joe didn’t follow instead he walked out of the room and went off in the same direction as Kevin; clearly he wanted to talk to Kevin.

So I just sat down onto the chairs and set my plate on the glass table and dug into my breakfast.

I was shoving the last piece of soggy pancake into my mouth when I noticed Joe was back in his room. He was rummaging in his set of draws, frantically looking for something unknown to me. I think most people might feel offended being left alone, but I felt perfectly content and special being left in his own private place.

I watched him as he found what he wanted (which was something in a small green material bag) and raced out of the room back the way he left the last time. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be graced with his presence for a little while yet so I walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen, which was deserted and left my empty plate in the sink and then I went back up the spiral stair case and to my spot on the balcony.

Joe’s view was so much more spectacular than mine because his room was higher up and didn’t have any trees. I leant on the blue metal railing and climbed onto the lip of concrete, noticing that the roof had a 3 metre wide horizontal space that was free.

I glanced around the area and spotted a square hole that my foot could fit in and a groove on the roof I could grasp. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to see if I could get up, seeming as Jonas was taking his sweet time.

I moved the chair across so that it was positioned underneath my foot hole. I stood on the chair, slid my foot in the hole, grabbed the lip, jerked myself up and slid up until I was safely on the space. The breeze is very strong up here and the morning sun is hot on my face. Then I heard the sliding glass door open and shut again. I got up on all fours and crawled to the edge where I saw a very confused looking Joe Jonas, he was probably thinking I had gone home. I leant down and placed my lips up to his ear and quietly purred; when he heard the purr he instantly turned around making me almost topple off the roof.

His hands grasped my arms and helped me get back safely on the edge, “Holy mother of god Anne! You scared the shit out of me.” I looked at him weirdly; did he just swear?

“I thought Jonas’s didn’t cuss.” I said as I crawled back over to the spot where I had gotten up here.

“Well you scared me so I’m sure the big guy upstairs won’t mind.” He said as he slid over to where I was getting down, “This was the last place I had expected you to be. When I came out I thought you had jumped off the edge to avoid being bored anymore.” He grinned as he held out his hand and I slid my foot in the hole, edging down onto the chair. “Speaking of which, how did you get up there?”

I jumped off the chair and temporally lost my balance but his strong arms reached out and caught me. I looked into his chocolate eyes, “I have my ways Jonas.” And I lent up and gave him a peck on the nose at which his nose crumpled with ticklishness.

I started to pull back from his grasp because I was starting to feel strange but his hands caught my face and held it in place as his lips mashed onto mine. I suddenly became light headed and I started to get dizzy as his kisses became more lustful and deep. He was tilting our body’s backwards so that my back was bent and he laid a couple of soft kisses on my neck and collarbone and back to my lips, then I felt my body start to go heavy and I was losing feeling in my legs...this couldn’t be good.

Next thing I knew I was waking up on a very comfortable bed with several people leaning over me.

“Anne? Can you hear me? Anne?” came from various voices I couldn’t quite make out.

“Yeah...” I managed to say with a gruff voice I didn’t recognise as my own.

“Oh thank god,” Said a relived voice I recognise as my mother’s. “Honey Joe said you just feinted in his arms, did you forget to take your medicine?”

“Medicine?” A confused Joe said from my other side

“Didn’t she mention she is a diabetic?” Mom said as I fluttered my eyes open to see blurred
faces around me.

“What type?” asked a figure that looked a lot like Nick.

“One, type one.” My mother replied looking at nick suspiciously.

“Dosage?” Nick asked again but it was useless to ask her because she didn’t know.

“100 mg but what does it matter? It’s not like you just have it lying around here...” I said attempting to sit up but Joe pushed me back down gently and whispered, “Nick is a diabetic, type one.”

Before I could process anything Nick was back in the room with a needle of Insulin, he proceeded to lift my shirt up and inject the insulin, “Hey thanks Nick,” I gasped out as I felt the insulin taking affect in my blood stream.

“No problem Anne, you should invest in an omnipod like me, they save all of this stuff from happening all the time.” He said with a smile as he exited the room, leaving me and Joe alone again.

I sat up without being pushed back down, I looked at Joe who was watching my every move carefully, and I guess he was used to having a diabetic around. “I’m so sorry Joe.” I said looking down, no guy ever wants to know me after they find out I have diabetes, so I guess it was time to face the music.

“Why would you be sorry? I’m used to Nick having random attacks but I have never had someone feint from me kissing them.” He grinned wildly as he ran his fingers through my hair gently.

“Oh I bet you loved that, I bet you felt real macho.” I smiled back at him, feeling almost back to normal again. “So you don’t want to never see me again? I haven’t officially freaked you out?”

He looked at me with a furrowed brow, “No, why would you think that?” His hand reached out and stroked my cheek, “A: I’m used to people randomly feinting and B: I’ve never felt this way about someone before.”

I felt my cheeks rush with an embarrassed flush at which he ran his hand along my cheeks, “I love it when you blush, it’s so very cute.” He said looking at me with intensity and when I didn’t say anything he grabbed my chin and moved closer to my face, “I mean it; I think I’m falling for you Anne. I don’t care if you have diabetes or anything; I just want you to be with me.”

I looked at him with wide eyes as he pulled out the green velvet bag out of his jean’s pocket, he tipped it upside down and out slid a small silver ring detailed with an intertwining vine onto his palm. He picked it up with his fingers and glanced up at me from underneath his long eyelashes, “Anne, will you be my girlfriend?”

“Anne likes offering, I think I can make this work.” I said with a smirk as he grinned at me. He pushed the ring onto my right ring finger and leaned in to kiss me.
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